Reverse Dependencies of attrdict3
The following projects have a declared dependency on attrdict3:
- aloha — Aloha - a versatile Python utility package for building services
- cardstock — A simple development and rapid prototyping tool for quickly building multi-platform desktop programs and web apps.
- ConGen — Creating conservation planning datasets intuitively by playing with parameters and getting instant visualized feedback
- doc2graph — Repo to transform Documents to Graphs, performing several tasks on them.
- easelenium — easelenium - Selenium-based Test Automation Framework.
- graphomaly — Anomaly detection in graphs modeling financial transactions and computer networks.
- hydra-chain-py — Hydra Chain Tools & Application Library.
- llmdocgen — Automate documentation generation using the LLM of your choice!
- page2struct — Repo to extract structure from document page.
- pipelineviewer — CPU Pipeline Viewer
- presto-requests — A modern object-oriented HTTP REST client.
- SortingShop — no summary
- viapy — Python module for interacting with VIAF data & APIs