Reverse Dependencies of azureml-mlflow
The following projects have a declared dependency on azureml-mlflow:
- archai — Platform for Neural Architecture Search
- autora-doc — Automatic documentation generator from AutoRA code
- azure-ai-generative — Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Client Library for Python
- azureml-acft-image-components — Contains the code for vision model's components.
- azureml-contrib-run — Contain the integration code of AzureML with Mlflow.
- azureml-evaluate-mlflow — Contains the integration code of AzureML Evaluate with Mlflow.
- azureml-rag — Contains Retrieval Augmented Generation related utilities for Azure Machine Learning and OSS interoperability.
- azureml-rai-utils — Azure Machine Learning Responsible AI Utils SDK
- azureml-train-automl-runtime — Used for automatically finding the best machine learning model and its parameters.
- causica — no summary
- datarobot-mlflow — datarobot-mlflow client to synchronize an MLFlow model with DataRobot model
- emotion_detective — This package provides functions to analyze emotions in video or audio files. It offers a comprehensive set of tools to detect and analyze emotions at a sentence level, producing valuable insights into the emotion-content in videos and audios.
- FLAML — A fast library for automated machine learning and tuning
- fm-optimized-inference — no summary
- hi-ml-azure — Microsoft Health Futures package to elevate and monitor scripts to an AzureML workspace
- irisml-tasks-training — IrisML tasks for pytorch training
- kedro-azureml — Kedro plugin with Azure ML Pipelines support
- kreuzbergml — Toolbox for faster ML prototypes construction and demonstration.
- llm-optimized-inference — no summary
- mlopsrobotics — no summary
- npeccv6 — Python package for root recognition and robot controll
- pyrit — The Python Risk Identification Tool for LLMs (PyRIT) is a library used to assess the robustness of LLMs
- snowpark-session — no summary