Reverse Dependencies of anywidget
The following projects have a declared dependency on anywidget:
- altair — Vega-Altair: A declarative statistical visualization library for Python.
- altair_alx_alpha — Vega-Altair: A declarative statistical visualization library for Python.
- altair-alx-version — Vega-Altair: A declarative statistical visualization library for Python.
- altair-express — Create interactive data visualizations in one line of code.
- anywidget_3dviewer — no summary
- anywidget-ipyniivue — no summary
- bavisitter — no summary
- bindfiles — Google API Helper
- canica — no summary
- celldega — no summary
- cev — comparative embedding visualization
- chromospyce — no summary
- cityview — CityJSON renderer for Jupyter Notebook / JupyterLab
- cobramod — Python package for pathway-centric modification and extension of genome-scale metabolic networks
- cosmograph-widget — no summary
- coso — A solver for combinatorics math word problems.
- CrackNuts — A library for cracknuts device.
- cracknuts-panel — Noteboot(like jupyter) widget for cracknuts.
- D3vis-ipynb — A Custom Jupyter Widget Library with visualizations created with D3.js.
- dealcards — no summary
- dimbridge — DimBridge: Interactive Explanation of Visual Patterns in Dimensionality Reductions with Predicate Logic
- divisi-toolkit — Interactive widget and toolkit for slice discovery
- djalgo — A music composition toolkit
- dont-fret — Analyze confocal solution smFRET data
- drawdata — draw a dataset from inside Jupyter
- drmatlantis — Dr. MATLANTIS server tool that connects local chatbot to MATLANTIS server
- egglog — e-graphs in Python built around the the egglog rust library
- ephemerista — no summary
- flourishcharts — no summary
- fly2p — Tools for analyzing 2p (calcium) imaging data collected in flies (or other insects).
- ghostumap — GhostUMAP2 for Measuring and Analyzing (r,d)-Stability of UMAP
- glvis — GLVis widget for Jupyter notebooks
- gosling — Python bindings to generate Gosling visualizations
- graphviz-anywidget — Interactive Graphviz visualization widget for Jupyter notebooks using anywidget.
- higlass-python — Python bindings for HiGlass
- higlass-widget — A Jupyter Widget for HiGlass
- hra_jupyter_widgets — no summary
- ipyaladin — no summary
- ipyannote — Interactive pyannote widgets
- ipyclipboard — no summary
- ipydeck — Yet another Jupyter widget for
- ipydrop — no summary
- ipylangchat — Serverless chat UI Jupyter widget for langchain conversational AIs
- ipymafs — no summary
- ipymario — no summary
- ipymidi — Interactive MIDI in Jupyter
- ipymolstar — no summary
- ipyniivue — A Jupyter Widget for Niivue based on anywidget.
- ipyniivue-experimental — no summary
- ipyreact — React for ipywidgets that just works
- ipyreactflow — no summary
- ipyreactplayer — no summary
- ipyscore — A Jupyter widget for rendering music notation
- ipysimplebind — Rapid JS-Python binding for ipython widgets, for HTML/JS apps
- ipyslides — Live rich content slides in jupyter notebook
- ipytextual — Jupyter Textual-based Widget
- ipywidgets-bokeh — Allows embedding of Jupyter widgets in Bokeh layouts.
- itables — Pandas and Polar DataFrames as interactive DataTables
- jbar — no summary
- jbarchart — no summary
- jscaffold — Jupyter Scaffold
- jupyter-anywidget-graphviz — no summary
- jupyter-anywidget-pandoc — Jupyter anywidget for sideloading pandoc wasm
- jupyter-anywidget-pglite — no summary
- jupyter-anywidget-tesseract-pdfjs — no summary
- jupyter-anywidget-webllm — Jupyter anywidget for sideloading webllm wasm
- jupyter-anywidget-window-ai — no summary
- jupyter-bbox-widget — A Jupyter widget for annotating images with bounding boxes
- jupyter_formily — Integrates fomily to jupyter notebook, which base on anywidget
- jupyter-scatter — An interactive scatter plot widget for Jupyter Notebook, Lab, and Google Colab that can handle millions of points and supports view linking
- justplotme — no summary
- kingdon — Pythonic Geometric Algebra Package
- klowd — KLOWD platform library
- leafmap — A Python package for geospatial analysis and interactive mapping in a Jupyter environment.
- lloom_ai — Concept Induction to analyze unstructured text
- lonboard — Fast, interactive geospatial data visualization in Jupyter.
- maplibre — Python bindings for MapLibre GL JS
- mapstorch — A differentiable modeling package for automating X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis
- mapwidget — Custom Jupyter widgets for creating interactive maps
- mensetmanus — A package for teaching software development.
- mosaic-widget — A Jupyter widget for Mosaic
- mowidget — A comprehensive library of custom anywidget implementations for Marimo notebooks
- multixai — no summary
- navio-jupyter — no summary
- node-graph-widget — Widget for node-graph
- numerous-apps — Application package for numerous
- numerous-widgets — Widgets and patterns for building apps using frameworks like Panel, Marimo, and Jupyter based on the AnyWidget library.
- nzshm_rupture_widget — Ipywidgets map widget that can display 3D GeoJSON.
- org.vuepy.core — is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable Python framework for building UI on the Jupyter Notebook.
- persist-ext — PersIst is a JupyterLab extension to enable persistent interactive visualizations in JupyterLab notebooks.
- pygv — no summary
- pygwalker — pygwalker: turn your data into an interactive UI for data exploration and visualization
- pyironflow — react xyflow for pyiron
- pyobsplot — Observable Plot in Jupyter notebooks and Quarto documents
- pypowsybl-jupyter — Widgets for pypowsybl in Jupyter notebooks
- qsharp-widgets — no summary
- quak — no summary
- reactpy-jupyter — It's React, but in Python
- solara-ipyantd — React for ipywidgets that just works
- soupernova — Make viewing stars a blast