Reverse Dependencies of astroquery
The following projects have a declared dependency on astroquery:
- adam-core — Core libraries for the ADAM platform
- aimfast — An Astronomical Image Fidelity Assessment Tool.
- almaqso — ALMA QSO analysis
- alminer — ALminer: ALMA archive mining and visualization toolkit
- amical — no summary
- amlensing — Astrometric microlensing prediction with Gaia sources
- amoeba2 — Automated Molecular Excitation Bayesian line-fitting Algorithm
- arr — Astronomic Reference Resolver
- AstraCarta — Perform astroquery with useful options
- astro-ghost — A package to associate transients with host galaxies, and a database of 16k SNe-host galaxies in PS1.
- astro-ghost-ysepz — Database of supernovae and the photometric and spectroscopic properties of their host galaxies
- astro-otter — no summary
- astro-reduce — A simple CCD-image reducer for the Observatoire de Paris-Meudon.
- astrocut — Cutout tools for astronomical images
- AstroDART — Astronomical image reduction.
- astrodb-scripts — astrodb_scripts: scripts for interacting with the astrodb database
- astrodb-utils — astrodb_utils: scripts for interacting with the astrodb database
- astrodbkit — Astronomical database handler code
- astrodbkit2 — Astronomical database handler code
- astronomica — A Python library that deals with astronomy and mathematical calculations. It also helps with Julian Dates
- astrool — Python package for Astronomers in a Hurry
- astropixel — AstroPixel project made for CodeAstro!
- astropixie — LSST EPO python library.
- astropixie-hr — LSST EPO Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) Diagram library.
- astropixie-widgets — LSST EPO
- astropop — Astronomical Polarimetry and Photometry Pipeline
- astroQTpy — astroQTpy implements a quadtree data structure to explore 2D parameter space
- astroramjet — no summary
- astrosn — Supernova analysis library by @emirkmo
- astrosource — Analysis script for sources with variability in their brightness
- AstroToolkit — A package for the gathering, plotting and analysis of astronomical data.
- ATARRI — A TESS Archive RR Lyrae Classifier
- Auriga — A neural network for structure parameter determination
- autoeap — Automated version of Extended Aperture Photometry developed for high amplitude K2 variable stars.
- autonicer — A program that retrieves NICER observational data sets and performs a default data reduction process on the NICER observational data
- autoprof — Fast, robust, deep isophotal solutions for galaxy images.
- autostar — Auto-updating datafiles from astronomy databases.
- backtracks — Python package to fit relative astrometry with background star motion tracks.
- backyardastro — A package for backyard astronomy
- bayes_cn_hfs — A Bayesian CN Hyperfine Spectral Model
- boinor — Utilities and Python wrappers for Orbital Mechanics.
- brav0 — Bayesian Radial Velcoity Zero-Point Correction
- brutifus — Python module to process IFU datacubes.
- cabaret — no summary
- calistar — Tool to search for a calibration star
- canuvit — UVIT safety checks
- CASCADe-spectroscopy — CASCADe : Calibration of trAnsit Spectroscopy using CAusal Data
- conan-exoplanet — COde for exoplaNet ANalysis
- cosmatch — no summary
- cs107-team31-2023 — An API for interfacing with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- csromer — Compressed Sensing Rotation Measure Reconstructor
- ctapipe — Event reconstruction framework for Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes developed for CTAO.
- curvit — light curves from UVIT data
- cutout-fits — A package to produce cutouts of (remote) FITS files.
- cygrid — cygrid: is a cython-powered convolution-based gridding module for astronomy
- dace-query — dace-query allows for easy querying of DACE and provides access to both public and private data through a simple utility.
- daxa — Democratising Astronomy X-ray Archives (DAXA) is an easy-to-use Python module which enables the simple processing and reduction of archives of X-ray telescope observations.
- dorado — Digitized Observatory Resources for Automated Data Operations
- EclipsingBinaries — "Binary Star Package for Ball State University's Astronomy Research Group"
- efficiency-pipeline — no summary
- eleanor — Source Extraction for TESS Full Frame Images
- eleanor-mamu — Source Extraction for TESS Full Frame Images
- EveryStamp — A Python interface for retrieving FITS or image cutouts from a variety of astronomical surveys.
- exo-horoscope — no summary
- exoctk — Observation reduction and planning tools for exoplanet science
- exoscraper — Package to scrape data on exoplanet targets to help you build your mission.
- EXOTIC — EXOTIC: EXOplanet Transit Interpretation Code
- fact4astro — A python package for astrometric catalog analyses
- fcmaker — Python module to automatically create ESO-compliant finding charts in p2.
- filabres — Data Reduction Package for CAHA instruments
- FindDouble — Find doubles in Gaia by cross-matching with WDS catalog
- fitsImageProcess — A package for processing FITS images
- flows_get_brightest — Helper script for getting the brightest star in a Hawk-I (or other)
- foldedleastsquares — An optimized transit-fitting algorithm to search for periodic features in light curves
- gaia-oc-amd — Machine learning tool for the determination of new members of open clusters using Gaia data.
- gaiaunlimited — Tools for manipulating Gaia selection functions.
- GaiaXPy — Utilities to handle BP/RP (XP) Gaia low-resolution spectra as delivered via the archive
- gala — Galactic dynamics in Python
- gen-tso — A general ETC for time-series observations
- getCalspec — no summary
- gilmenel — Telescope guide star selection tools.
- glowing_waffles — A package for performing stellar photometry.
- gmosfc — Handy GMOS finding chart generator
- goodman_photometry — Pipeline for reducing Goodman HTS data.
- gotu — The Geometry of the Universe
- grss — GRSS: Gauss-Radau Small-body Simulator
- gwemopt — A python package for GW-EM Followup Optimization
- halo-fdca — Fit 2D proflile of Radio Halos from FITS files
- hapsira — Utilities and Python wrappers for Orbital Mechanics.
- hetdex-api — Tools to deal with HETDEX data releases
- hostphot — Global and local photometry of galaxies hosting supernovae or other transients
- hpmoc — HPMOC is an ultra high-performance, cross-platform toolset for working with
- imephu — Generate finder charts for astronomical observations.
- imephutest — Generate finder charts for the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT).
- iop4 — A rewrite of IOP3, a pipeline to work with photometry and polarimetry of optical data from CAHA and OSN.
- ipyaladin — no summary
- jdaviz — Astronomical data analysis development leveraging the Jupyter platform
- jhat — no summary
- jorbit — Solar system orbit fitting and integration with JAX
- juice-geopipeline — no summary