Reverse Dependencies of arro3-core
The following projects have a declared dependency on arro3-core:
- arro3-compute — Rust-based compute kernels for Arrow in Python.
- arro3-io — Rust-based readers and writers for Arrow in Python.
- geoarrow-rust-compute — Efficient, vectorized geospatial operations in Python.
- geoarrow-rust-core — Efficient, vectorized geospatial operations in Python.
- geoindex-rs — Fast, memory-efficient 2D spatial indexes for Python.
- h3ronpy — Data science toolkit for the H3 geospatial grid
- jupyter-drives — A Jupyter extension to support drives in the backend.
- lonboard — Fast, interactive geospatial data visualization in Jupyter.
- xdggs — Xarray extension for DGGS