Reverse Dependencies of anyjson
The following projects have a declared dependency on anyjson:
- alauda-kombu — Messaging library for Python
- datasploit — A framework to perform various OSINT techniques, aggregate all the raw data, and give data in multiple formats.
- django-appointments — Installable django app to for appointment booking.
- httpobs-alt — HTTP Observatory: a set of tests and tools to scan your website for basic web hygeine.
- ilmo-app — Django app for event registration
- murano-agent — Python Murano Agent
- nameko-neo4j — Neo4j dependency for nameko services
- namekox-amqp — namekox amqp
- namekox-jsonrpc — namekox jsonrpc
- namekox-kafka — namekox kafka
- namekox-redis — namekox redis
- namekox-webserver — namekox webserver
- namekox-websocket — namekox websocket
- PyOFC2glb — Python library for Open Flash Chart 2
- raven — Raven is a client for Sentry (
- tuskar — An OpenStack Management Service
- zato-client — Python API client for Zato - ESB, SOA, REST, APIs and Cloud Integrations in Python (
- zato-common — Constants and utils common across the whole of Zato ESB and app server (