Reverse Dependencies of awkward
The following projects have a declared dependency on awkward:
- akimbo — Awkward Array Extension for Dataframes
- anndata — Annotated data.
- astroCAST — Package to analyze calcium fluorescence events in astrocytes
- awkward-kaitai — Kaitai Struct runtime for Awkward Arrays
- awkward-numba — Allows awkward arrays to be used in Numba-compiled code and optimizes awkward methods with JIT compilation.
- awkward-pandas — Awkward Array Pandas Extension
- awkward1 — Manipulate JSON-like data with NumPy-like idioms.
- ax-env — dependency manager for XENONnT package
- clouddrift — Accelerating the use of Lagrangian data for atmospheric, oceanic, and climate sciences
- codelink — Node-based visual programming environment
- coffea — Basic tools and wrappers for enabling not-too-alien syntax when running columnar Collider HEP analysis.
- correctionlib — A generic correction library
- cuda-histogram — Histogramming tools on CUDA.
- dask-awkward — Awkward Array meets Dask
- data_manipulation_utilities — no summary
- deepmem — Deep learning implementations for sustainable matrix element method calculations
- dewloosh.math — A math library for numerical and symboliccalculations.
- dogma-data — Data processing for Dogma
- driptorch — Ignition pattern simulator for prescribed firing techniques
- epix — Electron and Photon Instructions generator for XENON
- f9columnar — Columnar analysis utils.
- fast-carpenter — F.A.S.T. package for summarizing ROOT TTrees
- fnal-column-analysis-tools — Tools for doing Collider HEP style analysis with columnar operations at Fermilab
- func-adl-uproot — Functional Analysis Description Language uproot backend for accessing flat ROOT ntuples
- func-adl.xAOD — Functional Analysis Description Language backend for accessing ATLAS xAOD files.
- generic-analysis-scripts — Generic utilities for data analysis
- georges-core — Georges' accelerator physics library - Core
- hep-ml-lab — An end-to-end framework used for research combining high-energy physics phenomenology with machine learning.
- hepaccelerate — Fast kernels for analyzing jagged columnar data common in high-energy physics.
- hepdataframe — HEP Dataframe
- hepfile — no summary
- heppyness — no summary
- heputils — Helper utilities around the Scikit-HEP ecosystem for common tasks in HEP
- HErmes-py — Highly efficient, rapid multipurpose event selection
- HighResAnalysis — Analysis of High Resolution Data from CERN and DESY beam tests
- hipopy — UpROOT-Like I/O Interface for CLAS12 HIPO Files
- histoprint — Pretty print of NumPy (and other) histograms to the console
- jetnet — Jets + ML integration
- km3io — "KM3NeT I/O library without ROOT"
- km3pipe — "An analysis framework for KM3NeT"
- LbAPCommon — Common utilities used by LHCb DPA WP2 related software
- lecroyscope — An unofficial Python package 🐍📦 to interface with Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscopes and read binary trace files (.trc)
- legend-pydataobj — LEGEND Python Data Objects
- LHCbDIRAC — LHCbDIRAC is the LHCb extension of DIRAC
- lheplot — A simple framework for plotting LHE files
- lvec — A package for handling Lorentz vectors with NumPy and Awkward array backends
- mattak — Mattak is (will eventually be) a multilingual package containing readers and helpers for RNO-G in C++, Python (via both uproot and PyROOT) and maybe even JS (via rootjs).
- mcconv — EIC Monte-Carlo file converter
- midas-tape — Read MIDAS tape server files
- mlx-embedding-models — Python utility for text embeddings in MLX.
- nessie — Annotation error detection and correction
- neumann — A Python Library for Applied Mathematics in Physical Sciences.
- pdroot — utilities for working with ROOT files and pandas
- phasespace — TensorFlow implementation of the Raubold and Lynch method for n-body events
- pybdsim — Python utilities for the Monte Carlo Particle accelerator code BDSIM.
- pyirf — A python library to calculate IACT IRFs and Sensitivities
- pylhe — A small package to get structured data out of Les Houches Event files
- python-graphblas — Python library for GraphBLAS: high-performance sparse linear algebra for scalable graph analytics
- ragged — Ragged array library, complying with Python API specification.
- rebsmearv2 — Implementation of rebalance & smear
- rx-hqm — no summary
- rx-scripts — Generic utilities for data analysis
- sc-dandelion — sc-TCR/BCR-seq analysis tool
- sc-heimdall — Heimdall: A Comprehensive Paradigm for Evaluating Single-Cell Representations within Foundational Models
- scikit-hep — Metapackage of Scikit-HEP project libraries for Particle Physics.
- scirpy — Python library for single-cell adaptive immune receptor repertoire (AIRR) analysis
- servicex-transformer — ServiceX Data Transformer for HEP Data
- shml — lightweight pdata cleaning/processing/plotting/ML training library for use with an ATLAS BSM dihiggs search
- sigmaepsilon.math — A Python Library for Applied Mathematics in Physical Sciences.
- simplify — Produce simplified likelihoods of different formats
- sparrow-python — no summary
- streetscapes — Code for downloading, segmenting and analysing images from Mapillary and KartaView, with the aim of extracting the emissivity and albedo of buildings.
- tiled — Structured Scientific Data Access Service
- uproot — ROOT I/O in pure Python and NumPy.
- uproot-browser — Tools to inspect ROOT files with uproot
- uproot-methods — Pythonic mix-ins for ROOT classes.
- vector — Vector classes and utilities
- weaver-core — A streamlined deep-learning framework for high energy physics
- xarray-spatial — xarray-based spatial analysis tools
- xenon-fuse — XENON Framework for Unified Simulations of Events
- zinv-analysis — AlphaTwirl + uproot for the Z inv. width analysis