Reverse Dependencies of altair-saver
The following projects have a declared dependency on altair-saver:
- bccovideda — A package to download BC covid data and create simple EDA
- bs-python-utils — my Python utilities
- covizpy — Provides access to Covid-19 data from Our World in Data, and functions to generate relevant charts and summaries.
- datacube-wps — datacube-wps is an implementation of the Web Processing Service standard from the Open Geospatial Consortium.
- deneb — Visualization library build on top of Altair and Vega
- extrucal — Provides functions for calculating various parameters in extrusion processes
- friktionless — Friktionless is a Python package providing simplified interfaces to Friktion data. It aims to be the fundamental building block for doing data engineering and data analysis in Python for Friktion.
- marley — Marley - A framework for multi-agent reinforcment learning
- panTeX — Quickly build beautiful LaTeX documents from python/pandas
- pedroai — no summary
- pymechtest — Python package to automate the boring bits of mechanical test data analysis!
- simplefit — Package that will clean the data, do basic EDA and provide an insight to basic models, LR and ridge
- tfPlots — Utilities for quickly plotting logged tensorflow data
- trafocalc — Python project with teaching and scientific projects for Transformer Design and Optimization.
- tweetlytics — Retrieves tweets on a required topic and timeframe using the official twitter API, stores them as a .json and .csv file, performs data cleaning, data analysis and plotting.
- uwnet — PyTorch training code for climate modeling
- ways-py — WAYS package for Python developed at University of Warwick and The Alan Turing Institute.