Reverse Dependencies of Authlib
The following projects have a declared dependency on Authlib:
- aad-fastapi — aad_fastapi middleware backend helper for bearer verification with FastAPI and Azure AD
- aad-fastapi-dl37 — aad_fastapi middleware backend helper for bearer verification with FastAPI and Azure AD
- aad-fastapi-dlg — aad_fastapi middleware backend helper for bearer verification with FastAPI and Azure AD
- aad-fastapi-dorlugasigal — aad_fastapi middleware backend helper for bearer verification with FastAPI and Azure AD
- acryl-datahub — A CLI to work with DataHub metadata
- adc-streaming — Astronomy Data Commons streaming client libraries
- admin-auth0 — no summary
- adsk-flaskoidc — Flask wrapper with pre-configured OAuth2 and OIDC support
- agentic-fleet — A powerful multi-agent system for adaptive AI reasoning and automation
- aiohomeconnect — An asyncio client for the Home Connect API.
- aiosenz — Async Typed Python package for the nVent RAYCHEM SENZ RestAPI
- akenoai — AkenoAi Python Wrapper For Plus+
- amai-ai-chatbot — African Multimodal Artificial Intelligence
- amora — Amora Data Build Tool
- annotell-auth — Annotell Authentication
- any-auth — An Any-Auth, A Essential Auth Lib.
- apache-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- apicrud — Flask REST framework for role-based access
- app-store-connect-api-client — no summary
- applaud — The Python SDK to work with the App Store Connect API from Apple.
- arize-phoenix — AI Observability and Evaluation
- assemblyline-ui — Assemblyline 4 - API and Socket IO server
- auditize — Empower your functional logs
- auth0-jwt-validator — Python Auth0 JWT Validator
- authlib-gino — OpenID Connect provider implemented with Authlib and GINO.
- authutils — Gen3 auth utility functions
- autonomous-app — Containerized application framework built on Flask with additional libraries and tools for rapid development of web applications.
- autotrain-advanced — no summary
- aws-oidc-broker — no summary
- base-django-rest-framework — Base Django Rest Framework Project Setup
- bastion-key-client — FABRIC Bastion host key rotation utility
- bemserver-api — BEMServer API
- BigFastAPI — Adding lots of functionality to FastAPI
- bodhi-client — Bodhi client
- bodhi-server — Bodhi server
- busie-flask-helper — A helper for abstracting boilerplate Flask initialization code
- calitp-littlepay — Cal-ITP API implementations and admin tasks for Littlepay.
- Canaille — Lightweight identity and authorization management software
- carambola-sch — no summary
- ceramic-py — Python client for ceramic streams.
- cgbeacon2 — A beacon supporting GA4GH API 1.0
- chowda — A CLAMS processing application
- ciscosupportsdk — Cisco Support APIs allow Cisco Partner Support Services (PSS) partners and Cisco Smart Net Total Care (SNTC) customers to programmatically access and consume Cisco Support data in the cloud in a simple, secure, and scalable manner.
- confluent-kafka — Confluent's Python client for Apache Kafka
- connectcli — app store connect api cli use apikey and issuer_id to authorize
- coupeutils — Library with utilities for projects.
- cozepy — OpenAPI SDK for Coze(
- cubedtube — A video viewing webapp that organizes videos into channels and series
- cubicweb-oauth2 — Oauth2/OpenID authentication for cubicweb
- custom-workflow-solutions — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- d4kms — A python package for building d4k microservcies
- dash-auth — Dash Authorization Package.
- dash-auth0 — Authenticate your Dash app with Auth0
- dash-auth0-oauth — Authenticate to Dash app using Auth0
- dash-google-oauth — Authenticate to Dash app using Google OAuth
- data-horizon — Horizon REST API + client
- dataset-image-annotator — Image annotation tool
- datashare-network-client — Client Datashare Network Library
- dave-core — DAVE is a tool for automatic energy grid generation
- detamvc — no summary
- devsecops-engine-tools — Tool for DevSecOps strategy
- dgp-oauth2 — {{ DESCRIPTION }}
- didcomm — Basic DIDComm v2 support in python
- didcomm-messaging — DIDComm Messaging implemented with swappable backends.
- dioptra-iris-client — Python client for the Iris API.
- dirac — DIRAC is an interware, meaning a software framework for distributed computing.
- diracx-core — Common code used by all DiracX packages
- diracx-routers — TODO
- django-helmholtz-aai — A generic Django app to login via Helmholtz AAI
- django-identities — A django app with authentication related functionality, a custom user model and object level permissions / groups.
- django-oauth-client — Django Authentication
- django-oauth-usp — no summary
- django-phac-aspc-helpers — Set of helpers for Django used at PHAC-ASPC
- django-serverless-oauth-session — Provides a Django app for storing tokens in AWS's DynamoDB, and providing a convenient requests session which uses the token. This is a use-case-specific library, and is intended for backend integrations that must authenticate with an API which only supports OAuth2 for its authentication protocol.
- djask — An enhanced django-like Flask
- drf-oidc-auth — OpenID Connect authentication for Django Rest Framework
- dwave-cloud-client — A minimal client for interacting with D-Wave cloud resources.
- dynamics-client — Client for making Web API request from a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Database.
- eaasy — Build your e-commerce ea(a)sily
- EasyOIDC — Easy integration with OIDC authentication servers
- edea_ms — EDeA Measurement Server
- eidolon-ai-sdk — An open source sgent service SDK
- eve-jwt — Top-level package for eve-jwt.
- fabric-credmgr — Fabric Credential Manager API
- fabric-fss-utils — FABRIC System Service Utilities - JWT and SSH key handling
- falcon-auth2 — Falcon authentication middleware that supports multiple authentication types.
- fastapi-aad-auth — Provide Azure Active Directory Authentication for FastAPI
- fastapi-auth-service — FastAPI auth service
- fastapi-authkit — FastAPI-authkit is an extenstion to provide oauth-oidc authentication/authorization and user management for fastapi.
- fastapi-authlib — A fastapi authlib authentication library
- fastapi-booster — no summary
- fastapi-jwt — `FastAPI` extension for JTW Auth
- fastapi-keycloak-auth-lib — FastAPI integration with Keycloak for authentication and role-based access control
- fastapi-oauth-client — FastAPI Authorization Framework
- fastapi-sdk — Utilities for FastAPI projects.
- fastapi-simple-oidc — OIDC for FastAPI
- FastGenAPI — A FastAPI-based application for dynamic API generation, Db schema visualization, UML ERD class Diagrams generation and more.
- fastmvc — Rapid application development built for the cloud.
- fastramqpi — Rammearkitektur integrations framework
- fedora-test-auth — A very basic app to test authentication