Reverse Dependencies of ansi2html
The following projects have a declared dependency on ansi2html:
- active-vision — Active learning for computer vision.
- aiidalab-widgets-base — Reusable widgets for AiiDAlab applications.
- alcali — Alcali
- apirunner-html — The HTML Report for Python api testing Base on PyTestReport and pytest_html
- better-test-preview — FastAPI app
- bigpipe-response — Bigpipe, Pipelining web pages for high performance, django response object
- byc-pyflow — An open-source tool for modular visual programing in python
- capacho — A tool for registering implementations and provisioning them with containers, facilitating seamless integration and management
- ComfyUI-EasyNodes — Makes creating new nodes for ComfyUI a breeze.
- costo — COSTO stands for COSimulation TOols
- darum — DAfny Resource Usage Measurement
- data-to-paper — data-to-paper: Backward-traceable AI-driven scientific research
- dbrownell-DevTools — Common development tools shared across different repositories.
- dbtr — An extension for the dbt CLI that allows deploying and running jobs remotely
- e3-core — E3 core. Tools and library for building and testing software
- eve-SMLM — Eve-SMLM: A Python package for single molecule localization microscopy from event-based sensors
- garoupa — Predictable operable hash-based identifiers and abstract algebra groups
- giquant — Quant & Trading tools.
- hosh — Predictable Operable HaSH-based identifiers
- ibeis — IBEIS - Image Based Ecological Information System
- InCli — CLI utilities for ...
- jupad — Python Notepad
- jupyter-dash — Dash support for the Jupyter notebook interface
- jupyter-dash-mp — Fork of Jupyter Dash with multiprocessing support: Dash support for the Jupyter notebook interface
- knitj — Alternative Jupyter front-end
- knowledge-engineer — Engineer GPT Knowledge within a project
- lbmpy — Code Generation for Lattice Boltzmann Methods
- lohrasb — This versatile tool streamlines hyperparameter optimization in machine learning workflows.It supports a wide range of search methods, from GridSearchCV and RandomizedSearchCVto advanced techniques like OptunaSearchCV, Ray Tune, and Scikit-Learn Tune.Designed to enhance model performance and efficiency, it's suitable for tasks of any scale.
- maestror — no summary
- markdown-ansi — no summary
- meiga — A simple, typed and monad-based Result type for Python
- mkdocs-solarized — A custom MkDocs theme with solarized styles and overrides
- molecule — Molecule aids in the development and testing of Ansible roles
- molecule-alicloud — AliCloud ECS Molecule Plugin :: run molecule tests using AliCloud ECS (Aliyun ECS)
- naucse-render — Converts course material to API
- NeXpy — A Python GUI to analyze NeXus data
- nonebot-plugin-logstream — NoneBot 网页终端实时log显示/输出插件
- nvgpu — NVIDIA GPU tools
- oneFace — oneFace is a library for automatically generating multiple interfaces(CLI, GUI) from a callable Python object
- presenterm-export — Presenterm's presentation exporter
- prismcat — parse logs and make pretty colors
- prismlog — parse logs and make pretty colors
- pyenbc — Simplifies remote access to clusters.
- pyfra — A framework for research code
- pystencils — Speeding up stencil computations on CPUs and GPUs
- pytest-molecule — PyTest Molecule Plugin :: discover and run molecule tests
- pytest-molecule-JC — PyTest Molecule Plugin :: discover and run molecule tests
- pytest-reporter-html-dots — A basic HTML report for pytest using Jinja2 template engine.
- pytest-reporter-html1 — A basic HTML report template for Pytest
- pytest-robotframework — a pytest plugin that can run both python and robotframework tests while generating robot reports for them
- pytest-tui — Text User Interface (TUI) and HTML report for Pytest test runs
- pytest2md — Create and run markdown Readmes from within pytest
- rgbw-colorspace-converter — Convert between RGB / HSV / HSL / HSI / HEX Color Spaces. And, emit the RGBW code for each.
- river-core — RiVer Core Verification Framework
- simo — Smart Home on Steroids!
- skip-django-security-logger — Django security library.
- smvp — Send a formatted email from the command line
- sphinx-console — an extension for sphinx to display console in sphinx documents
- terminhtml — Run shell commands and convert into an HTML/CSS animated terminal
- testgui — Drop-in replacement GUI for Django testing.
- Vicinator — A small python package to trace orthology neighborhood across feature files
- wildbook-ia — Wildbook IA (WBIA) - Machine learning service for the WildBook project
- wslogtail — Log tail, from redis pubsub to logfile buffer and websocket streaming.
- zuper-html-z7 — no summary