Reverse Dependencies of attr
The following projects have a declared dependency on attr:
- amr-um — Unified Messaging for AMR and MDM systems. A way to enable and simplify multi-utility operations.
- arachno — DSL for coroutine orchestration
- arizon-usb-apiserver — Driver for Arizona USB Pressure Sensor
- astro-observe-sdk — An Airflow and Python SDK for working with the Astro Observe platform
- autoed — no summary
- bpnet — BPNet: toolkit to learn motif synthax from high-resolution functional genomics data using convolutional neural networks
- bssapi — Функционал перефирийного взаимодействия корпоративной учетной системы BSS
- c3-reference — Reference implementations for C3 Wireless security beacons
- cathartidae — decorators for reducing nesting
- chamber-backup-diff — Top-level package for chamber-backup-diff.
- classical — Class Tools for Python
- cloudless — The cloudless infrastructure project.
- codeg — Python library to generate and execute code dynamically
- csghub-sdk — no summary
- datetime-formatter — Manipulate and format datetimes
- fastperm — Package for online generation of large permutations without large upfront cost.
- fbchatbot — Easily define chatbots for Facebook Messenger
- Flask-SQLAlchemy-PGEvents — Flask extension for psycopg2-pgevents, using SQLAlchemy.
- flasket — (deprecated)
- fordpip — A ford-pip package
- fracx — FracX is a library that can be used to interface with PDS Energy's FracX platform for exchanging frac schedules.
- glitter-sdk — Glitter Protocol is a blockchain based database and index engine for developing and hosting web3 applications in decentralized storage networks.
- grafana-gridder — Create Grid layouts for Grafana dashboards.
- handcash-connect-sdk — handcash_connect_sdk - library for interacting with Handcash Connect API
- hedra — Performance testing at scale.
- hyperlight-hyperscale — Performance testing at scale.
- hyperscale — Performance testing at scale.
- inferscope — Python-package for inferscope mlops service
- jingzhi — no summary
- kb-manager — A minimalist knowledge base manager
- kedro-projetaai — Kedro plugin that adds interfaces for production
- kubetop — A top(1)-like tool for Kubernetes.
- label-studio-evalme — Evaluation metrics
- label-studio-ml — Label Studio ML backend
- label-wrapper — User friendly image bootstraping framework.
- LWD-utils — rename-version of PaperCrawlerUtil
- mario-addons — More commands for Mario.
- Marketingtool — A tool module to help you do marketing
- moat-util — Utility code for the rest of MoaT
- mongomon — A profiler for Python and mongodb
- morrisseau-cleaner — A Python library to clean data for Morrisseau Project
- mykurve — Unofficial library to retrieve details of account
- Nitrous — Nitrous gives TurboGears 1 a boost
- odyssey-momentum — Python client library for the Odyssey Momentum platform.
- open-review-abstract-bot — no summary
- openai-assistants-api — A Backend application leverging OpenAI AssistantAPI
- openstates-metadata — Openstates metadata
- PaperCrawlerUtil — a collection of utils
- planetwatch — Code to make it easy to calculate earnings, etc for planetwatch
- pynalyser — Static Python Code Analyzer
- pynumerals — Helper library for numeralbank projects
- pyscivis — A visualization tool for ISMRMRD files. Can be used standalone or embedded into Jupyter Notebooks.
- PythonExtensions — Strongly typed classes with multiple built in helper functions to speed up development.
- pyvaporation — Set of tools for modelling pervaporation processes
- scancode-analyzer — A scancode-toolkit plugin to analyze scan results for License Detection Issues
- scresonators-fit — Python library for measuring and fitting superconducting resonator data
- scrfit — Python library for measuring and fitting superconducting resonator data
- sermos-tools — Sermos Tools
- stac-fastapi-geoparquet — A stac-fastapi implementation with a stac-geoparquet backend
- tangany_settlement_api_sdk — Inofficial Python SDK for consuming Tangany Settlement API
- test-runner — A small test runner library for Python testing
- TFF-data-converter — Tensorflow Federated data converter library
- TFFconverter — Tensorflow Federated data converter library
- TFFdata — Tensorflow Federated data converter library
- TFFdatasetconverter — Tensorflow Federated data converter library
- thoth-solver — Tool and library for discovering package dependencies in PyPI world
- UnityPredict — no summary
- unitypredict-engines — no summary
- zlapi — zlapi: Zalo API for Python
- zoomegastash — Zoo Mega Stash - Utilities and tool for Colon's zoo bot discord minigame