Reverse Dependencies of base58
The following projects have a declared dependency on base58:
- abstract-bots — This suite of modules not only simplifies the complexities associated with blockchain application development but also ensures high levels of performance and security. By providing tools for detailed data handling, transaction analysis, and secure blockchain interactions, these modules form a comprehensive solution ideal for developers looking to build or maintain advanced Solana-based applications.
- acapy-agent — (ACA-Py) A Cloud Agent Python is a foundation for building decentralized identity applications and services running in non-mobile environments.
- acapy-agent-jamie-testing — (ACA-Py) A Cloud Agent Python is a foundation for building decentralized identity applications and services running in non-mobile environments.
- acapy-patched — no summary
- acapy-patched-old — no summary
- address-converter — A lightweight converter for EVM and TRON addresses
- aea — Autonomous Economic Agent framework
- aelf-sdk — Python SDK for AElf
- aepp-sdk — Python SDK to interact with the Æternity blockchain
- aergo-herapy — python SDK for AERGO
- agent-admin — Agent Admin
- agent-connect — An SDK that enables agents to connect with each other, allowing them to perform identity authentication, end-to-end encrypted communication, automatic protocol negotiation based on LLMs, and efficient data exchange.
- agentipy — A Python toolkit for on chain agents
- agentis — A Python toolkit for Solana agents
- agixt — An Artificial Intelligence Automation Platform. AI Instruction management from various providers, has an adaptive memory, and a versatile plugin system with many commands including web browsing. Supports many AI providers and models and growing support every day.
- ai-agent-protocol — An SDK for enabling identity authentication and secure encrypted communication between AI agents.
- ai2-tango — A library for choreographing your machine learning research.
- aimrecords — A record-oriented data format which utilizes Protocol Buffers
- aioeos — Async library for interacting with blockchain
- aioeosABI — Async library for interacting with blockchain
- aioflureedb — Asynchonous library for usage of the FlureeDB API
- aioipfs — Asynchronous IPFS client library
- aioipfs-2 — no summary
- aiosubstrate — A library for interacting with Substrate node (py-substrate-interface fork)
- aioxrpy — Ripple blockchain library for Python
- aizen-agents — Web3 AI Agent Platform with powerful tools and realtime data
- aleph-client — Python Client library for the network
- aleph-pytezos — Add a short description here!
- aleph-sdk-python — Lightweight Python Client library for the network
- allennlp — An open-source NLP research library, built on PyTorch.
- aquilapy — Python client library for Aquila Network
- aries-cloudagent — Hyperledger Aries Cloud Agent Python (ACA-Py) is a foundation for building decentralized identity applications and services running in non-mobile environments.
- aries-cloudagent-vsw — no summary
- aries-staticagent — Python Static Agent Library and Examples for Aries
- arkecosystem-crypto — A simple Cryptography Implementation in Python for the Ark Blockchain.
- Arky — Python API bridging DPOS blockchains
- aslabs-near — no summary
- async-near — Near async rpc client
- autobahn — WebSocket client & server library, WAMP real-time framework
- bases — Python library for general Base-N encodings.
- bcts-telliotfeeds — Tools for interacting with Tellor Protocol smart contracts.
- bctsag-telliotfeeds — Tools for interacting with Tellor Protocol smart contracts.
- belenios — This is a proof of concept of the Belenios election protocol.
- bethereum-etl — Tools for exporting Ethereum blockchain data to CSV or JSON
- binance-dex — Python Library for Binance DEX, including API, Websocket, JSONRPC and Crypto
- bip-tools — Manage BIP32 based HD wallets.
- bip32key — The implementation of Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) wallets generator for Ethereum blockchain
- bip85 — Implementation of Bitcoin BIP 85
- bipsea — Composable Python CLI for Bitcoin mnemonics and BIP-85 secrets.
- bisnode — Bismuth Node
- bitbox02 — Python library for bitbox02 communication
- bitcoin-address-generator — A Python package for generating Bitcoin addresses using ECDSA
- bitcoin-message-tool — Bitcoin message signing/verification tool
- bitcoin-qr-tools — Python bitcoin qr reader and generator
- bitcoin-qrreader — A python bitcoin qr reader
- bitcoin-utils-fork-minimal — Bitcoin utility functions
- bitcoinaddress — A simple Bitcoin address generator
- bitcoinlantern — A bitcoin and lightning library that focuses on wallets and rpc.
- bitmerchant — Bitcoin/altcoin merchant tools
- bitmerchantx — BitCore BTX merchant tools
- block-io — The easiest way to integrate Bitcoin, Dogecoin and Litecoin in your applications. Sign up at for your API key.
- blockchain-utils — blockchain utils
- blockstack-recover — Wallet recovery tool for blockstack-client legacy wallets
- Blockthon — Blockthon: Fast and easy generation of Private Keys and Mnemonics, converting Seed, Binary, and Decimal.
- bluzelle — Python library for the Bluzelle Service.
- bolt11 — A library for encoding and decoding BOLT11 payment requests.
- bolt11-voltage — no summary
- bpl-lib — A library for the Blockpool Blockchain.
- bsc-etl — Tools for exporting Binance Smart Chain blockchain data to CSV or JSON
- btc-address-dump — A utility for dump btc address from mnemonic words or private key or public key
- bwb — bwb
- bxserum — Python SDK for bloXroute's Serum API
- bxsolana-trader — Python SDK for bloXroute's Solana Trader API
- c5-envelope — C5-ENVELOPE Repository
- cbutil — Utility Library
- ccdefundamentals — Shared code for and its Notification Bot.
- ccdexplorer-fundamentals — Shared code for and its Notification Bot.
- ceramic-python — This Ceramic client implements the payload building, encoding, and signing needed to interact with the Ceramic Network. It currently supports ModelInstanceDocument.
- ceramicsdk — This Ceramic client implements the payload building, encoding, and signing needed to interact with the Ceramic Network. It currently supports ModelInstanceDocument and OrbisDB.
- chainbench — no summary
- Ciphey — Automated Decryption Tool
- claimchain — Implementation of ClaimChain, a cryptographic data structure
- cobra-hdwallet — It's HDWallet Generator for Ethereum blockchain.
- code-wallet — no summary
- comdexpy — Python SDK for interacting with comdex node
- commai — Gobal toolbox that allows you to connect, and verify your tools
- contractvm — A general-purpose framework for decentralized applications
- credsweeper — Credential Sweeper
- crossbar — multi-protocol (WAMP/WebSocket, REST/HTTP, MQTT) application router for microservices.
- cryptnoxpro — no summary
- crypto-address-validator — Simple validation tool for Bitcoin and other altcoin addresses.
- crypto-test — The easiest way to integrate Crypto Wallet Api Functions in your applications. Sign up at for your API key.
- crypto-wallet — The easiest way to integrate Crypto Wallet Api Functions in your applications. Sign up at for your API key.
- cryptoadvance.specter — A GUI for Bitcoin Core optimised to work with airgapped hardware wallets
- cryptonita — Cryptanalysis swiss army knife
- cryptowrench — A set of tools for nerding around with crypto.
- dapiclient — A python client SDK for DASH Platform
- dappleyPython — dappley sdk is implemented by python
- decimal-python-sdk — no summary
- Decred — A Python 3 Decred toolkit.