Reverse Dependencies of argcomplete
The following projects have a declared dependency on argcomplete:
- ace-metrics — A lib for measuring ACE based IDR operations.
- acs-cli — A command line interface to the Alfresco Content Services REST API
- aegea — Amazon Web Services Operator Interface
- ai-flow — An open source framework that bridges big data and AI.
- ai-flow-nightly — An open source framework that bridges big data and AI.
- ai-python — Microsoft AI Python Package
- aioli-sdk — Aioli (AI OnLine Inference), a platform for deploying AI models at scale.
- airbus — airbus package
- aitoai — Python SDK
- alauda-pytest — pytest: simple powerful testing with Python
- alphasort — Sort lines within regions of a file.
- amcrest — Python wrapper implementation for Amcrest cameras.
- amz-tool — AMZ Codebase Management Tool
- andebox — Ansible Developers Box
- angorapy — Build Goal-driven Models of the Sensorimotor Cortex with Ease.
- ansible-creator — A CLI tool for scaffolding Ansible Content.
- ansible-roles-ctl — Ansible roles management
- ansible-vars — Manage vaults and variable files for Ansible
- ansibug — Ansible Debug Adapter Protocol Implementation
- apache-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- apache-airflow-zack — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- api-py — Python client library for the Voxel51 Platform API.
- ara-cli — no summary
- argcmdr — Thin argparse wrapper for quick, clear and easy declaration of hierarchical console command interfaces
- argh — Plain Python functions as CLI commands without boilerplate
- arghandler — argparse extended with awesome feature enhancements to make life easier
- argser — Arguments parsing without boilerplate.
- ark-sdk-python — Official Ark SDK / CLI for CyberArk Identity Security Platform
- arrest — Arrest is a wrapper of pydantic and httpx to make your REST api calls type-safe and structured
- artistools — Plotting and analysis tools for the ARTIS 3D radiative transfer code for supernovae and kilonovae.
- asfsmd — ASF Sentinel-1 Metadata Download tool
- asset-tracking — Enterprise asset tracking by hostname for rouge device detection.
- assignator — A tool assignate students to timeslots.
- assume-framework — ASSUME - Agent-Based Electricity Markets Simulation Toolbox
- async2v — Framework for building computer-vision prototypes
- autoed — no summary
- automatix — Automation wrapper for bash and python commands
- automatix-cmd — Automation wrapper for bash and python commands
- avalon-generator — Extendable scalable high-performance streaming test data generator
- aws-sessions-switcher — A tool to help switching between multiple AWS environments easy and seamless
- aztarna — A footprinting tool for ROS and SROS systems
- azure-cli-core — Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Core Module
- azure-interactive-shortcuts — Helpful tools for using Azure resources interactively at the command line
- azureml-core — Azure Machine Learning core packages, modules, and classes
- b2 — Command Line Tool for Backblaze B2
- bahram-cli — Faster Development For Django 3 Projects
- bakabakabaka — the stupid configuration tracker using the stupid content tracker
- banksync — A library for manipulating banks of git repositories
- bapctools — Tools for developing ICPC-style programming contest problems.
- barman — Backup and Recovery Manager for PostgreSQL
- bashhistory — Common Python helper functions
- bddrest — A toolchain for testing REST APIs in BDD manner.
- benji — A block based deduplicating backup software for Ceph RBD, image files and devices
- berry-suite — The berry suite of programs extracts the Bloch wavefunctions from DFT calculations in an ordered way so they can be directly used to make calculations.
- bfqry — Batfish Query Utility
- bibtexautocomplete — Script to autocomplete bibtex files by polling online databases
- bkmeup — Archive & backup shell config elements
- blackdynamite — Scientific Parametric Study Tool
- boilerplates — Various boilerplates used in almost all of my Python packages.
- booktest — Booktest is a snapshot testing library for review driven testing.
- boostedautocomplete — Reef autocomplete
- breakthecode — BreakTheCode board game helper
- bsed — Simple english syntax for stream editing.
- buildenv — Build environment setup system, based on Python venv
- bulldozer-dtm — Bulldozer is a DTM extraction tool requiring only a DSM as input
- bygg — A small build system
- byrdocs-cli — A simple command line tool for BYR Docs
- c7n — Cloud Custodian - Policy Rules Engine
- c7n-awscc — Cloud Custodian - AWS Cloud Control Provider
- c7n_azure — Cloud Custodian - Azure Support
- c7n_gcp — Cloud Custodian - Google Cloud Provider
- c7n-kube — Cloud Custodian - Kubernetes Provider
- c7n-left — Custodian policies for IAAC definitions
- c7n_logexporter — Cloud Custodian - Cloud Watch Log S3 exporter
- c7n_mailer — Cloud Custodian - Reference Mailer
- c7n-openstack — Cloud Custodian - OpenStack Provider
- c7n_org — Cloud Custodian - Parallel Execution
- c7n-policystream — Cloud Custodian - Git Commits as Logical Policy Changes
- c7n-sphinxext — Cloud Custodian - Sphinx Extensions
- c7n-tencentcloud — Cloud Custodian - Tencent Cloud Provider
- c7n-terraform — Cloud Custodian Provider for evaluating Terraform
- c7n-trailcreator — Cloud Custodian - Retroactive Tag Resource Creators from CloudTrail
- cachedcomplete — Cached wrapper for python argcomplete
- caminopy — Collection of Algorithms for Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization
- canvaslms — Command-line interface to Canvas LMS
- cars-filter — Filter outliers from a point cloud
- cars-rasterize — Convert a point cloud into a digital surface (or terrain) model with colors.
- cars-resample — Resample an image according to a resampling grid.
- cbcflow — A package for enabling CBC analyses
- cbinterface — command line tool for interfacing with multiple carbonblack environments to perform analysis and live response functions
- ccpr — AWS CodeCommit PR CLI
- censys — An easy-to-use and lightweight API wrapper for Censys APIs (
- certora-cli-alpha-shelly-whenwillitbeoverinternalfunctions — Runner for the Certora Prover
- certora-quorum — Quorum: Open-Source Governance Security Tool for Web3 Protocols
- cg4 — this is a description
- cgr — this is a description
- challtools — A tool for managing CTF challenges and challenge repositories using the OpenChallSpec
- changeguard — CLI to check if any of the original files in a repository/directory change over the course of a precommit script.
- checkov — Infrastructure as code static analysis
- claranet-tfwrapper — Claranet's `tfwrapper` is a wrapper for [Terraform]( implemented in python which aims to simplify Terraform usage and enforce best practices