Reverse Dependencies of aioredis
The following projects have a declared dependency on aioredis:
- 0-orchestrator — Zero-OS Orchestrator
- adsocket — Websocket protocol
- adsocket-transport — ADSocket transport library
- aidriver — AIDriver
- aio-agents — Opinionated template for building llm agents
- aio-kafka-daemon — Asynchronous Kafka Processing Daemon
- aio-pubsub — A generic interface wrapping multiple backends to provide a consistent pubsub API.
- aio-rate-limiter — Rate limit a function using Redis as a backend
- aio-redis-mq — Lightweight Message Queue & Broker base on async python redis streams
- aio-scheduler — no summary
- aio-task — A simple and reliable tasks manager. Attempt for a celery like, asyncio friendly.
- aiobloom — async api for bloomfilter using redis
- aiobus — An event-bus application layer, supports redis
- aiocacher — Python asyncio caching decorator backed by a Redis server or cluster.
- AioFastGet — AsyncioFastGetFrame
- aiogram-mg-handler — Aiogram media group handler. Fork of aiogram-media-group
- aiohttp-scraper — An asyncronous HTTP client built for web scraping.
- aiohttp-ws — Nano-framework for working with websockets, powered by aiohttp and redis
- aioinflux — Asynchronous Python client for InfluxDB
- aioja — Async version of Jinja2 environment
- aiolimit — async api limit
- aiopylimit — A distributed rate limiting library for python using leaky bucket algorithm and Redis(asyncio version)
- aioredis-cluster — Redis Cluster support extension for aioredis
- aioredis-fastapi — aioredis_fastapi is an asynchronous redis based session backend for FastAPI powered applications.
- aioredis-lock — Wrapper to provide distributed locks in aioredis
- aioredis-models — Model Redis data structures
- aioredis-rate-limiter — Rate limiter implements on Redis
- aioredis-rpc — An RPC library based on aioredis, msgpack, and pydantic.
- aioredis-semaphore — no summary
- aioredis-watchdog — python asyncio Redis watchdog for key changes
- aioredisorm — A Python class for interacting with Redis using asyncio and aioredis.
- aioredlock — Asyncio implemetation of Redis distributed locks
- aioredlock-neorisk — Asyncio implemetation of Redis distributed locks (Neorisk)
- aioredlock-py — Secure and efficient distributed locks (Radisson like) implemetation
- aiorest — Support REST calls for asyncio+aiohttp.
- aiorsmq — Async Python implementation of RSMQ.
- AioSpider-zly — 高并发异步爬虫框架
- aiosteady — Rate limiting for asyncio
- aiotaskq — A simple asynchronous task queue
- aioworkers_redis — Module for working with redis
- ajobot-manager — An interface for the different ajobots
- aka-stats — Module for keeping metrics about your application in Redis. The goal is to have an easy way to measure an application, and then expose these metrics through a HTTP API, either to process it in some web ui, or expose it to Prometheus.
- AlbertUnruhUtils — A collection of utils written in Python.
- — A collection of utils written in Python.
- amipwned — A minimal self-hosted haveibeenpwned application.
- apidaora — ASGI App using dataclasses module for request/response objects
- APIDevTools — All in one tools for API development.
- apifrom — Transform any Python function into a REST API endpoint
- apimate — API mate
- aplay — asyncio actor model implemention for easy use
- arpq — Asynchronous python library impementing priority queue based on Redis sorted sets
- arque — Asyncio Reliable Queue (based on redis)
- async-cache-updater — Caches the output of functions with time-based buckets
- async-caches — Caching library reimplementing django.core.cache with async support and type hints, inspired by encode/databases.
- async-redis-objects — Object oriented interface to aioredis.
- async-rediscache — An easy to use asynchronous Redis cache
- asyncio-redis-rate-limit — Rate limiter for async functions using Redis as a backend
- aurmessage — Messaging library for Aurora
- aursync — Synchronization library for Aurora
- authy_package — Generic robust authentication system
- automate-home — A python3 library to automate (home) devices
- aws-acl-helper — Squid external ACL helper that allows use of AWS instance metadata
- axiom-mcp — 🚀 MCP framework that unlocks truly scalable AI systems with zero friction
- — Backend.AI Agent
- — Backend.AI Console Server
- — Backend.AI WebUI Host
- basalam.backbone-redis-cache — Python Utilities & Basalam Micro-Services SDK
- bdating-common — Bdating common libraries standard library
- bdating-python-common — Bdating common libraries standard library
- bigdl-chronos — Scalable time series analysis using AutoML
- bigdl-chronos-spark2 — Scalable time series analysis using AutoML
- bigdl-chronos-spark3 — Scalable time series analysis using AutoML
- BigFastAPI — Adding lots of functionality to FastAPI
- birdisle — Python bindings for birdisle
- bluemax — no summary
- bookserver — A new Runestone Server Framework
- broadcaster-noteable — Simple broadcast channels.
- browscap-python — Python Browscap Library.
- bubot-selenium-scenario — no summary
- cache-client —
- celai — AI Driven Communication Platform. Assistants made easy.
- cenao — Python framework for fast and async applications
- chunli — chunli
- cobras — A realtime messaging server using WebSockets and Redis.
- coresvc — core services in microservice architecture
- cryptostore — Storage engine for cryptocurrency data
- custard — custard easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
- dappier-py — Dappier Python SDK for interacting with Dappier APIs
- datashare-network-tokenserver — Datashare Network Token Server
- dazzler — Async Web Framework
- dbdaora — Communicates with databases using repository pattern and service patterns
- dbredact — Data Redaction Application
- deepfos — Collecions of useful and handy tools for deepfos platform
- deepfos-dev — Collecions of useful and handy tools for deepfos platform
- deva — data eval in future
- discord-hero — discord-hero is an asynchronous, fully modular Discord bot framework that comes with batteries included, allowing you to write powerful Discord applications easily and quickly.
- django-aioredis — This package provides a custom cache backend for Django that integrates with the asynchronous capabilities of the aioredis library.
- django-botai-manager — A Django app to conduct web-based botai web services.
- doframework — A testing framework for decision optimization model learning algorithms.
- dragg-comp — no summary