Reverse Dependencies of beartype
The following projects have a declared dependency on beartype:
- pysr — Simple and efficient symbolic regression
- pytest-beartype — Pytest plugin to run your tests with beartype checking enabled.
- python-whiteprint — Generating Python projects using best practices
- q-transformer — Q-Transformer
- ragflow-sdk — Python client sdk of [RAGFlow]( RAGFlow is an open-source RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) engine based on deep document understanding.
- ranni — Simple, composable and scalable command line interface library
- reax — REAX: A simple training framework for JAX-based projects
- recursive-validator — no summary
- requests-mock-flask — Helpers to use requests_mock and responses with a Flask test client.
- research_town — multi-agent environment for research community simulation
- rheedium — Differentiable RHEED simulations in JAX
- RIN-pytorch — RIN - Recurrent Interface Network - Pytorch
- ring-attention-pytorch — Ring Attention - Pytorch
- robo-transformers — RT-1, RT-1-X, Octo Robotics Transformer Model Inference
- robobo-emotion — Librería para detectar emociones en imágenes y audio usando Robobo
- robocat — Robo CAT- Pytorch
- rsyncr — rsyncr - An enhanced rsync backup wrapper script
- rt2 — rt-2 - PyTorch
- rvq-vae-gpt — Yet another attempt at GPT in quantized latent space
- SAC-pytorch — Soft Actor Critic - Pytorch
- safecheck — Utilities for typechecking, shapechecking and dispatch.
- salve — Salve is an IPC library that can be used by code editors to easily get autocompletions, replacements, editorconfig suggestions, definitions, and syntax highlighting.
- sammo — A flexible, easy-to-use library for running and optimizing prompts for Large Language Models (LLMs).
- sbgm — Score-based Diffusion models in JAX.
- sbiax — Fast, parallel and lightweight simulation-based inference in JAX.
- scaling-vin-pytorch — Scaling Value Iteration Networks
- scludam — Star cluster detection and membership estimation based on GAIA data.
- scullery — A utility library based on KaithemAutomation featuring a GStreamer wrapper
- seaport — The modern MacPorts portfile updater
- self-rewarding-lm-pytorch — Self Rewarding LM - Pytorch
- sentiment-investor — Access the Sentiment Investor API through Python
- sequifier — Train a transformer model with the command line
- server-monitor-agent — Utility to run checks on a server and send notifications.
- sharpcal — Compute and plot calibration-sharpness diagrams.
- skald — 📟 a simple and efficient experiment logger for Python 🐍
- skshapes — Shape analysis in python
- sliced-prediction — Provides a way to perform sliced inferencing on a directory of images
- slurm-gpustat — A simple SLURM gpu summary tool
- somap — Self-Organizing Maps in python
- sotopia — A platform for simulating and evaluating social interaction.
- soundstorm-pytorch — SoundStorm - Efficient Parallel Audio Generation from Google Deepmind, in Pytorch
- soundstorm-superfeel — SoundStorm - Efficient Parallel Audio Generation from Google Deepmind, in Pytorch
- spdx-tools — SPDX parser and tools.
- spear-tts-pytorch — Spear-TTS - Pytorch
- speculative-decoding — Speculative Decoding
- sphinx-combine — Extension for Sphinx which enables combining code blocks.
- Sphinx-Substitution-Extensions — Extensions for Sphinx which allow for substitutions.
- spic — a little opinionated framework for creating spic & span apis
- spidermatch — App for setting up automated spiders for incidents covered by local news in a certain country.
- splat-viewer — A viewer for gaussian-splatting reconstructions
- st-moe-pytorch — ST - Mixture of Experts - Pytorch
- stagehand — An event-based desktop automation tool for Windows, Linux, and macOS.
- starlight-vision — Starlight - unprecedented photorealism × deep level of language understanding
- state-graph — no summary
- statedict2pytree — Converts torch models into PyTrees for Equinox
- stencila_types — Python types for Stencila
- stocktracer — Tools for aggregating efficient ways to consume and process publically traded equities on the US stock market. Includes support for SEC quarterly data processing.
- streamgen — 🌌 a framework for generating streams of labeled data.
- StringDataDeque — Useful when building a string from data that can be converted into a string, in parts.
- stvh — no summary
- superlinked — The Superlinked vector computing library
- sybil-extras — Additions to Sybil, the documentation testing tool.
- symbolicai — A Neuro-Symbolic Framework for Large Language Models
- tableclasses — Dataclasses for tabular data
- taichi-splatting — A Taichi Gaussian Splatting library
- target-permutation-importances — Compute (Target) Permutation Importances of a machine learning model
- tensorbox — Type annotations and runtime checking for dataclass-like containers of tensors.
- TerraByte — TerraByte - Pytorch
- tex2lambda — no summary
- tfads-o-builder — Helper functions used to build data as tfads-o format.
- thermite — A package for easily creating CLIs.
- token-tools — Token Tools provides, well, tools for Token's!
- toolformer-pytorch — Toolformer - Pytorch
- torchdraw — PyTorch-based drawing code for points and lines.
- toxicTrig — full set of words that trigger toxicity
- TPDNE-utils — TPDNE
- transformer-lens — An implementation of transformers tailored for mechanistic interpretability.
- transfusion-pytorch — Transfusion in Pytorch
- trcli — no summary
- tree-search — A package to perform Monte-Carlo Tree Search
- tybles — Tybles: simple schemas for Pandas dataframes
- tydi — Multiple dispatch with type support
- typedmodel — provide strict type checking for dataclass and pydantic model
- umk — Unimake is a set of development tools and frameworks for project maintaining. This tools makes it easy to organize development routines (such as building, testing, linting, running, etc)
- unskript-core — Opensource unSkript Python Package repository
- UQpy — UQpy is a general purpose toolbox for Uncertainty Quantification
- utde — A collection of python decorators I wish existed before
- valdac — no summary
- vegoia — Python adaptive plotting library
- Verbex — Python verbal based regular expressions
- vjepa — Moedified from the official PyTorch codebase for the video joint-embedding predictive architecture, V-JEPA, a method for self-supervised learning of visual representations from video.
- vjepa-encoder — JEPA research code.
- voicebox-pytorch — Voicebox - Pytorch
- VWS-CLI — A CLI for the Vuforia Web Services (VWS) API.
- VWS-Python — Interact with the Vuforia Web Services (VWS) API.
- VWS-Python-Mock — A mock for the Vuforia Web Services (VWS) API.
- VWS-Web-Tools — Tools for interacting with the Vuforia Web Services (VWS) website.
- wdoc — A perfect AI powered RAG for document query and summary. Supports ~all LLM and ~all filetypes (url, pdf, epub, youtube (incl playlist), audio, anki, md, docx, pptx, oe any combination!)
- workcraft — A simple, lightweight, database-only, worker library in Python
- workraft — A simple, lightweight, database-only, worker library in Python