Reverse Dependencies of ariadne
The following projects have a declared dependency on ariadne:
- ariadne-auth — An Ariadne extension for authorization, allowing global permissions for all resolvers and fine-grained control over required permissions for specific resolvers in GraphQL APIs.
- ariadne-codegen — Generate fully typed GraphQL client from schema, queries and mutations!
- ariadne-django — ariadne_django is a python library for integrating django with ariadne.
- ariadne-extended — Ariadne contrib library for working with Django and GraphQL
- ariadne-graphql-modules — Ariadne toolkit for defining GraphQL schemas in modular fashion.
- ariadne-graphql-proxy — Ariadne toolkit for building GraphQL proxies.
- ariadne-jwt — JSON Web Token for Ariadne Django
- ariadne-lambda — This package extends the Ariadne library by adding a GraphQL HTTP handler designed for use in AWS Lambda environments.
- ariadne-relay — Ariadne-Relay provides a toolset for implementing GraphQL servers in Python that conform to the Relay specification, using the Ariadne library.
- ariadne-token-auth — A django app to implement token based authentication in Ariadne GraphQL
- ariadne-utils — no summary
- cannula — Async GraphQL Helper Library
- Djaizz — Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Django Applications
- django-anarticle — App for publishing articles with tags and categories
- django-anorganization — django app for organizing users through memberships
- django-ariadne-jwt — JSON Web Token for Django Ariadne
- djangophysics — Django APIs for physics conversion and calculations
- equine-webapp — Companion web application for EQUINE^2: Establishing Quantified Uncertainty for Neural Networks
- fastgraphql — FastGraphQL is intended to help developer create code driven GraphQL APIs
- flowsaber — A dataflow based workflow framework
- frazzl — no summary
- gbp-fl — pfl-inspired plugin for Gentoo Build Publisher
- gbp-ps — Store and report GBP build status
- gentoo-build-publisher — Gentoo Build Publisher
- graphql-booster — no summary
- guillotina-graphql — no summary
- irrd — Internet Routing Registry daemon (IRRd)
- madam-mam — MADAM (TM) Multi Agent Digital Asset Manager - a MAM server for Docker Swarm to handle higly distributed media processes
- maoto-agent — Maoto Agent
- pentaquark — no summary
- st-microservice — Tools to build Microservice Backends
- stattik — no summary
- swh.graphql — Software Heritage GraphQL APIs
- turbulette — A batteries-included framework to build high performance, async GraphQL APIs
- zef — A data-oriented toolkit for graph data
- zita — Zillion Image Tagging App
- zombie-nomnom-api — An API for the zombie-nomnom pypi package exposing functionality via a graphql api.