Reverse Dependencies of astroid
The following projects have a declared dependency on astroid:
- accomate — Accoladez + Automate = Accomate
- ai-economist — Foundation: An Economics Simulation Framework
- ai-python — Microsoft AI Python Package
- aichatbot — Python library for building custom AI Chatbot with just one line of code.
- aiida-spirit — AiiDA plugin for the spirit code
- aiida-sshonly — AiiDA plugin adding a sshonly transport option, using only SSH to transfer files, avoiding SFTP, in case it's blocked or non functional on a remote system
- amazon-sagemaker-sql-editor — Jupyter extension for SQL editing capabilities within Amazon SageMaker notebooks
- amazon-sagemaker-sql-execution — SageMaker SQL Execution library
- amazon-sagemaker-sql-magic — SageMaker SQL Magic library
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- apiview-stub-generator — A stub generator for published APIs, variables and properties in a package
- Architectural-Lens — Thesis project
- ArchLens-Preview — Designed for visualizing package dependencies and highlighting differences between branches in GitHub pull requests. It offers customization options to tailor package views.
- arenadata-pylint-plugin — The pylint plugin sniffing for a bad code
- asciidag — Draw DAGs (directed acyclic graphs) as ASCII art, à la git log --graph
- asttokens — Annotate AST trees with source code positions
- astypes — Infer types for AST nodes.
- autoray — Abstract your array operations.
- aws-service-catalog-factory — Making it easier to build out ServiceCatalog products
- basemap — Plot data on map projections with matplotlib
- carrera — Concurrency Framework
- cars — A satellite multi view stereo pipeline
- carte-blanche — A package of web server development libraries
- cdm-connector-1.1 — Common Data Model Object Model library for Python. Customized for SkyPoint use cases.
- cedar-backup3 — Implements local and remote backups to CD/DVD and Amazon S3
- certbot-zerossl — ACME client (with zerossl extensions)
- cfgenvy — Configuration from Environment embedded in yaml.
- CheckMates — CheckMates is an AutoML library which catches and warns of problems with your data and problem setup before modeling.
- cirq-dev — A framework for creating, editing, and invoking Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) circuits.
- codeforlife — Code for Life's common code.
- Codenotes — A simple CLI where you can save and view all your created annotations
- codewatch — Monitor and manage deeply customizable metrics about your python code using ASTs
- commented-code — Mininal pylint addon to detect commented code.
- commondtools — Common D-tools.
- concrete-operators — AI Agent Orchestration Platform
- connectwise-client — Project to download data from Connectwise using the api client.
- coopmovers — Library for logic around controlling "things that move"
- cotengra — Hyper optimized contraction trees for large tensor networks and einsums.
- COVID-19-Cases — A python script that generates latest data set of COVID-19 cases around the globe.
- crhc-cli — This project contains the crhc command line tool that simplifies the use of the C.RH.C API available at
- cryptolation — My short description for my project.
- cryptologic — Python wrapper for cryptocompare API
- dagster-custom — A data orchestrator for machine learning, analytics, and ETL.
- DalineUnit — daline unit generator and runner
- darbiadev-hermes — Shipping tooling
- darbiadev-sands — A wrapper for S&S' API.
- darbiadev-ups — A wrapper for UPS' API
- dash-tokamak — Dash without the annoying bits. Main goals of this fork are (1) to enable Python to write state data to arbitrary component props, not just ones defined by a specific component; and (2) support React-style functional property values by binding unary functional expressions to the global application state, executing them whenever the property is accessed.
- databricks-labs-pylint — Plugin for PyLint to support Databricks specific code patterns and best practices.
- databricks-labs-ucx — UCX - Unity Catalog Migration Toolkit
- deal — **Deal** is a Python library for [design by contract][wiki] (DbC) programming.
- deal-solver — z3-powered solver (theorem prover) for deal.
- dejankify — A tool to help you find and remove unused imports in your python project.
- devon-agent — no summary
- django-bloggy — A Django blog app with features of a standard blogging platform.
- django-wechat-user — A wechat user model
- docker-devbox-ddb — ddb - Erase environment differences, make developers happy !
- docker-volume — Management tool of VirtualBox Volume for Docker
- docsig — Check signature params for proper documentation
- dpylint — A pylint extension for analyzing python files that use the library
- driveway — Driveways Package
- driveways — Driveways Package
- driveways-project-cis4930-v6 — Driveways Package
- driveways-py — Driveways Package
- driveways-pypi — Driveways Package
- dsdk — An opinionated library to help deploy data science projects
- dslinter — `dslinter` is a pylint plugin for linting data science and machine learning code. We plan to support the following Python libraries: TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-Learn, Pandas, NumPy and SciPy.
- dvas — Data Visualisation and Analysis Software for the UAII 2022 field campaign
- dxlclient — McAfee Data Exchange Layer Client
- dxldomaintoolsservice — DomainTools API DXL Python service library
- dxlmaxmindservice — MaxMind Geolocation DXL service library
- dxlmispservice — MISP DXL Python Service
- dxlopenc2client — OpenC2 DXL Python client library
- dxlstreamingclient — OpenDXL Streaming client library
- dxltieclient — McAfee Threat Intelligence Exchange (TIE) DXL client library
- eagle-kaist — Stock Extractor library
- easyunfold — Collection of code for band unfolding
- ebmeta — Ebook Metadata Munging CLI
- eco-code-analyzer — A Python library that analyzes code for ecological impact and provides optimization suggestions
- edx-repo-tools — This repo contains a number of tools Open edX uses for working with GitHub repositories.
- eegAudioAnotator — no summary
- elastic-tools — no summary
- emzed-spyder — emzed IDE, see also
- evalml — an AutoML library that builds, optimizes, and evaluates machine learning pipelines using domain-specific objective functions
- ezvi — Automated typing in the Vi editor.
- fantasy-analysis — Library for doing analysis on a fantasy basketball league
- fast2app — A simple tool designed to automatically generate usable types, functions, and other useful server-side code from a list of [FastAPI]( application to a given framework.
- fenics-smart — Spatial Modeling Algorithms for Reactions and Transport (SMART) is a high-performance finite-element-based simulation package for model specification and numerical simulation of spatially-varying reaction-transport processes in biological cells.
- filecrawl — A simple crawler obtaining all available files from the campus management platform Studip and moodle for University Trier
- Find-Sitemap — A set of data tools in Python
- flake8-dashboard — Generate different reports of flake8 violations
- flake8-django — Plugin to catch bad style specific to Django Projects.
- flake8-django-hhupd — Plugin to catch bad style specific to Django Projects.
- flake8-warnings — Linter (flake8, pylint, custom CLI) for finding usage of deprecated functions.
- Flask-Loopback — Library for faking HTTP requests using flask applications without actual network operations
- Flickr-Mirror-Ngoc-Dang — A mirror Flickr photostream tool
- fmu-config — Library for various config scripts in FMU scopes
- ftoml — Python library unifying f-stringswith Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language
- gitlab-exporter — Export various data sets from GitLab issues, projects and groups
- gitlab-issue-delete — Delete GitLab issue in bulk