Reverse Dependencies of asgiref
The following projects have a declared dependency on asgiref:
- datasette-upload-csvs — Datasette plugin for uploading CSV files and converting them to database tables
- debuzz2 — Ein Django-basiertes Tool zur Verwaltung von Unternehmenskennzahlen
- dektools — no summary
- deligence-django-docusign-connect — installable django app to integrate with docusign APIs.
- demo-package-python — This is a sample package which follows the instructions for publishing a Python package to PyPI.
- demure-logger — Simple but customize captcha generator( image + voice )
- deploy-box-cli — CLI for managing Deploy Box operations
- dgenome — no summary
- dhenara — Dhenara Package for Multi Provider AI-Model API calls
- dimtim-utils — Python utils
- dishify.database — Un paquete para manejar el modelo de datos
- distrans — A simple translation library for discord bots
- Djaizz — Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Django Applications
- django-acsecure — Access Secure Django Middleware
- django-admin-ai — An AI-powered assistant for Django Admin, allowing data import using OpenAI.
- django-ansible-base — A Django app used by ansible services
- django-asgi-lifespan — Django ASGI handler with Lifespan Protocol support.
- django-axes — Keep track of failed login attempts in Django-powered sites.
- django-backups — Django package for backing up databases.
- django-bloggy — A Django blog app with features of a standard blogging platform.
- django-bridger — The bridge between a Django Backend and a Javascript based Frontend
- django-browser-reload — Automatically reload your browser in development.
- django-cbim-general-service — Django app that every service implemented using DJango in CBIM should use
- django-channels-graphql-ws — Django Channels based WebSocket GraphQL server with Graphene-like subscriptions
- django-cloud-deployer — Hybrid cloud deployment (IaaS/PaaS and FaaS) of Django web applications.
- django-cloudevents — Simple health checking for django applications
- django-cors-headers — django-cors-headers is a Django application for handling the server headers required for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
- django-countries — Provides a country field for Django models.
- django-countries-mwisslead — Provides a country field for Django models.
- django-countryfield — Provides a country field for Django models.
- django-crm-admin — The Analytical CRM with Tasks management, Email marketing and many more. This Django CRM software app is built for individual use by businesses of any size or freelancers and is designed to provide easy customization and quick development.
- django-database-postgresql-aad-backend — Django database backend for Azure Postgresql that adds AAD authentication
- django-ddm — A Django app to setup data donation projects.
- django-doclib — A Document library
- django-five-channels-graphql-ws — Django Channels based WebSocket GraphQL server with Graphene-like subscriptions supports django 5
- django-getpaid — Multi-broker payment processor for Django.
- django-graphene-authentication — A variant of djhango-graphql-jwt that can work with federations
- django-healthy — Simple health checking for django applications
- django-htmx — Extensions for using Django with htmx.
- django-http3 — A Django package for automatic HTTP/3 support
- django-jwt-auth-middleware — Django middleware for utilizing JWT for authentication.
- django-koldar-utils — Some stuff that i used when developing with django_toolbox
- django-ledger — Double entry accounting system built on the Django Web Framework.
- django-lens — Enhance your Django development experience
- django-lightweight — Django lightweight package
- django-logto — DRF and Django Logto integration
- django-minify-html — Use minify-html, the extremely fast HTML + JS + CSS minifier, with Django.
- django-model-import — A Django library for importing CSVs and other structured data quickly using Django's ModelForm for validation and deserialisation into an instance.
- django-ninja-extra — Django Ninja Extra - Class Based Utility and more for Django Ninja(Fast Django REST framework)
- django-ninja-extra-easy — Django Ninja Extra - Class Based Utility and more for Django Ninja(Fast Django REST framework)
- django-okta-client — Okta client Django app
- django-peeringdb — PeeringDB Django models
- django-permissions-policy — Set the Permissions-Policy HTTP header on your Django app.
- django-pistoke — Django-Websocket-laajennos
- django-polaris — An extendable Django server for Stellar Ecosystem Proposals.
- django-polly — A Django app for building parrot configurations
- django-postgresql-ws — Django PostgreSQL backend proxied over WebSockets (for WASM)
- django-pyoidc — Authenticate your users using OpenID Connect (OIDC)
- django-restricted-fields — Provides date and date/time fields with restrictions for Django forms.
- django-rfmizer — A django based automaton do a sms messaging.
- django-signal-webhooks — Add webhooks to django using signals.
- django-simple-task — Task runner for Django 3 without requiring other services
- django-sockets — Simplified Django websocket processes designed to work with cloud caches
- django-sqlite-backup — A Django app to easily backup your sqlite database through an endpoint.
- django-sqlite-user-db — A Django package to create and manage user-specific SQLite databases.
- django-structlog — Structured Logging for Django
- django-stubs — Mypy stubs for Django
- django-swifty — Swifty Utils for Django Application
- django-ts-bridge — Management commands in Django that give defintions for Django models returned by DRF along with any model fields limited by choices
- django-venv — no summary
- django-webp — Serves a webp version of static images to browsers instead of jpg, gif or png
- djangoapprove — A Django module to manage approval workflows for CRUD operations.
- djanyolo — Manage content for YOLO model.
- dkist-processing-cryonirsp — Science processing code for the Cryo-NIRSP instrument on DKIST
- dkist-processing-dlnirsp — Science processing code for the DLNIRSP instrument on DKIST
- dkist-processing-ops — Automated Processing smoke test and operations workflows
- dkist-processing-test — Example instrument code used by the DKIST science data processing pipelines to test processing infrastructure
- dkist-processing-vbi — Processing code for the VBI instrument on DKIST
- dkist-processing-visp — Science processing code for the ViSP instrument on DKIST
- dockerflow — Python tools and helpers for Mozilla's Dockerflow
- dogfood-logger — no summary
- drf-pipeline-views — Django REST framework views using the pipeline pattern.
- driveway — Driveways Package
- driveways — Driveways Package
- driveways-project-cis4930-v6 — Driveways Package
- driveways-py — Driveways Package
- driveways-pypi — Driveways Package
- drop-backend — API and Command line tools for building drop
- dtool-lookup-api — This package offers both synchronous and asynchronous implementations of a standardized Python API to communicate with dserver.
- dvenv — no summary
- DynamicNestedField — DynamicNestedField is a set of tools used to perform dynamic nested operation on django models.
- dynoscale — A simple yet efficient scaling agent for Python apps on Heroku
- eavesdropper — Eavesdropper, an application-level gateway firewall proxy, gives you control over all network traffic. Or simply use its integrated mitmproxy 5.3.0 which can be completely controlled with Python code.
- eisenberg — no summary
- electrostatic — Application or middleware to serve static files over ASGI or WSGI
- eliud — Python Telegram bot Framework
- elyuf — This bot has been created independently for El-Yurt Umidi Foundation for easily searching Universities global rankings based on three top sources such as QS World University Rank, Times Higher Education Rank, US News & World Report Rank.
- ermini — no summary
- esg — Enhanced Service Gateway
- fast-tmp — fastapi tortoise amis admin