Reverse Dependencies of altgraph
The following projects have a declared dependency on altgraph:
- abaci-users — A reusable Django users app
- ak-frame-extractor — Python-based GUI tool to extract frames from video files produced with Azure Kinect cameras.
- akeyless-ansible — Ansible plugins for Akeyless
- apollo-sdk — A radically simple framework for ML/AI model management
- AutoReg-MrPaC6689 — AUTOREG - Operação automatizada de Sistemas - SISREG & G-HOSP
- BackgroundVellore — Predict the Genre for each 10-second interval of the video.
- baotool — BaoTool (宝图), 个人积累的 python 工具库
- bbfreeze — create standalone executables from python scripts
- ccfreeze — create standalone executables from python scripts
- chat-async-client — description
- chat-async-server — description
- cluseek — A GUI application for finding and categorizing gene clusters found in the NCBI GenBank genomic database.
- code-challenge — Coding interview CLI that directs the user to answer timed coding interview questions in Python, JS, or C++
- crhc-cli — This project contains the crhc command line tool that simplifies the use of the C.RH.C API available at
- cs489-pyinstaller-testable-1 — PyInstaller bundles a Python application and all its dependencies into a single package.
- custom-fork-pyinstaller-1 — PyInstaller bundles a Python application and all its dependencies into a single package.
- DalineUnit — daline unit generator and runner
- datamatrix-lib — Lib de geração de qrcode datamatrix
- decore-base — decore Base is an out-of-the-box "Python to Vue.js" data application dashboard that helps you go from idea to view in a few simple steps. It is aimed at those who want to focus on the results of their algorithms , do scientific work, or perform teaching or learning functions.
- fdr-beta — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-dev-1.0 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-dev-1.1 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-dev-1.2 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-test — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-test2 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v1 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v2 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v3 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v4 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v5 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v6 — Sample fdr lib
- frat-brain — Application for ROI fMRI data analysis.
- fuel-track — Lleva seguimiento del consumo de combustible
- generoo — Generate code without writing any.
- gpkgstatus — Get Current Package Status from Fedora Updates System
- gui-scripter — Simple GUI for Python Scripts
- HoMoLab — 基于Pywebview的米游社PC客户端实现
- image_vector_diego — no summary
- indusmes — MES Application from IndusWorks
- iTheraPY — Environment for iThera Python tools
- kektris — 4-quarter tetris created by Pyxel
- kleantrans — Clean and translate your highlight text
- KwoksTool — no summary
- Layernode — LayerProtocol blockchain
- lswifi — a CLI-centric Wi-Fi scanning tool for Windows
- macholib — Mach-O header analysis and editing
- marcobre-diff — no summary
- mdast-cli — Dynamic-Mobile-Security
- media-organizer — This project will help you organize all of your medias, which means, basically, pictures and videos.
- modulegraph — Python module dependency analysis tool
- mxdownloader — Download Manga using the MangaDex API
- nidhi — Demo Package for GfG Article.
- nollama — A terminal-based interface for interacting with large language models (LLMs)
- nonmouse — a webcam-based virtual gesture mouse that is easy to use with hands on the desk
- ntsulib — ntsulib
- one-cli — Python CLI to manage stacks from DNX.
- OpenNTFY — A simple command line tool to send notifications to your telegram bot
- otauto — vnc_tool
- pcap-blur — Pcap Blur is a command line tool that anonymizes network traffic.
- project-templates — Pre-set basic templates of common Python projects
- project-to-installer — no summary
- promptflow-gui — Create flowcharts to control LLMs
- py2app — Create standalone Mac OS X applications with Python
- PyInstaller — PyInstaller bundles a Python application and all its dependencies into a single package.
- pymage-processor — Image processor
- pyPPG — pyPPG: a python toolbox for PPG morphological analysis.
- python-core — there is no description available
- question-creation-app-realpython — Question creator
- refrigerant — create standalone executables from python scripts
- robosapiensIO — robosapiensIO - your gateway to trustworthy self-adaptive robotics.
- rvtools-python — Simple app to collect information from vSphere
- saveme — OSX Menu Bar for AWS-Vault Metadata Server (via launchctl)
- script-sandbox — Cli for sanboxing bash and python scripts
- search-in-api — Search in API is a script that allows you to search among multiple pages of an API endpoint.
- slick-app — Easy to use secure file sending & chatting
- smart-shell — AI command line tools
- smenan — Developed for Sade Tech. Corp.
- standalone001pyarmor — 一个 Python 混淆工具包
- structurefinder — Search X-ray structures on your hard drive
- sv-dlp — Flexible Street View API Wrapper for Python
- tasq-cli — The command line tool for
- template-formatter — Wrapper to jinja2 template system
- TerminalApplication — no summary
- terraenv — Terraform and Terragrunt Version Manager
- testgailbot002 — GailBot API
- testgailbotapi — GailBot Test API
- testgailbotapi001 — GailBot Test API
- torBot — OSINT for the dark web
- translator-deepl — Traslate a .SRT file using any custom translator
- ttyGotcha — SSH-TTY control Interface
- video-bot-file-transfer — File Transfer module
- video-bot-mongo-file-saver — Mongo File Saver module
- w3mo-kivy — wemo control library
- xl2roefact — Excel invoices data retrieve, export & upload to RO E-Fact system
- xnat-cli-tool — XNAT CLI Tool