Reverse Dependencies of alive-progress
The following projects have a declared dependency on alive-progress:
- 3dLitematica — A tool can transform Litematica to 3D Obj
- adcirc-rom — Add a short description here!
- adup — Advanced Duplicate Finder
- ai4sqlite3 — LLM query assistant for SQLite3 databases
- aiobrute — A tool for asynchronously testing password login on several protocols
- alfred-osint — Alfred is a advanced OSINT information gathering tool
- amilatest — A dependency-analyzer for requirements.txt files
- arlas-cli — ARLAS Command line for ARLAS Management
- artk — A research toolkit to make research-adjacent tasksa bit more manageable.
- arus — Activity Recognition with Ubiquitous Sensing
- asmd — Audio-Score Meta-Dataset
- atmn — Automation Toolbox for Machine learning in water Networks
- audio-program-generator — Create an audio program from a text file containing English sentences
- audio-scribe — A command-line tool for audio transcription with Whisper and Pyannote.
- aurora-cli — An application that simplifies the life of an application developer for the Aurora OS.
- azsctl — Simple tool that lets you work with Azure Sentinel
- BacDiving — Bacdiving accesses the Bacterial Diversity Metadatabase BacDive and provides various visualization options.
- backupz — The application allows you to generate CHANGELOG files based on Git tags.
- bahram-cli — Faster Development For Django 3 Projects
- bakta — Bakta: rapid & standardized annotation of bacterial genomes, MAGs & plasmids
- basenet-api — Basenet API: A simpler way to build ML models.
- battle-cats-game-modder — A battle cats tool for modifying, encrypting, and decrypting game files
- battle-cats-game-modder-cmd-line-version — A battle cats tool for modifying, encrypting, and decrypting game files
- beetl — BeETL is a Python package for extracting data from one datasource, transforming it and loading it into another datasource.
- beets-autofix — ('A beets plugin to execute repetitive tasks in one go.',)
- beets-goingrunning — ('A beets plugin for creating and exporting songs that match your running session.',)
- bench-cli — no summary
- berteley — Topic modeling for scientific articles
- bibtexautocomplete — Script to autocomplete bibtex files by polling online databases
- binary-file-parser — Read/Write binary files after describing their specifications in code (similar to an ORM table schema)
- bocoel — Bayesian Optimization as a Coverage Tool for Evaluating Large Language Models
- breeze-dbt-cli — A CLI tool to streamline dbt project development.
- bresh — no summary
- bulkrequests — a draft implementation of bulk requests in dCache
- cgdevxcli — no summary
- cgPriceQuery — Historical and current CoinGecko price queries
- Chaeslib — A minimalistic and simple AES256-GCM+ChaCha20_Poly1305 library. For encrypting data using both 'AES256-GCM' & 'ChaCha20_Poly1305'.
- chronumental — Large timetrees
- ChurchSong — Download the event agenda from ChurchTool and instantiate a PowerPoint slide template with the names and portraits of service staff.
- classroom-utils — Utilities to handle stuff likes github orgs for classes.
- clidoro — clidoro: pomodoro in your cli
- cloudshell-rest-api — Python client for the CloudShell REST API
- comeagainquestionmark — Transcription tool for video to text
- crossref-lmdb — A command-line application and Python library for accessing DOI metadata from a CrossRef public data export via a Lightning key:value (DOI:metadata) database.
- CrysFieldExplorer — Fast optimization of CEF Hamiltonian
- DataAnalysisEnedis — DataAnalysis_enedis est une classe Python conçue pour faciliter l'analyse de données dans le cadre de la gestion de flux de données d'Enedis
- datajunction — DataJunction client library for connecting to a DataJunction server
- datashare-python — Implement Datashare task in Python
- datature — Python bindings for the Datature API
- dcpAlive — DCP-o-Matic with Progress Bars
- deadsimplevenv — Dead simle wrapper for venv
- deeprai — A easy to use and beginner friendly neural network tool box that anyone can pick up and explorer machine learning!
- django-default — A Django project structure generator by @ja_khan_gir
- dockship — Run AI models in Docker containers
- doiget-tdm — A command-line application and Python library for obtaining the metadata and full-text of published journal articles for text data mining (TDM) purposes.
- downloadx — DownloadX CLI - Content download CLI tools
- eeharvest — An automated, convenient downloader for Google Earth Engine datasets in Python
- elementary-data — Data monitoring and lineage
- enigma-12312 — placeholder.
- enigmapy — placeholder.
- eodal — The Earth Observation Data Analysis Library EOdal
- escriptorium-connector — This simple python package makes it easy to connect to an eScriptorium instance and to work with the data there.
- ethpwn — A swiss army knife package to help with ethereum smart contract exploit interaction, designed with CTF challenges in mind. Some might call it a set of pwn tools for ethereum exploitation.
- eventum-cli — Command line interface for Eventum
- expyvalidations — Sheets data validation
- exsnap — Automate the downloading of Snapchat memories
- facekit — Library to ease data collection for face detection/recognition/analysis
- falconcv — no summary
- featurebyte — Python Library for FeatureOps
- fetch-embed — no summary
- ffAlive — FFMPEG with Progress Bars
- fiddup — Utility to find similar files based on filename or hash.
- file-scraper — Scrape files for sensitive information, and generate an interactive HTML report.
- flac2mp3-cli — A Python CLI tool to convert FLAC to MP3
- forbidden — Bypass 4xx HTTP response status codes and more. Based on PycURL and Python Requests.
- GCMlib — A minimalistic and simple encryption library. For encrypting data using AES GCM mode.
- geodata-harvester — An automation tool for harvesting and processing geodata from the web
- geojson-shave — A command-line tool for reducing the size of GeoJSON files.
- geopyv — A PIV/DIC analysis package for Python.
- ggenerator — A tool capable to generate fake data with a given specification defined as a JSON DSL
- ghunt — An offensive Google framework.
- gists-gone — A CLI that gives you more granular control over bulk deletion of your Github gists.
- gitfive — Track down GitHub users.
- github-dlr — Download individual files and folders from Github
- github-repo-structure — A Python utility for analyzing GitHub repository structures
- gitlab-bk — Clone all projects in Gitlab account by group at once.
- glycosylator — A Python framework for the rapid modeling of glycans
- golog — The package contains some useful general functions for logging, and more.
- google-chad — Not another Google Dorking tool.
- grabberlib — no summary
- h5darkframes — python API for creating and using hdf5 darkframes libraries
- hc-log-filter — no summary
- hc-log-tools — no summary
- heartfelt-tools — Extract and process photoplethysmography and arterial blood pressure data from mimic3-waveforms and vitaldb.
- hf-model-s — model-s served from hf spaces
- hf-model-s-cpu — model-s served from hf spaces using torch+cpu
- HlightReaxMD — Projects for analysis of cascade collision processes and molecular chemical reactions
- hypecli — ⚙ A lightweight command line interface toolkit for python
- illallangi-http — A collection of command line tools to interact with HTTP servers.
- illallangi-tripit — A collection of command line tools to interact with TripIt.