Reverse Dependencies of appdirs
The following projects have a declared dependency on appdirs:
- hup — Hup
- hydrus — Hydra Ecosystem Flagship Server. Deploy REST data for Web 3.0
- hyo2.abc2 — Common elements for HydrOffice libraries and applications.
- hyo2.ssm2 — A library and an application to manage sound speed profiles.
- hypershot — Create screen shots of a video file, and upload them to an image host.
- hyputils — Python utilities for the REST api and websocket interface
- iagitup — Tool to archive a git repository form GitHub to the Internet Archive.
- iasm — Interactive Assembler
- ice-launcher — An unofficial WIP Minecraft Launcher
- icecreamy — restful framework with bottle
- icinga-tray — A small script to display a tray icon with icinga information
- Icube-radiomics — Perform Radiomics Feature Extraction and Machine Learning
- idigbio-media-appliance — iDigBio Media Appliance
- idom_jupyter — A client for IDOM implemented using Jupyter widgets
- ietf-reviewtool — Review tool for IETF documents
- illallangi-mastodon — A collection of command line tools to interact with Mastodon.
- illallangi-tripit — A collection of command line tools to interact with TripIt.
- ilmo-app — Django app for event registration
- imagecleaner — Remove duplicated images from a path
- IMDLBenCo — A comprehensive benchmark and code base for Image manipulation and localization.
- immunonaut — Tools for immunochemical analysis
- imsy-htc — Framework for automatic classification and segmentation of hyperspectral images.
- indexurl — Reads index url from pip.conf and infers capabilities
- inkscape-1.3-figures — Script for managing inkscape figures
- inkscape_figure_manager — An API for managing inkscape figures.
- inkscape-figures — Script for managing inkscape figures
- inside-out-proxy — HTTP Proxy
- inspy-logger — Colorable, scalable logger for CLI
- insta-science — A tool to help with installing and using `science` in Python projects.
- insteonterminal — A utility for interacting with insteon modems
- intake-erddap — ERDDAP plugin for Intake
- intake-ids — Intake plugin for local artifacts in IDS connectors.
- integrityguard — Multiplatform agent for file integrity monitoring. Monitors, generate logs, and notify.
- Interleave-Playlist — no summary
- interview-star-questions — Command Line Program that allows you to add, edit, and delete interview questions and add related answers, notes and tips.
- inventory-card-reader — Read, process, and integrate data from inventory cards.
- IOGraph — Generate Plotly Graphs from IOZone Data
- iologger — Decorator which logs the wrapped function/method.
- ionosenterprise — IonosEnterprise API Client Library for Python
- ios-notification — A Django plugin for Apple Notification Service
- iOSpy — iOS MobileSync backup data extraction
- iotp — A CLI app for TOTP
- iotprovision — Collection of tools for cloud provisioning of Microchip IoT kits
- ipelago — ipelago: CLI personal microblog (命令行个人微博客)
- ipfs-publish — CD-like tool for publishing your static website from Git to IPFS
- IPFS-Toolkit — A set of tools for working with IPFS in Python: a programmer-friendly API wrapper, P2P data-transmission machinery, and accelerated connections to known peers
- ipinfo-db — Official Python free database library for IPinfo
- ipwhere — ipwhere - query an IP address geographical location
- ipyoptimade — Jupyter client for searching structures through OPTIMADE API
- irida-sistr-results — Exports SISTR results available through IRIDA into a single report.
- irida-uploader-cl — IRIDA uploader: upload NGS data to IRIDA system
- iridauploader — IRIDA uploader: upload NGS data to IRIDA system
- iseq-prof — ISEQ profiling
- isort-black-compat — A Python utility / library to sort Python imports, written by Timothy Crosley.
- isos-environment-test — Test your cloud automation environment for Isos Technology.
- iSponsorBlockTV — SponsorBlock client for all YouTube TV clients
- it-depends — A software dependency analyzer
- iterative-telemetry — Common library for sending telemetry
- itt — Provides a set of useful test tools written in Python.
- ivystar — python tools package of ivystar
- izaber — Base load point for iZaber code
- j-repo-tools — This repo contains a number of tools Open edX uses for working with GitHub repositories.
- jambottle — A bot that announces new jam entries to a discord channel
- jarvis-akul2010 — A library built to make it extremely easy to build a simple voice assistant.
- jdbl — A json based database library, RAM running and including basic read-write lock.
- jellyml — A tool/library for embeding a snapshot of your code into a pytorch model file
- jellyshuf — Randomly add items to mpd queue from jellyfin (use in tandem with mopidy-jellyfin)
- jenkins-job-cli — Jcli: Alternative Jenkins CLI written in Python
- jira-select — Easily export JIRA issues to CSV
- jirafrog — Extremely basic curses-based Jira UI
- jobsdone — A little helper to send you a push when your job finishes running.
- josephhaaga-clerk — A CLI to manage daily journal entries
- jotpad — Jotpad is a cli tool for managing notes
- jotter — Note taking and syncing utility.
- jotts — JoTTS is a German text-to-speech engine.
- journal-targeter — Journal matching, using title, abstract & references.
- jplumibot — Modded version of Lumiwealth library
- jpydict — Japanese-English dictionary, interface for JMdict
- jrvc — Libraries for RVC inference
- json-memoize — A tool for light-duty persistent memoization
- jtac — Start, stop and restart your arma servers just with cli
- juan — Generate .gitignore files from the command line
- Jugaad-Data — Free Zerodha API python library
- jupyter-kernel-install — Utility to install various jupyter kernel specs.
- jusScribe — Uses whisper AI to transcribe speach from video and audio files. Also accepts urls for youtube, rumble, bitchute, clear file, etc.
- JustUpdate — no summary
- kagglefold — Making protein folding accessible in kaggle platform
- kaikki-json — Download and read Wiktionary data in JSON format, using Kaikki data dumps
- kameris — A fast, user-friendly analysis and evaluation pipeline for some DNA sequence classification tasks.
- katsdpsigproc — Karoo Array Telescope accelerated signal processing tools
- kbbi — A module that scraps a page in the online Indonesian dictionary (KBBI).
- kbtogglr — Toggle keyboard on and off for xinput
- kecpkg-tools — no summary
- kedro-telemetry — Kedro-Telemetry
- Keg — A web framework built on Flask & SQLAlchemy. Somewhere North of Flask but South of Django.
- keygen-licensing-tools — Python tools for licensing
- keyszer — A smart, flexible keymapper for Linux.
- kgt — Python tools for licensing
- khmerpunctuate — Punctuation Restoration for Khmer language
- kiara — Data-centric workflow orchestration.