Reverse Dependencies of av
The following projects have a declared dependency on av:
- achatbot — An open source chat bot for voice (and multimodal) assistants
- adbblitz — ADB - The fastest screenshots - scrcpy stream directly to NumPy (without scrcpy.exe) - no root required!
- adbnativeblitz — ADB Screenshots as fast as scrcpy, but 100% native!
- ADVI — The handy tool to visualize audio
- aeon-agents — LiveKit Python Agents
- agh-vqis — A Python wrapper for 18 image quality indicators.
- ai01 — AI Agent SDK on Huddle01 dRTC Network
- aiortc — An implementation of WebRTC and ORTC
- aiortc-rtp — An implementation of WebRTC and ORTC
- aiortc2 — An implementation of WebRTC and ORTC
- anomalib — anomalib - Anomaly Detection Library
- ascendfly — Ascend inference framework
- ascvid — ASCII Video player.
- audio-purifier — Enables silent parts removal from audio, exporting as new files. Inspired by 'faster-whisper'.
- audiobackend — High-quality audio playback library with DSD support and efficient buffer management
- audiosample — AudioSample is an optimized numpy-like audio manipulation library, created for researchers, used by developers.
- autonomi-nos — Nitrous oxide system (NOS) for computer-vision.
- av-discord — PyAV audio sources for, pycord, and disnake
- av2 — no summary
- avdeepfake1m — no summary
- avfilters — Common Audio and Video filters
- avi-r — A robust reader for avi videos.
- avplayer — PyAV Media Player
- bbo-svidreader — Video reader on top of imageio that compares returned frames to a list of hashes
- BiologyTools — CrossDark's biology tool
- blrec — Bilibili Live Streaming Recorder
- bnpm — A library of useful modules for data analysis.
- bpm-ai — AI task automation for BPM engines.
- caffeinism-utils — no summary
- chrysalis — Chrysalis Python Cloud SDK for streaming live media
- cinetone — Video Color Palette Generator
- clipsai — Clips AI is an open-source Python library that automatically converts long videos into clips
- colourspace — Render frames from videos and images applying the correct colourspace conversion.
- computer-interact — A library for automating computer interactions
- courtvision — no summary
- CrossDarkBiology — CrossDark's biology tool
- crosslab-aiortc — An implementation of WebRTC and ORTC
- daio — video and data IO tools for Python
- dashinfer-vlm — DashInfer VLM is a native inference engine for Pre-trained Vision Language Models (VLMs) developed by Tongyi Laboratory.
- deeplake — Activeloop Deep Lake
- demonstrable-whisperx-service — A standalone service for transcribing audio files using WhisperX
- depthai-sdk — This package provides an abstraction of the DepthAI API library.
- dgenerate — Batch image generation and manipulation tool supporting Stable Diffusion and related techniques / algorithms, with support for video and animated image processing.
- dico-extsource — Enhanced Audio Source for dico.
- discodo — Audio Player for Discord
- discord-ext-music — An easy-to-use music extension for
- djitellopy — Tello drone library including support for video streaming, swarms, state packets and more
- docarray — The data structure for multimodal data
- dxrsubscriber — A ZMQ subscriber for receiving and decoding video streams.
- echoloader — no summary
- efficient-track-anything — Efficient Track Anything
- EIVideo — EIVideo - 交互式智能视频标注工具,几次鼠标点击即可解放双手,让视频标注更加轻松
- encoded-video — Video utilities
- EncodedUriVideo — Video utilities
- encord-active — Enable users to improve machine learning models in an active learning fashion via data, label, and model quality.
- ephyviewer — Simple viewers for ephys signals, events, video and more
- era-5g-interface — An interface for 5G-ERA Network Applications
- eventstreaming — Event streaming library.
- exordium — Collection of utility tools and deep learning methods.
- faceblur — Faceblur is a Python library and command-line tool to obfuscate faces from photos and videos via blurring them.
- fake-check — baseline deepcheck module
- fast-rtsp — Fast rtsp capture package
- fast-tts — no summary
- faster-whisper — Faster Whisper transcription with CTranslate2
- fastvideo — FastVideo
- fhailib — FH,FJ Vision AI SYSTEM LIB
- filenav — no summary
- flashvideo — flashvideo is a lightweight framework for accelerating large video diffusion models.
- flitter-lang — Flitter is a functional programming language and declarative system for describing 2D and 3D visuals
- foyou-wilk — python pypi package
- gemini-ng — Next-generation Gemini API Client
- GenerativeRL — PyTorch implementations of generative reinforcement learning algorithms
- genutility — A collection of various Python utilities
- geramcals — Seratus Persen Clone Pytgcalls
- gsaiortc — gsaiortc
- gvision — End-to-end automation platform for computer vision projects.
- habana-media-loader — Dataloader using Habana hardware media pipeline
- handbrake-batch-compressor — Simple script to traverse all the video files and compress them to optimize disk space for large files
- Harmonify — Harmonify: A project fork of RVC V2
- highlighter-sdk — Package to interact with the Highlighter Perception System
- hoca — Provides a set of tools to implement Higher-Order Cellular Automata populations
- hotaru — High performance Optimizer to extract spike Timing And cell location from calcium imaging data via lineaR impUlse
- hp-da-pt19 — Package contaning python wrapper for supporting pitch,roll,yaw, swarms, and more
- iceberg-dsl — A compositional diagramming tool for Python.
- image_utilities — A utility library for common image and video operations.
- imageio — Library for reading and writing a wide range of image, video, scientific, and volumetric data formats.
- inaFaceAnalyzer — inaFaceAnalyzer is a Python toolbox for large-scale face-based analysis of image and video streams. It provides fast API and command line programs allowing to perform face detection, face tracking, gender and age prediction, and export to CSV or rich ASS subtitles
- inex-library — A comprehensive Python library for AI integration, web development with FastAPI/Flask, advanced encryption, secure database management, file operations, library development, text styling, system management, translation services, video creation, web automation, and cryptocurrency token analysis. Features include JWT handling, password management, rate limiting, input sanitization, and more.
- jax_loop_utils — Libraries for ML training loops in JAX.
- JaxVidFlow — Video processing library using JAX.
- Jems-Video — Create 🔥 videos with Stable Diffusion by exploring the latent space and morphing between text prompts.
- jj-pytorchvideo — A video understanding deep learning library.
- kanstream — pull and push stream
- kern — Unix kernel for Software 2.0
- kos-sdk — Software Development Kit for KOS
- ksaa — Kotones Auto Assistant(kaa) is a script for game 'Gakuen Idol M@ster' that automates the dailies and produces.
- kso-utils — A package containing utility scripts for use with KSO analysis notebooks.
- kvsparser — Parsing AWS Kinesis Video Streams.
- lightly — A deep learning package for self-supervised learning
- linpg — A game engine based on pygame, which aims to make game development easier.