Reverse Dependencies of attrs
The following projects have a declared dependency on attrs:
- 01d61084-d29e-11e9-96d1-7c5cf84ffe8e — no summary
- 0x-contract-wrappers — Python wrappers for 0x smart contracts
- 170051277-trab-final-gces — Pacote utilizado para o deploy do trabalho final da disciplina Gerência de Configuração e Evolução de Software (GCES).
- 2022-2-gces-ifpf — no summary
- 21cmSense — Compute sensitivies of radio interferometers to the cosmic 21cm signal.
- 2Keys — A easy to setup second keyboard, designed for everyone.
- a2grunnerp — A2G Runner for Local Workflow
- aac — A distinctly different take on Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) that allows a system modeller to define a system in simple yaml.
- aapns — Asynchronous Apple Push Notification Service Client
- aark-sdk — no summary
- aas2openapi-client — A client library for accessing aas2openapi
- aba_cli_scrapper — Scrappe all products and theirs related suppliers existing on Alibaba based on keywords provided by user and save results into a database (Mysql/Sqlite).
- abaci-users — A reusable Django users app
- abdelrahman-obfuscate — Convo: the AI powered chatbot API 2.0
- abdo — kjdfdlsjlkdfl
- abdo-obfuscate — Obfuscate Convo Test
- abdoconvo — dynamic forms updated
- aboutcode-toolkit — AboutCode-toolkit is a tool to document the provenance (origin and license) of third-party software using small text files. Collect inventories and generate attribution documentation.
- abracadabra — Making hypothesis and AB testing magically simple!
- absio — Python Absio Library
- ac_solver — no summary
- acapy-client — A client library for accessing Aries Cloud Agent
- accelapy — Accela REST API
- accession — Tool to submit genomics pipeline outputs to the ENCODE Portal
- accomate — Accoladez + Automate = Accomate
- acconeer-exptool — Acconeer Exploration Tool
- accretion-cli — Accretion CloudFormation template artifact_builder.
- accretion-common — Common resources for Accretion components.
- acl-anthology — A library for accessing the ACL Anthology
- aclimatise — aCLImatise is a Python library and command-line utility for parsing the help output of a command-line tool and then outputting a description of the tool in a more structured format
- act-workflow — A library for executing workflow nodes based on Actfile configuration
- actions-in-fly — Test several CI/CD mechanic
- active-time-scheduling — A collection of methods for Active Time Problem
- actyon — Actyon offers an async approach on a multiplexed flux pattern.
- acutracer — A Acuvity tracer that instruments the http calls
- adaptix — An extremely flexible and configurable data model conversion library
- adhan-pi — no summary
- adimis-graph-builder — Core utilities for the Adimis toolbox.
- adlermanager — A self-hostable status webpage that uses Prometheus alerts to create and maintain service status and incident tracking / customer information flow.
- adversarial-labeller — Sklearn compatiable model instance labelling tool to help validate models in situations involving data drift.
- afids-utils — Utility functions for working with AFIDs data / workflows
- afkak — Twisted Python client for Apache Kafka
- afw — -
- afwf — A powerful framework enables fast and elegant development of Alfred Workflows in Python.
- agdetector — agricultural_field_detector
- agentic-devops — Agentic DevOps Tool for automating and managing various DevOps tasks and configurations.
- agentlib — Framework for development and execution of agents for control and simulation of energy systems.
- agentlib-mpc — Framework for development and execution of agents for control and simulation of energy systems.
- Agilize — Unofficial client to access Agilize
- ahbicht — Python Library to parse AHB expressions.
- ahttp-client — A framework for easy asynchronous HTTP request calling with decorations
- ai-economist — Foundation: An Economics Simulation Framework
- ai-enterprise-agent — AI Agent simplifies the implementation and use of generative AI with LangChain.
- ai-exchange — a uniform python SDK for message generation with LLMs
- ai-flow — An open source framework that bridges big data and AI.
- ai-flow-nightly — An open source framework that bridges big data and AI.
- ai-python — Microsoft AI Python Package
- aibro — Serverless model training
- aichatbot — Python library for building custom AI Chatbot with just one line of code.
- aicompleter — Interactive AI program framework for Python
- aida-interchange — AIDA Interchange Format
- AIDepot — AIDepot provides AI Access at scale. This is the python client.
- aider-chat — Aider is AI pair programming in your terminal
- aika-putki — Task framework designed for time series data
- aika-time — Methods for dealing with timestamps, timeranges, and timeseries
- aikasilta — Time bridge (Finnish: aikasilta) - experimental reporting bridge from the Nineties into right now.
- aimai-search — no summary
- aio-omdb — Asyncronous and synchronous Python client for OMDb (the Open Movie Database)
- aioalice — Asynchronous library for Yandex Dialogs (Alice) API
- aiobearychat — BearyChat 异步 Python SDK
- aiobitcoin — Bitcoin lib for working with Bitcoin RPC.
- aiobitmex — Async connector to the BitMEX API.
- aioblitzkrieg — @BlitzkriegAutobot asynchronous api wrapper
- aiobungie — A Python and Asyncio API wrapper for Bungie's API.
- aiocapsolver — Async API wrapper for
- aiofbchat — An Unofficial facebook messenger chat api.
- aiograph — asynchronous Python API wrapper
- aiographfix — asynchronous Python API wrapper
- aioguest — Run asyncio and another event loop in the same thread
- aiohoripy — An asynchronous Python Wrapper for Hori-API
- aiohttp — Async http client/server framework (asyncio)
- aiohttp-client-cache — Persistent cache for aiohttp requests
- aiohttp-client-manager — Automatic aiohttp ClientSession management
- aiohttp-edit — Async http client/server framework (asyncio)
- aiohttp-msal — Helper Library to use the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) with aiohttp
- aiohttp-rapid — Aiohttp rapid
- aiohttp-rest-api — RESTful API servers with aiohttp
- aiohttp-rest-api-fork — RESTful API servers with aiohttp - this fork was created to fix a packaging issue with the original and will be deleted once it's merged
- aiohttp-rest-api-redoc — RESTful API servers with aiohttp - forked to use redoc instead of swagger
- aiohttp-sse-client — A Server-Sent Event python client base on aiohttp
- aiohttp-sse-client2 — A Server-Sent Event python client base on aiohttp
- aiohttp-swagger3 — validation for aiohttp swagger openAPI 3
- aioiliad — A python package that can be installed with pip.
- aiokilogram — Convenience tools and wrappers for aiogram
- aioload — Load test tool
- aiomonitor — Adds monitor and Python REPL capabilities for asyncio applications
- aiomonitor-ng — aiomonitor-ng adds monitor and python REPL capabilities for asyncio application
- aiomultitask — aiomultitask
- aiopytesseract — asyncio tesseract wrapper for Tesseract-OCR
- aioredis-fastapi — aioredis_fastapi is an asynchronous redis based session backend for FastAPI powered applications.