Reverse Dependencies of aiortc
The following projects have a declared dependency on aiortc:
- bodyjim — Comma body gymnasium API
- camera-service — no summary
- cv-smart-house-camera — no summary
- dwave-sona-core — no summary
- evo-bridge-webrtc — evo-bridge-webrtc python
- gradio-webrtc — Stream images in realtime with webrtc
- gs-peer-connection — python peer connection adapter
- hypha — A serverless application framework for large-scale data management and AI model serving.
- hypha-rpc — Hypha RPC client for connecting to Hypha server for data management and AI model serving
- imjoy-rpc — ImJoy Plugin Engine for running Python plugins locally or remotely from
- inductiva — Python client for the Inductiva API
- inference — With no prior knowledge of machine learning or device-specific deployment, you can deploy a computer vision model to a range of devices and environments using Roboflow Inference.
- inference-core — With no prior knowledge of machine learning or device-specific deployment, you can deploy a computer vision model to a range of devices and environments using Roboflow Inference.
- inference-cpu — With no prior knowledge of machine learning or device-specific deployment, you can deploy a computer vision model to a range of devices and environments using Roboflow Inference.
- inference-gpu — With no prior knowledge of machine learning or device-specific deployment, you can deploy a computer vision model to a range of devices and environments using Roboflow Inference.
- ipywebcam — A Custom Jupyter Widget Library for Web Camera using WebRTC
- itk-viewer-agave-renderer — no summary
- janus-client — Janus WebRTC gateway Python async client.
- keepercommander — Keeper Commander for Python 3
- mlf-api — no summary
- neura-swift — A Python/Javascript Robot Simulator and Visualiser
- opentv — teleoperation for all kinds of robots remotely or locally with immersive VR
- outspeed — no summary
- owt — A python client for Intel OWT server
- peerjs — Python port of PeerJS client library.
- peerjs-py — A Python implementation of PeerJS
- ProxyStore — Advanced data flow management for distributed Python applications
- pyedurov2 — Server package for Edu-ROV hardware v0.7
- pyedurov2-simtind — Server package for Edu-ROV hardware v0.7
- pyedurov3 — Server package for Edu-ROV hardware V4.0
- pymediasoup — mediasoup python client
- raiden — no summary
- realtime-client — no summary
- rtcbot — An asyncio-focused library for webrtc robot control
- simli-ai — Add your description here
- smcdk — mediasoup-client-pysdk, a simple mediasoup client development kit, i.e. 'smcdk', fork from pymediasoup and do more
- sparrow-python — no summary
- streamlit-webrtc — Real-time video and audio processing on Streamlit
- swift-sim — A Python/Javascript Robot Simulator and Visualiser
- teleoperation — Teleoperation for Fourier Robots
- teleoprtc — Comma webRTC abstractions
- vidgear — High-performance cross-platform Video Processing Python framework powerpacked with unique trailblazing features.
- webopencv — Stream live video feed from a webpage to a server-side python openCV script
- webrtc-streaming — Ready to use WebRTC Streaming
- WhipPyWeb — Add your description here
- x2webrtc — Forward X window through WebRTC as a MediaStream
- xingpyc — Official Xing Python API