Reverse Dependencies of
The following projects have a declared dependency on
- aws-codestar-cdk — AWS CDK package that helps deploying a lambda function into CodeStar.
- aws-empty-bucket — AWS CDK package that empties an S3 bucket upon resource deletion.
- aws-secret-cdk — Package to create a SecretsManager's secret with auto rotation.
- cdk-bucket-deployment-expirator — Opinionated CDK Bucket Deployment object pruner for maintaining N old versions
- cdk-cloudfront-plus — CDK construct library for CloudFront Extensions
- cdk-grafana-json-dashboard-handler — cdk-grafana-json-dashboard-handler
- cdk-minecraft-server — cdk-minecraft-server
- cdk-spa-deploy — This is an AWS CDK Construct to make deploying a single page website (Angular/React/Vue) to AWS S3 behind SSL/Cloudfront as easy as 5 lines of code.
- cdk-static-website — A CDK Python construct to create static S3 websites. This is a port of the AWS static site example
- construct-hub — A construct library that models Construct Hub instances.
- datajob — Build and deploy a serverless data pipeline with no effort on AWS.
- django-cdk — django-cdk
- onema-cdk.static-website — A CDK Python construct to create static S3 websites. This is a port of the AWS static site example
- romaincornuconsulting.static-website — Static website
- sktan-cdk.single-page-app — Base CDK stack for Single Page Applications
- taimos-cdk — Higher level constructs for AWS CDK
- zinc-cli — Package Description.