Reverse Dependencies of anchorpy
The following projects have a declared dependency on anchorpy:
- agentipy — A Python toolkit for on chain agents
- agentis — A Python toolkit for Solana agents
- dexteritysdk — Client for Dexterity - a modular derivatives decentralized exchange reference implementation
- dipe — A Python toolkit for Solana agents
- drift-jit-proxy — python sdk for drift protocol v2 jit proxy program
- driftpy — A Python client for the Drift DEX
- express-relay — Utilities for searchers and protocols to interact with the Express Relay protocol.
- galadriel — no summary
- goat-sdk-plugin-spl-tokens — Goat plugin for spl_token
- invoker-terminal — Awesome invoker_terminal created by m00dy
- jupiter-python-sdk — Jupiter Python SDK
- jupiter-python-sdk-public — Jupiter Python SDK
- mach-client — A Python client for the Mach exchange.
- mango-explorer-v4 — no summary
- marginpy — marginfi Python SDK
- open-aea-ledger-solana — Python package wrapping the public and private key cryptography and ledger api of solana.
- py-jup-decoder — Copied from
- sapysol — SuperArmor's Solana Python wrapper.
- sapysol-jupiter-dao — sapysol Jupiter LFG DAO Vote implementation
- solana-agent-kit-py — connect any ai agents to solana protocols
- solana-agentkit — A Python toolkit for building AI agents on Solana
- solsim — The Solana complex systems simulator.
- switchboardpy — Switchboard V2 API
- zetamarkets-py — Python SDK for Zeta Markets
- zo-sdk — Python SDK