Reverse Dependencies of azure-devops
The following projects have a declared dependency on azure-devops:
- ado-asana-sync — Tool to sync work items from Azure DevOps to Asana
- ado_backlog_cli — A program to make sense of ADO Backlogs for reports
- ado-pipeline-helper — no summary
- adopt — Set of pragmatic tools to automate working with Azure Devops
- adotestplan-to-pytestbdd — Utility for translating AzureDevOps Test Plans to Gherkin Feature file and Pytest-BDD runners
- aitestflow — aitestflow is a Python package used for creating automated test scripts for all types of applications.
- alita-tools — Default set of tools and toolkits available within ELITEA Agents.
- api-automation-kit — api-automation-kit-package (beta version)
- az-k8s-operations — Collection of scripts to maintains aks cluster.
- azbacklog — The Azure Backlog Generator (ABG) is designed to build backlogs for complex processes based on proven practices. The backlogs can be generated in either Azure DevOps or GitHub.
- azpipeline — Interact with azure pipelines using python
- azuredevopsX — DevOps é um produto da Microsoft que fornece controle de versão, relatórios, gerenciamento de requisitos, gerenciamento de projetos, compilações automatizadas, gerenciamento de laboratório, recursos de gerenciamento de testes e versões.
- backup-devops — no summary
- blackduck-direct-scan-action — Community Github Action to scan for SCA using Synopsys Black Duck.
- build-monitor-cli — Azure devops builds commandline monitor
- certbot — ACME client
- colacorn — no summary
- datarade — This library provides tools that allow datasets to be defined separately from a pipeline.
- devopsdriver — DevOps tools
- devopsX — DevOps é um produto da Microsoft que fornece controle de versão, relatórios, gerenciamento de requisitos, gerenciamento de projetos, compilações automatizadas, gerenciamento de laboratório, recursos de gerenciamento de testes e versões.
- devsecops-engine-tools — Tool for DevSecOps strategy
- flake8-ado — Flake8 plugin to check comments against AzureDevOps ticket references.
- flowpulse — A package to generate flow metrics charts and run Monte Carlo Simulation based Forecasts based on queries against Jira or Azure DevOps.
- foodx-devops-tools — Foodx DevOps pipeline utilities.
- githarbor — Unified client for GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket
- goatazdevops — azdevops - a CLI client for Azure DevOps included by default
- gpt-review — Python Project for reviewing GitHub PRs with Open AI and Chat-GPT.
- hacli — no summary
- llama-index-readers-azure-devops — llama-index readers azure devops integration
- patchwork-cli — no summary
- pr-action — KhulnaSoft PR-Assistant aims to help efficiently review and handle pull requests, by providing AI feedbacks and suggestions.
- pr-agent — QodoAI PR-Agent aims to help efficiently review and handle pull requests, by providing AI feedbacks and suggestions.
- pr-assist — KhulnaSoft PR-Assistant aims to help efficiently review and handle pull requests, by providing AI feedbacks and suggestions.
- pr-insight — KhulnaSoftAI PR-Insight aims to help efficiently review and handle pull requests, by providing AI feedbacks and suggestions.
- process-time-azure-devops — Will collect process time for projects that are hosted in Azure DevOps
- reagan — Package for streamlining credentials, connections, and data flow
- resc-vcs-scraper — Repository Scanner - Version Control System - Scraper
- simpler-devops-api — A Simpler Python Module for interacting with Azure Devops
- sphinx-needs-enterprise — no summary
- tfsx — A Wrapper to access information from Microsoft DevOps
- utjls — This utils package attempts to chunk information, improve workflow and acts as a home for continious improvement
- victoria-gwemail-rebuilder — Victoria Plugin that allows the creation and DESTRUCTION of Glasswall Email on the cloud.
- victoria-rebuilder — Victoria Plugin that allows the creation and DESTRUCTION of SAAS on the cloud.
- yaml2devops — yaml2devops-cli は yaml に記載したテストスイートの実行タスクを azure devops に起票できるツールです