Reverse Dependencies of better-apidoc
The following projects have a declared dependency on better-apidoc:
- added-value — Sphinx extension for embedding values extracted from Python modules
- ai4scr-athena — ATHENA package provides methods to analyse spatial heterogeneity in spatial omics data
- ai4scr-data-utility — Utilities to harmonise data workflows
- ai4scr-scQUEST — scQUEST package
- ai4scr-spatial-omics — Installable spatialOmics package
- asq — LINQ-for-objects style queries for Python iterables.
- cnewtonprop — Cython implementation of the Newton propagator for QuTiP Qobjs
- edflow — Logistics for Deep Learning
- embellish-folder — Embellish a folder icon
- eugeroic — Prevent your computer from sleeping
- garm-rate-limiter — Rate Limiter for Flask
- img2segy — A tool for converting images to SEG-Y
- intentionally-blank — A tool for indentation in text files
- kontakt — Foundation for adding extensibility to Python packages.
- krotov — Python implementation of Krotov's method for quantum optimal control
- les-iterables — Iterable processing functions
- matchclot — Installable matchclot package.
- newtonprop — Python reference implementation of the Newton propagator for quantum dynamics
- PQAnalysis — PQAnalysis is a python package for the analysis of PQ simulations.
- qalgebra — Python package for symbolic quantum algebra
- QDYN — Python package for interacting with the Fortran QDYN library and tools
- qhdl — Circuit Components as and QHDL in Python
- qnet-qsd — A code-converter and simulation driver between QNET and QSD
- span-marker — Named Entity Recognition using Span Markers
- sparsesurv — Installable sparsesurv package via pip or source. Modify as needed.
- trajectorydata — Package providing the TrajectoryData class that allows to manage data for observables from a large number of quantum trajectory simulations
- venv-management — A Python package for programmatic creation of Python virtual environments
- weylchamber — Python package for analyzing two-qubit gates in the Weyl chamber