Reverse Dependencies of arrow
The following projects have a declared dependency on arrow:
- 3Di-cmd-client — Python 3Di command line client
- abhealer — abhealer
- abondance — Pyhton library for Internet Health Report API
- absio — Python Absio Library
- acb — Default template for PDM package
- acquisition-extractor — Parse statute, decision data from a specified location
- acquisition-statute-parser — Parse statutes into fields after acquisition from scraping.
- Active-Alchemy — A framework agnostic wrapper for SQLAlchemy with a simple active record like api
- adlfs — Access Azure Datalake Gen1 with fsspec and dask
- adminlte-base — A basic package to simplify the integration of AdminLTE with other frameworks.
- aef-gw — AEF_GW is a component designed to facilitate the integration of legacy systems with the Common API Framework (CAPIF).
- ai-dataproc — no summary
- AI-Starter — Python library which is extensively used for all AI projects
- aicodebot — AI-powered tool for developers, simplifying coding tasks and improving workflow efficiency.
- aideml — Autonomous AI for Data Science and Machine Learning
- ailingbot — An all-in-one solution to empower your IM bot with AI.
- aiomas — Asyncio-based, layered networking library providing request-reply channels, RPC, and multi-agent systems.
- aiopinboard — A Python 3, asyncio-based library for the Pinboard API
- airbyte-source-tplcentral — Source implementation for Tplcentral.
- airports_analytics — Airport geospacial analytics
- airwater — Better Tools Library For Write Spider With Python
- alamari — A collection of utils that you might not require but might need.
- Alpha-Mind — no summary
- alphapy — AlphaPy: A Machine Learning Pipeline for Speculators
- alt-side-parking — no summary
- amazon-ad — Amazon Advertising SDK
- anadb-tools — A collection tools for managing the analytics databases
- anemoi-dns — A least privilege dynamic DNS server
- angola — angola
- anitya — A cross-distribution upstream release monitoring project
- annict — Annict API for python
- another-jira-cli — A cli tool for JIRA useful for time tracking and bulk ticket creation.
- antibot — no summary
- antibot-boxdenat — no summary
- anyhedge — Basic components of AnyHedge contracts
- apache-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- apache-airflow-backport-providers-plexus — Backport provider package apache-airflow-backport-providers-plexus for Apache Airflow
- apache-airflow-providers-plexus — Provider package apache-airflow-providers-plexus for Apache Airflow
- apex-legends-api — Python wrapper for
- apologies — Python code to play a game similar to Sorry
- arkalos — Arkalos is an easy-to-use framework for data analysis, building data apps, warehouses, AI agents, robots, ML, training LLMs with elegant syntax. It just works.
- arq-dashboard — A dashboard for ARQ built with FastAPI
- arrow-adapters — arrow adapters
- arturlib — Small utility lib for Advent of Code and stuff
- arweave-client-python — Client interface for sending transactions on the Arweave permaweb
- arweave-python-client — Client interface for sending transactions on the Arweave permaweb
- ASGIWebDAV — An asynchronous WebDAV server implementation, support multi-provider.
- asgutils — ASG Utils contains my main standard Python Librairies + some extra helpers functions
- aside — Personal task tracker with the organization of tasks in the form of queues.
- assembly — Assembly is a pythonic object-oriented, mid stack, batteries included framework built on Flask, that adds structure to your Flask application, and group your routes by class.Assembly allows developers to build web applications in much the same way they would build any other object-oriented Python program.Assembly Makes Flask Great Again!
- assemblyline — Assemblyline (v4) automated malware analysis framework base package.
- astmain — 描述:我的工具包💗2024/07/01💗10_52_53#💗 pip install astmain==0.0.155
- async-cron — asyncio crontab utils
- async-iamport — no summary
- async-tools-ext — A collection of useful tools
- atb-lib — A Python package for Advanced Trading Bot
- atc-mi-interface — Python tools and API for the "atc1441" and "pvvx" Xiaomi Mijia Thermometer custom firmware (ATC_MiThermometer)
- atd-data-util — Miscellaneous utilities for manipulating data.
- atd-data-util-dev — Miscellaneous utilities for manipulating data.
- atd-jobs-util — Utilities for registering PostgREST scripting jobs.
- atd-jobs-util-dev — Utilities for registering PostgREST scripting jobs.
- atd-kits-util — Python utilities for interacting with KITS, an advanced transportation management application.
- atd-kits-util-dev — Python utilities for interacting with KITS, an advanced transportation management application.
- atd-knack-services — Integration services for ATD's knack applications.
- atd-knack-util — Python utilities for interacting with Knack applications.
- atd-knack-util-dev — Python utilities for interacting with Knack applications.
- athenaeum — no summary
- atlasai-discovery-client — no summary
- atlasai-mlhub-client — no summary
- atlasai-vinz-cli — no summary
- atlasai-vinz-client — no summary
- aturan-calendar — Gregorian <-> Aturan Calendar Conversion
- aud — Quick tools for audio busy-work
- auto-retrieval-plugin — Create and host retrieval plugins for ChatGPT in one click
- autopilotml — A package for automating machine learning tasks
- autosnapgene — Provide an API for parsing SnapGene *.dna files.
- avendesora — A password generator and account manager.
- avendesora-export — Exports Avendesora accounts to satellite hosts
- b2 — Command Line Tool for Backblaze B2
- b4-backup — A backup manager using btrfs for incremental local and remote backups
- backtest-reg — no summary
- baikalctl — Top-level package for baikalctl.
- basecamper — Training utility library and config manager for Granular Machine Vision research
- bbcli — Browse BBC News like a hacker. (based on pyhackernews)
- beancount-importer-rules — Beancount importer rules engine
- better-logging — Simple UI for Logback Postgres DBAppender
- bhr-client — BHR Client
- birthdayculator — A thin and extremely specialised wrapper around luxon for calculating birthday info from a birth date. Ported from npm library
- bitbucket-cloud-cli — Atlassian Bitbucket Cloud CLI
- bitfount — Machine Learning and Federated Learning Library.
- bk-resource — Bk Resource
- bkkcsirip — no summary
- bleongpkg — no summary
- — BlockEx trade API client SDK
- bmynab — Turns bancolombia reports into YNAB readable input files.
- bodhi-server — Bodhi server
- bodo-jupyterlab — A JupyterLab extension.
- boke — boke: Static blog generator. (尽可能简单的静态博客生成器)
- bokecc-sdk — SDK for bokecc.
- bonfire — Add a small description here!