Reverse Dependencies of bert-for-tf2
The following projects have a declared dependency on bert-for-tf2:
- classification-text-email — compiled packages
- docdoc — A tool to handle documents
- email-txt-classification — compiled packages
- mingdongnlp — mingdongnlp: ZH Language Processing
- tf-tagger — NLP tool
- tf-text-model — NLP tool
- twitter-nlp-toolkit — Tools for collecting , processing and analyzing twitter data
- vectorhub — One liner to encode data into vectors with state-of-the-art models using tensorflow, pytorch and other open source libraries. Word2Vec, Image2Vec, BERT, etc
- vectorhub-nightly — One liner to encode data into vectors with state-of-the-art models using tensorflow, pytorch and other open source libraries. Word2Vec, Image2Vec, BERT, etc