Reverse Dependencies of aiokafka
The following projects have a declared dependency on aiokafka:
- aio-kafka-daemon — Asynchronous Kafka Processing Daemon
- aiokafka_service_secretaria — aiokafka manager service for Centralita App
- AioKafkaEngine — Wrapper around aio-kafka to use and receive via a asyncio queue
- aiosafeconsumer — Safely consume and process data.
- aiosox — ⛓️ Combination of asyncapi(documentation) & socketio pub/sub using aiokafka as the client manager multinode backend services
- akatsuki-kafka — Kafka consumer & producer abstraction for Akatsuki
- apache-skywalking — The Python Agent for Apache SkyWalking, which provides the native tracing/metrics/logging/profiling abilities for Python projects.
- apache-skywalking-py312 — The Python Agent for Apache SkyWalking, which provides the native tracing/metrics/logging/profiling abilities for Python projects. this is support python3.12.
- asyncapi — asyncapi
- asyncdb — Library for Asynchronous data source connections Collection of asyncio drivers.
- big-bull — Web framework for writing asynchronous microservices
- broadcaster — Simple broadcast channels.
- broadcaster-noteable — Simple broadcast channels.
- bspump — BSPump is a real-time stream processor for Python 3.6+
- buz — Buz is a set of light, simple and extensible implementations of event, command and query buses.
- cryptofeed — Cryptocurrency Exchange Websocket Data Feed Handler
- cryptostore — Storage engine for cryptocurrency data
- damn-fastkafka — This is the simplest module for quick work with Kafka.
- ddd-for-python — A domain-driven design (DDD) framework for Python.
- delphai-utils — delphai backend utilities
- dirba — Small ML boilerplate
- django-action-triggers — A Django library for asynchronously triggering actions in response to database changes. It supports integration with webhooks, message brokers (e.g., Kafka, RabbitMQ), and can trigger other processes, including AWS Lambda functions.
- django-idp-user — A Django app that handles the communication between the IDP and the products for the authorization of users.
- dvgroup-factory — Service factory for DVGroup
- elyadata-mq — A kafka tools package that aims to facilitate using message queues
- eopf — Earth Observation Platform Core Python Modules
- evbus-kafka — evbus app-merge components for kafka queues
- event-listener — An asynchronous kafka event listener to make action dispatching easier
- event-outbox — Transactional outbox and idempotent consumer
- eventiq — Publish/Subscribe asyncio framework for Python
- eventyst — no summary
- evkafka — EVKafka framework. Handle kafka events easy
- fast-clean — FastAPI Clean Architecture implementation
- fast-healthchecks — FastHealthchecks
- fast-kafka-api — Extension of FastAPI with Kafka event handlers
- fastapi-components — This library makes it easy to add dependencies to your fastapi service
- fastapi-kafka — A wrapper around FastAPI to easily consume kafka messages as routes
- fastkafka — FastKafka is a powerful and easy-to-use Python library for building asynchronous web services that interact with Kafka topics. Built on top of FastAPI, Starlette, Pydantic, AIOKafka and AsyncAPI, FastKafka simplifies the process of writing producers and consumers for Kafka topics.
- fastmicro — Fast, simple microservice framework
- faststream — FastStream: the simplest way to work with a messaging queues
- faust-streaming — Python Stream Processing. A Faust fork
- haven-spc — Tools and GUI for running the spectroscopy group beamlines at the Advanced Photon Source.
- hedra — Performance testing at scale.
- hexkit — A Toolkit for Building Microservices using the Hexagonal Architecture
- hscan — A python framework
- hummingsim — CoinAlpha Hummingsim
- hyperlight-hyperscale — Performance testing at scale.
- hyperscale — Performance testing at scale.
- kafka-avro-helper — A package for Kafka and AVRO processing
- kafka-paperboy — Kafka ingester for python built around aiokafka
- kafkaescli — A magical kafka command line interface.
- kafkaesk — Easy publish and subscribe to events with python and Kafka.
- kafkahelpers — no summary
- kafkaproxy — kafka consumer and producer proxy
- kaflow — Python Stream processing backed by Apache Kafka.
- kaiju-kafka — Kafka transport services.
- krispbroadcaster — Simple broadcast channels.
- kstreams — Build simple kafka streams applications
- llama-agents — no summary
- llama-deploy — no summary
- log78 — A flexible Python logging library supporting console, file, and server logging.
- mc-coppel — libreria para hacer la conexion de microservicios
- metta — Micro-service framework for real-time machine learning applications
- microagent — Tool for agent ecosystem
- minos-broker-kafka — The kafka plugin of the Minos Framework
- mite — A Python Performance Testing Framework
- mlserver — MLServer
- mockafka-py — A mock library for confluent kafka
- muffin-kafka — Kafka Integration for Muffin framework
- nacre — Nacre
- nautilus — A library for creating event-driven microservice applications
- neojelll-url-shortener-api — no summary
- neojelll-url-shortener-service — no summary
- nerdd-link — Run a NERDD module as a service
- nttai-faust-streaming — Python Stream processing.
- onto — Build reactive back end with ease
- opal-server-fork — OPAL is an administration layer for Open Policy Agent (OPA), detecting changes to both policy and data and pushing live updates to your agents. The opal-server creates a pub/sub channel clients can subscribe to (i.e: acts as coordinator). The server also tracks a git repository (via webhook) for updates to policy (or static data) and accepts continuous data update notifications via REST api, which are then pushed to clients.
- opentelemetry-instrumentation-aiokafka — OpenTelemetry aiokafka instrumentation
- opentelemetry-instrumentation-faststream — FastStream instrumentation for OpenTelemetry
- orign-runtime — Python runtime for Orign
- outbox-streaming — no summary
- oxalis — Distributed async task/job queue
- patchwork-client-kafka — Kafka client for Patchwork - The distributed asynchronous microframework
- permit-broadcaster — Simple broadcast channels (Permit fork)
- plantable — no summary
- propan — Propan framework: the simplest way to work with a messaging queues
- pydll78 — python常用小工具包
- python-cqrs — Python CQRS pattern implementation
- python-inbound — An Event Bus framework for event driven systems.
- rasa-hydra — Forked from the open source machine learning framework, Rasa
- reworkd-platform-Ollama — A platform for reworkd
- rhubarb-py — Rhubarb is a library that simplifies realtime streaming for a number of backends into a single API
- romeways_kafka_queue — no summary
- safir — The Rubin Observatory SQuaRE framework for FastAPI services.
- sameli — Simple Asynchronous ML Integration Framework
- scidx — Python client library for interacting with the sciDX API
- scidx-streaming — A Python client library for interacting with the scidx POP and create streams.
- scidx-tools — Python client library for complementing the sciDX library
- skys-llc-auth — Библиотека для работы с Jwt_token
- slipstream-async — Streamline your stream processing.