Reverse Dependencies of asteval
The following projects have a declared dependency on asteval:
- agent-smith-ai — agent-smith-ai
- anomalyHTM — Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing
- asteval — Safe, minimalistic evaluator of python expression using ast module
- astrowisp — Tools for extracting photometry from wide-field night sky images
- autoXRD — A package for automated XRD analysis
- becquerel — Tools for radiation spectral analysis.
- brightway2 — no summary
- bw2parameters — Contains all the python boilerplate you need to create a Brightway ecosystem package.
- camcops-server — CamCOPS server
- co2mpas — The Type-Approving vehicle simulator predicting NEDC CO2 emissions from WLTP
- dandeliion-client — Client for accessing Dandeliion services
- DAQBrokerServer — A scientific instrument monitoring framework
- datacraft — Data Generation Through Specification
- dgenerate — Batch image generation and manipulation tool supporting Stable Diffusion and related techniques / algorithms, with support for video and animated image processing.
- DiffCapAnalyzer — A package for the quantitative analysis of differential capacity data!
- django-nuit — Django Netnix User Interface Tools
- dkist-processing-cryonirsp — Science processing code for the Cryo-NIRSP instrument on DKIST
- dkist-processing-dlnirsp — Science processing code for the DLNIRSP instrument on DKIST
- dkist-processing-ops — Automated Processing smoke test and operations workflows
- dkist-processing-test — Example instrument code used by the DKIST science data processing pipelines to test processing infrastructure
- dkist-processing-vbi — Processing code for the VBI instrument on DKIST
- dkist-processing-visp — Science processing code for the ViSP instrument on DKIST
- docetl — ETL with LLM operations.
- easycrystallography — Crystallography in EasyScience
- easyscience — Generic logic for easyScience libraries
- easyScienceCore — Generic logic for easyScience libraries
- enbios — Enbios 2
- eunomia — Simple configuration framework with custom backends, based on hydra config.
- exoctk — Observation reduction and planning tools for exoplanet science
- Galaxy-ML — Galaxy Machine Learning Library
- graphing-tui — A terminal-based user interface application for graphing mathematical functions.
- Grevling — A batch runner tool
- hledger-utils — Utilities enhancing hledger
- ipanema3 — Fitting Tool for High Energy Physics
- jdaviz — Astronomical data analysis development leveraging the Jupyter platform
- kalkon — Calculator with GUI
- keephq — Alerting. for developers, by developers.
- laboro — The Laboro workflow framework
- laporte — Push gateway for processing metrics with automation and states.
- linkml-map — a framework for specifying and executing mappings between data models
- linkml-transformer — no summary
- lmfit — Least-Squares Minimization with Bounds and Constraints
- mcetl — A small-scale Extract-Transform-Load framework focused on materials characterization.
- mimicbot — A Twitter mimic bot
- nbs-viewer — A simple viewer application for data stored in a Blueksy-Tiled database.
- neutronics-material-maker — A tool for making reproducible materials and standardizing use across several neutronics codes
- npf — NPF
- nupic — Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing
- odmf — Observatory Data Management Framework
- oracle-ads — Oracle Accelerated Data Science SDK
- pandalone — pandalone: process data-trees with relocatable-paths
- pretty-j1939 — python libs and scripts for pretty-printing J1939 logs
- prjct — Project Management for Living Life
- prologue — General purpose preprocessor written in Python
- pyexafs — A simple package for fast analysis of EXAFS data
- pyglotaran — The Glotaran fitting engine.
- pynibs — A python toolbox to conduct non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) experiments.
- PyVuka — A General Purpose Global Data Analysis Package
- resolwe — Open source enterprise dataflow engine in Django
- rotsim2d — Simulate 2D rovibrational spectra of gas-phase molecular samples
- rotsim2d-apps — Inspect third-order pathways, polarization and waiting-time dependence of 2DIR gas-phase spectra
- rwmapeditor-exgcdwu — no summary
- sarar — SARAR is a command-line-interface tool for GNU/Linux, its goal is to optimize the process of remembering things.
- tcolr — A simple terminal colorizer
- thunderfit — Thunderfit fitting code
- unilogger — A flexible interface for various sensor bus systems
- vpype — The Swiss Army knife of vector graphics for pen plotters
- wltp-jrshift — Gearshift tool implement the Sub-Annex 1 and Sub-Annex 2 of theCOMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2017/1151 of 1 June 2017 - Annex XXI