Reverse Dependencies of asdf
The following projects have a declared dependency on asdf:
- abacusutils — Python and C/C++ code to read halo catalogs and other Abacus N-body data products
- acdc-hst — Software to perform an optimized FUV (Far Ultraviolet) dark correction to HST COS data (Hubble Space Telescope Cosmic Origins Spectrograph).
- asdf-astropy — ASDF serialization support for astropy
- asdf-coordinates-schemas — ASDF schemas for coordinates
- asdf-pydantic — Create ASDF tags with pydantic models
- asdf-standard — The ASDF Standard schemas
- asdf-transform-schemas — ASDF schemas for transforms
- asdf-unit-schemas — DEPRECATED: ASDF schemas for units
- asdf-wcs-schemas — ASDF WCS schemas
- asdf-zarr — Asdf extension to support Zarr arrays
- aspecd — Framework for handling spectroscopic data.
- astrocut — Cutout tools for astronomical images
- astrodata — A package for managing astronomical data through a uniform interface
- astrogrism — HST & JWST Grism Data Analysis
- crds — Calibration Reference Data System, HST/JWST/Roman reference file management
- cubeviz — Data analysis package for cubes.
- dkist — DKIST User Tools
- dkist-inventory — A shared library for dataset inventory and asdf generation.
- dkist-processing-common — Common task classes used by the DKIST science data processing pipelines
- dkist-processing-cryonirsp — Science processing code for the Cryo-NIRSP instrument on DKIST
- dkist-processing-dlnirsp — Science processing code for the DLNIRSP instrument on DKIST
- dkist-processing-ops — Automated Processing smoke test and operations workflows
- dkist-processing-pac — Modules to determine telescope polarization parameters and compute instrument demodulation matrices at DKIST
- dkist-processing-test — Example instrument code used by the DKIST science data processing pipelines to test processing infrastructure
- dkist-processing-vbi — Processing code for the VBI instrument on DKIST
- dkist-processing-visp — Science processing code for the ViSP instrument on DKIST
- fiasco — A Python interface to the CHIANTI atomic database
- fringes-gui — Graphical user interface for the 'fringes' package.
- gwcs — Generalized World Coordinate System
- hcipy — A framework for performing optical propagation simulations, meant for high contrast imaging, in Python.
- hepstats — statistics tools and utilities
- imcascade — imcascade: Fitting astronomical images using a 'cascade' of Gaussians
- jdaviz — Astronomical data analysis development leveraging the Jupyter platform
- jwql — The James Webb Space Telescope Quicklook Project
- lime-stable — Line measuring algorithm for astronomical spectra
- locan — Analysis software for single-molecule localization microscopy
- modelforge — APIs and tools to work with abstract "models" - files with numpy arrays and metadata. It is possible to publish models, list them. There is a built-in cache. Storage has backends.
- MPoL — Regularized Maximum Likelihood Imaging for Radio Astronomy
- popclass — A python package that allows flexable, probabilistic classification of a microlensing event
- pysersic — A Tool for fitting sersic profiles in python
- pyxel-sim — Pyxel detector simulation framework.
- rad — Roman Attribute Dictionary
- reproject — Reproject astronomical images
- roman-datamodels — data models supporting calibration of the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope
- romancal — Library for calibration of science observations from the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope
- romanisim — Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope WFI Simulator
- satsim — Satellite observation and scene simulator.
- sciscripts — Scripts for controlling devices/running experiments/analyzing data
- specutils — Package for spectroscopic astronomical data
- sphinx-asdf — Sphinx plugin for generating documentation from ASDF schemas
- spike-psf — Drizzle/resample HST, JWST, and Roman PSFs for improved analyses.
- stcal — STScI tools and algorithms used in calibration pipelines
- stdatamodels — Core support for DataModel classes used in calibration pipelines
- stpipe — Framework for calibration pipeline software
- stpreview — build downsampled previews of space telescope products
- suncasa — "SunCASA: CASA-based Python package for reducing, analyzing, and visualizing solar dynamic spectroscopic imaging data at radio wavelengths"
- sunpy — SunPy core package: Python for Solar Physics
- teas — Tools for the Extraction and Analysis of Spectra from JWST observations
- tremulator — A package to emulate expensive functions using Gaussian processes.
- weldx — Python API for the WelDX file format and standard
- zfit — scalable pythonic model fitting for high energy physics