Reverse Dependencies of aiologger
The following projects have a declared dependency on aiologger:
- aliyun-sls-logger — async aliyun sls logger
- arcor2 — ARCOR2 base library
- arcor2-arserver — ARCOR2 ARServer
- arcor2-execution — ARCOR2 Execution service
- arcor2-logger — ARCOR2 Logger service.
- async-icq — ICQ/VK Teams Bot API interface
- async-worker — Microframework para escrever workers assÃncronos em Python
- bojango — A lightweight framework for creating Telegram bots with advanced routing and localization.
- confluence-cli — Just another Atlassian Confluence API cli extension
- cpop — The Cython-Optimized Plugin Oriented Programming System
- damn-fastkafka — This is the simplest module for quick work with Kafka.
- discord-hero — discord-hero is an asynchronous, fully modular Discord bot framework that comes with batteries included, allowing you to write powerful Discord applications easily and quickly.
- endpointlib — MQTT Endpoint Library
- green-eggs — A framework to build a Twitch chatbot.
- hedra — Performance testing at scale.
- iptt — InterPlanetary Tunnel Toolkit
- logging-strict — logging.config yaml strict typing and editable
- metrikflow — A library for processing and sending metrics.
- parallex — PDF to markdown using Azure OpenAI batch processing
- pluggable-namespace — Pluggable namespaces
- pop-config — The official tool to allow for creating and app-merging configuration options for pop projects.
- pproto-py — pproto_py is Python implementation of "Point Of View" communication protocol
- quickbolt — Asynchronously make and validate requests!
- quotesaggregator — QuotesAggregator is a quote aggregator program that stores the instant values of various currencies to create and save 1, 5 and 10 minute candles in a database through the Poloniex API.
- rally-cli — Rally software API Client
- sieve_sdk — Sieve SDK
- tools-commons — tools_commons component of pipelib
- werkflow — Composable workflows for all.