Reverse Dependencies of awacs
The following projects have a declared dependency on awacs:
- accretion-cli — Accretion CloudFormation template artifact_builder.
- cfn-cumulus — Simplified Cloudformation architectural patterns, with an opinion
- cfn-datadog — Lambda cloudformation custom resource that sets up datadog alerts
- cfn-encrypt — Lambda cloudformation custom resource that use KMS encrypt
- chili-pepper — Serverless asynchronous task execution
- cloudlift — Cloudlift makes it easier to launch dockerized services in AWS ECS
- ekscli — A simple and flexible commandline tool for AWS EKS management
- jetstream — no summary
- paco-cloud — Paco: Prescribed automation for cloud orchestration
- runway — Simplify infrastructure/app testing/deployment
- serverless-builder — Python interface to easily generate `serverless.yml`.
- stacker — AWS CloudFormation Stack manager
- tchotcho — tchotcho
- tropoform — A Terraform like utility for managing AWS Cloud Formation Stacks with troposphere
- troposphere — AWS CloudFormation creation library
- troposphere-dns-certificate — Cloudformation DNS validated certificate resource for troposphere
- zops — Utils for devops teams that want to deploy using Zappa