Reverse Dependencies of apimatic-core-interfaces
The following projects have a declared dependency on apimatic-core-interfaces:
- 4-g-specs-sdk — Just for Validating
- Apiamtic-python — The API helps manage or use MEC platform hosted services.
- ApiamticPackage5 — This is a sample server Petstore server. You can find out more about Swagger at []( or on [, #swagger]( For this sample, you can use the api key `special-key` to test the authorization filters.
- apimatic-calculator-97-sdk — This is a long description
- apimatic-calculator-test-api-sdk — Sample Calculator API SDK
- apimatic-core — A library that contains core logic and utilities for consuming REST APIs using Python SDKs generated by APIMatic.
- apimatic-ignore-sdk — This is a description
- apimatic-requests-client-adapter — An adapter for requests client library consumed by the SDKs generated with APIMatic
- apimaticcalculator1 — Simple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC
- apimaticio-calculator-678-sdk — This is demo description
- asad-14-json-generator — Testing Special JsonValue feature
- calculator-python-2.0 — some descripiton
- calculator-sdk-v-1-sdk — Use calculator
- calculator-test-3200-sdk — Simple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC
- card-management-sdk — The Shell Card Management API is REST-based and employs OAUTH 2.0,Basic and ApiKey authentication. The API endpoints accept JSON-encoded request bodies, return JSON-encoded responses and use standard HTTP response codes.
- data-and-reporting-sdk — Data And Reporting product consists of API's which provides details of transaction and invoice informations about shell cards.
- digital-payments-sdk — The APIs detailed within this SDK will enable Shell's Fleet Solutions Customers to digitalize Shell Card/s and use them to pay to refuel their vehicles at Shell Stations.
- domain-migration-sdk — this is description
- ev-recharge-sdk — This API Product provides the option to manage charging at all public Shell Recharge locations. The end points provides control to start, stop and get status of the charging session.
- ew-sdk — few
- fuller-ryan-sdk — Corporis do inventor
- hammett-washington-sdk — Vel corrupti volupt
- maxio-advanced-billing-sdk — Ultimate billing and pricing flexibility for B2B SaaS.
- moiz-gillani-whatsapp-cloud-api-sdk — Use cloud-hosted version of the WhatsApp Business API to send and receive messages
- multi-auth-project-sdk — this is testingpackage please ignore
- my-package-sdkwewqe — test
- my-python-package-6-2-0 — Simple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC
- mypythonpackage13feb — string
- myUniquePythonPackageName — Simple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC
- n-profile-sdk — this is testing
- ocean-x-package-sdk — Use Oceanx for logistics.
- open-weather-generated-sdk — open weather api
- open-weather-one-call-sdk — SDK for OneWeather API built by APIMatic
- packageee-213-sdk — test
- paypal-server-sdk — PayPal's SDK for interacting with the REST APIs
- petstore-sdk — this is pet description.
- petstore-test-sdk — use for testing
- postnl-ecommerce-sdk — Collection of PostNL API's for ecommerce processes.
- pyhton-package — This is a sample server Petstore server. You can find out more about Swagger at []( or on [, #swagger]( For this sample, you can use the api key `special-key` to test the authorization filters.
- python-apimatic-calculator — Simple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC
- rain-pack-sdk — this is testing description please ignore.
- repo-test-sdk — this porfile is made to test New repositories
- sdksio-apimatic-sdk — Use APIMatic API to generate SDKs in Python, Typescript, PHP, Ruby, and GO. You can generate On-Prem portal and many more.
- sdksio-juniper-mist-sdk — Use the Juniper Mist SDK to automate many Mist processes by using the RESTful API, webhooks, and the WebSocket API.
- sdksio-postnl-ecommerce-apis-sdk — Collection of PostNL API's for ecommerce processes
- sdksio-swagger-petstore-3-sdk — Swagger Petstore - OpenAPI 3.0
- sdksio-verizon-apis-sdk — Use the Verizon API for connectivity management, device diagnostics, device location, edge discovery service, edge performance, software management and much more.
- sdksio-whatsapp-cloud-api-sdk — Use cloud-hosted version of the WhatsApp Business API to send and receive messages
- simple-calculator-sdk — Simple Calculations
- spotify-api-sdk — You can use Spotify's Web API to discover music and podcasts, manage your Spotify library, control audio playback, and much more. Browse our available Web API endpoints using the sidebar at left, or via the navigation bar on top of this page on smaller screens.
- squareup — Use Square APIs to manage and run business including payment, customer, product, inventory, and employee management.
- subtain-apimatic-sdk — This is a test package publishing, Please ignore
- subtain-test-sdk — this is test
- swagger-petstore — This is a sample server Petstore server. You can find out more about Swagger at []( or on [, #swagger]( For this sample, you can use the api key `special-key` to test the authorization filters.
- swagger-petstore-3-sdk — Swagger Petstore - OpenAPI 3.0
- sync-pack-sdk — this is a testing description
- test-repo-pack-sdk — this is testing
- test-words-api-client-sdk — Words API lets you retrieve information about English words, including definitions, synonyms, rhymes, pronunciation, syllables, and frequency of usage. It also can tell you about relationships between words, for instance that “math” has categories like “algebra” and “geometry”, or that a “finger” is part of a “hand”.
- tester-package-sdk — this is testing please ignore
- tester-stripped-mhr — Use the Tester Stripped API to manage business including payment. customer, product and inventory management.
- tester-test-123asd — testing
- thingspace-payments-sdk-sdk — all the information about thingspace
- ThingspaceClone-Python-SDK — all the information about thingspace
- vendor-zahra — no summary
- words-api-client — This is a test client sdk.
- words-api-client-sdk — words-api-client sdk
- xtreme-calculator-sdk — Use the XTreme Calculator to pass your exams.
- zahra-package-test — test