Reverse Dependencies of aioserial
The following projects have a declared dependency on aioserial:
- agilent-vacuum — A package for commuincation with various Agilent Vacuum pump controllers and sensors.
- arena-robot — Robot integration runtime for the ARENA
- Cherrydoor — An overengineered rfid lock manager created for my school community. Made for Raspberry Pi connected with another microcontroler that send and receieves rfid data via UART
- ctc-heatpump — Python module for communicating with CTC heat pump by pretending to be a GSM modem
- fastcs — Control system agnostic framework for building Device support in Python that will work for both EPICS and Tango
- flowchem — Flowchem is a python library to control a variety of instruments commonly found in chemistry labs.
- hello-robot-stretch-body — Stretch Body low level Python API
- htheatpump — Easy-to-use Python communication module for Heliotherm heat pumps
- idpmodem — A library for interfacing with an Inmarsat IsatData Pro satellite IoT modem using serial AT commands.
- insteon — A utility for interacting with insteon modems and hubs
- lica — Assorte collection of utilities (functions, classes, etc.) used in other projects at LICA, UCM
- macross-serial — no summary
- miniature-lighting-desk — Desk software for Miniature Lighting Controller
- phone-modem — An asynchronous modem implementation designed for Home Assistant for receiving caller id and call rejection.
- pms5003-async — PMS5003 Air Quality Sensor with asyncio
- py2saber — Python-based utility for OpenCore lightsabers
- pybricksdev — Pybricks developer tools
- pyobs-gemini — pyobs module for Optec Gemini focusser/rotator
- pyshv — Pure Python SHV implementation
- python-ml-dali — A Python library to communicate with Dali controllers from Ministry of Light.
- python-syringe-pump — A python controller for syringe pumps, e.g. Legato 100
- smartmeter-datacollector — Smart Meter Data Collector
- twc-director — Tesla Wall Charger Communication Library
- ud-co2s — Python package for reading sensor data from IODATA UD-CO2S or Pocket CO2 Sensor
- unilogger — A flexible interface for various sensor bus systems