Reverse Dependencies of azure-identity
The following projects have a declared dependency on azure-identity:
- langchain-by-johnsnowlabs — Building applications with LLMs through composability
- langchain-sqlserver — An integration package to support SQL Server in LangChain.
- langchain-xfyun — 在LangChain中流畅地使用讯飞星火大模型
- langchaincoexpert — Building applications with LLMs through composability
- langchainmsai — Building applications with LLMs through composability
- langchainn — Building applications with LLMs through composability
- langplus — Building applications with LLMs through composability
- lasutils — LAS utils
- lcacollect-config — This package contains shared config and utils to be used across LCAcollect backends.
- lcaplatform-config — Configurations for LCA platform FastAPI apps
- legalopsrag — legalsops for retriever and reader
- libcloudforensics — libcloudforensics is a set of tools to help acquire forensic evidence from Cloud platforms.
- libMyCarrier — no summary
- litellm — Library to easily interface with LLM API providers
- lithops — Lithops lets you transparently run your Python applications in the Cloud
- llama-index-embeddings-azure-inference — Integration for model supporting Azure AI model inference API in llama-index
- llama-index-llms-azure-inference — Integration for model supporting Azure AI model inference API in llama-index
- llama-index-llms-azure-openai — llama-index llms azure openai integration
- llama-index-readers-azcognitive-search — llama-index readers azcognitive_search integration
- llama-index-readers-azstorage-blob — llama-index readers azstorage_blob integration
- llama-index-storage-chat-store-azurecosmosnosql — llama-index storage-chat-store azure cosmosdb nosql integration
- llama-index-storage-index-store-azurecosmosnosql — llama-index storage-index-store azure cosmosdb nosql integration
- llama-index-storage-kv-store-azurecosmosnosql — llama-index storage-kv-store azure cosmosdb nosql integration
- llama-index-tools-azure-code-interpreter — llama-index tools azure dynamic sessions integration for code interpreter
- llama-index-vector-stores-azurecosmosnosql — llama-index vector_stores azurecosmosnosql integration
- — A bundle of helpful tools for dealing with Azure
- llm-messages-token-helper — A helper library for estimating tokens used by messages.
- llm-optimized-inference — no summary
- logs-ingestion — Package for logging to Azure Logs Ingestion API using decorators and regular logging statements.
- loko-cli — no summary
- m4-utils — Biblioteca com funções de uso comum em projetos de aprendizado de máquina e ciencia de dados.
- maggma — Framework to develop datapipelines from files on disk to full dissemenation API
- marioutils — Utils library for DB connection and logging
- matcha-ml — Matcha: An open source tool for provisioning MLOps environments to the cloud.
- matos-azure-provider — Python matos azure provider
- mattersim — MatterSim: A Deep Learning Atomistic Model Across Elements, Temperatures and Pressures.
- mebula — no summary
- meimbalance — A helper package for the Imbalance project
- meltano — Meltano is your CLI for ELT+: Open Source, Flexible, and Scalable. Move, transform, and test your data with confidence using a streamlined data engineering workflow you’ll love.
- metamart-ingestion — Ingestion Framework for MetaMart
- metaphor-connectors — A collection of Python-based 'connectors' that extract metadata from various sources to ingest into the Metaphor app.
- microsoftvision — Downloads pretrained Microsoft Vision models
- mldesigner — Azure Machine Learning Designer SDK
- mlem — Version and deploy your models following GitOps principles
- MLEssentials — A toolkit to install essential machine learning libraries with one command.
- mlops-core — no summary
- mlopsrobotics — no summary
- mlos-bench — MLOS Bench Python interface for benchmark automation and optimization.
- mlrun — Tracking and config of machine learning runs
- modelhub-sdk — SDK for ModelHub to create and manage machine learning pipelines
- moln — Stupid, simple Azure client library built for the rest of us
- mosaicml-streaming — Streaming lets users create PyTorch compatible datasets that can be streamed from cloud-based object stores
- ms-partner-tools — SDK for interacting with the Microsoft Partner Center
- msfabricpysdkcore — A Python SDK for Microsoft Fabric
- msfabricutils — A Python library exposes additional functionality to work with Python Notebooks in Microsoft Fabric.
- msgraph-cli-core — Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Core Module
- msgraph-email — Read/Send emails using Microsoft Graph API
- msgraphhelper — Handle MS Graph Change Notifications in a Pythonic manner in Azure Functions
- MSpeechPy — Converter texto para voz
- msticpy — MSTIC Security Tools
- multiriver — A tool for bulk river creation
- nautobot-secrets-providers — Nautobot Secrets Providers App
- nautobot-secrets-providers-l8-azure — Nautobot Secrets Providers App
- nebari — A Jupyter and Dask-powered open source data science platform.
- nebula-cert-py — Manage nebula certificates from Python
- nestedaaddb — A package that allows to sync Nested AAD Group to DataBricks
- netunicorn-connector-aci — Azure Container Instances connector for netunicorn
- neumai — Package containing connectors for Neum AI.
- nextai-prism — Prism: An intercloud broker for the clouds
- nnstorm-cloud — NNstorm cloud automation
- not-again-ai — Designed to once and for all collect all the little things that come up over and over again in AI projects and put them in one place.
- nucliadb-utils — no summary
- numerai-cli — A library for deploying Prediction Nodes.
- octodns-azure — Azure DNS & TrafficManager provider for octoDNS
- odap-ga-downloader — Extractor for Google analytics
- odbc2deltalake — no summary
- odh-core — ODH Core, helper functions and classes
- odp-sdk-python-ingest — ODP ingest SDK
- olive-ai — Olive: Simplify ML Model Finetuning, Conversion, Quantization, and Optimization for CPUs, GPUs and NPUs.
- omegaconf-cloud-resolvers — Omegaconf custom resolvers to retrieve configuration values from cloud services
- onefuzz — Onefuzz Client Library for Python
- oneseismic — oneseismic
- opal-fetcher-cosmos — An OPAL fetch provider to bring authorization state from CosmosDB.
- openagi — no summary
- openai-messages-token-helper — A helper library for estimating tokens used by messages sent through OpenAI Chat Completions API.
- opencensus-ext-azure — OpenCensus Azure Monitor Exporter
- openmetadata-data-profiler — Data Profiler Library for OpenMetadata
- openmetadata-ingestion — Ingestion Framework for OpenMetadata
- opilot — OpenPilot: An intercloud broker for the clouds
- oplangchain — langchain for OpenPlugin
- optillm — An optimizing inference proxy for LLMs.
- optimeering-beta — Optimeering Python Client (Beta)
- orange-system-dynamics — Add-on containing widgets for system dynamics operations
- Orange3-Azure-Data-Lake-Storage-Gen2 — Widgets to load and save tables to/from Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) Gen 2
- osiris-sdk — Python SDK for Osiris (Energinet DataPlatform).
- OTCFinUtils — Useful functions to interact with dataverse and sharepoint
- outerbounds — More Data Science, Less Administration
- outlook-autoreply-helper — A Python helper library to automatically manage Outlook auto-reply settings via the Microsoft Graph API.
- p360-ga-downloader — Extractor for Google analytics
- paddypy — Collection of helpfull extensions