Reverse Dependencies of aliyun-python-sdk-core
The following projects have a declared dependency on aliyun-python-sdk-core:
- 0lever-utils — utils
- 1lever-utils — utils
- abotserver — no summary
- ali-cli — Wraps the Alibaba Cloud SDK to make complicated tasks a lot simpler.
- alibaba-nls-python-sdk — python sdk for nls
- alibaba-pai — Alibaba Cloud PAI Python SDK
- alibabacloud-nls-python-sdk — python sdk for nls
- alibabacloud-ros-iacer — Iacer is a tool that tests Terraform and ROS(Resource Orchestration Service) templates.
- aliddns-python — A Dynamic DNS(DDNS) tool for alicloud
- alipai — Alibaba Cloud PAI Python SDK
- aliros — This package provides a command-line interface to Resource Orchestration Service for Alibaba Cloud.
- aliyun-img-utils — Package that provides utilities for handling images in Aliyun Cloud.
- aliyun-nls — aliyun-nls
- aliyun-oss-x — Aliyun OSS SDK for Python with async support
- aliyun-python-sdk-actiontrail — The actiontrail module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-adb — The adb module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-adcp — The adcp module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-address-purification — The address-purification module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-aicontent — The aicontent module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-aigen — The aigen module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-aimiaobi — The aimiaobi module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-airec — The airec module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-airticketopen — The airticketopen module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-alb — The alb module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-alidns — The alidns module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-alikafka — The alikafka module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-alimt — The alimt module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-alinlp — The alinlp module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-amptest — The amptest module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-amqp-open — The amqp-open module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-antiddos-public — The antiddos-public module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-apds — The apds module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-appstream-center — The appstream-center module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-aps — The aps module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-arms — The arms module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-avatar — The avatar module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-beian — The beian module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-bpstudio — The bpstudio module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-brinekingdom — The brinekingdom module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-bssopenapi — The bssopenapi module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-btripopen — The btripopen module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-buss — The buss module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-cams — The cams module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-captcha — The captcha module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-cas — The cas module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-cassandra — The cassandra module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-cbn — The cbn module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-cc5g — The cc5g module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-ccc — The ccc module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-cciotgw — The cciotgw module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-cdn — The cdn module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-cdrs — The cdrs module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-clickhouse — The clickhouse module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-cloud-siem — The cloud-siem module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-cloudapi — The cloudapi module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-cloudauth — The cloudauth module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-cloudauth-console — The cloudauth-console module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-cloudesl — The cloudesl module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-cloudfw — The cloudfw module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-cloudphone — The cloudphone module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-cms — The cms module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-codeup — The codeup module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-companyreg — The companyreg module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-computenest — The computenest module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-computenestsupplier — The computenestsupplier module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-config — The config module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-cr — The cr module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-csas — The csas module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-das — The das module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-dataphin-public — The dataphin-public module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-dataworks-public — The dataworks-public module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-dbfs — The dbfs module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-dbs — The dbs module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-dcdn — The dcdn module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-ddosbgp — The ddosbgp module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-ddoscoo — The ddoscoo module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-ddosdiversion — The ddosdiversion module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-dds — The dds module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-devops-rdc — The devops-rdc module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-dg — The dg module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-dms-dg — The dms-dg module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-dms-enterprise — The dms-enterprise module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-documentautoml — The documentautoml module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-domain — The domain module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-drds — The drds module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-dt-oc-info — The dt-oc-info module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-dts — The dts module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-dybaseapi — The dybaseapi module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-dyplsapi — The dyplsapi module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-dypnsapi — The dypnsapi module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-dypnsapi-intl — The dypnsapi-intl module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-dysmsapi — The dysmsapi module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-dytnsapi — The dytnsapi module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-dyvmsapi — The dyvmsapi module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-eais — The eais module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-eas — The eas module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-ebs — The ebs module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-ecd — The ecd module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-ecs — The ecs module of Aliyun Python sdk.
- aliyun-python-sdk-ecs-test — The ecs module of Aliyun Python sdk.