Reverse Dependencies of aiofiles
The following projects have a declared dependency on aiofiles:
- aiotinydb — asyncio compatibility shim for tinydb
- aiou — Async I/O Utils
- aiovcf — aiovcf
- aiowebdav — Asyncio WebDAV client, based on original package but uses aiohttp instead of requests
- aiowebhdfs — A modern and asynchronous web client for WebHDFS
- aioWiserHeatAPI — An AsyncIO API for controlling the Drayton Wiser Heating system
- airbase — An easy downloader for the AirBase air quality data.
- aismt — A command-line interface for AI Smart Task.
- ajum — Tools for interacting with the "AJuM" database
- akello — FastAPI server
- akenoai — AkenoAi Python Wrapper For Plus+
- AlexaPy — Python API to control Amazon Echo Devices Programmatically.
- AlexaPy-test — Python API to control Amazon Echo Devices Programmatically.
- alibabacloud-ros-iacer — Iacer is a tool that tests Terraform and ROS(Resource Orchestration Service) templates.
- aliceio — Asynchronous framework for Alice from Yandex Dialogs
- alita — A simple Python async framework for building web applications.
- allin — Allin is an experimental asynchronous web framework.
- AlphacodersDownloader — A script for download wallpapers on written in Python.
- AltAnalyze3 — AltAnalyze3: Advanced RNA-Seq Analysis Workflow
- altmo — Tools for mapping walkability and bikeability using Open Street Map data
- altscore — Python SDK for AltScore. It provides a simple interface to the AltScore API.
- amazon-photos — Amazon Photos API
- ams-core — no summary
- ams-python — no summary
- androidtv — Communicate with an Android TV or Fire TV device via ADB over a network.
- androidtvremote2 — A Python library for interacting with Android TV using the Android TV Remote protocol v2
- ang — no summary
- AnimeCrawler — 一个可免费下载动漫的爬虫
- aniplease — no summary
- anji-orm — RethinkDB based ORM
- ant_nest — A simple and clear Web Crawler framework build on python3.6+
- ant31box — no summary
- antsibull-build — Tools for building the Ansible Distribution
- antsibull-core — Tools for building the Ansible Distribution
- antsibull-fileutils — Tools for building the Ansible Distribution
- anything-world — Anything World API wrapper library and CLI
- aopi — Another one package index for humans
- apache-airflow-providers-cncf-kubernetes — Provider package apache-airflow-providers-cncf-kubernetes for Apache Airflow
- apartment-browser — Backend used by "apartment browser" web extensions
- api2ch — Async API Wrapper for 2ch Imageboard with typings
- apiimgbb — lib for Imgbb
- appnext — no summary
- apt-mirror — apt-mirror Python reimplementation
- Aptus — Aptus: A Mandelbrot set explorer and renderer.
- aquilify — Aquilify is an ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) framework designed to facilitate the development of web applications with Python. It enables efficient handling of HTTP requests, WebSocket connections, middleware processing, and exception handling in an asynchronous environment.
- arcor2-arserver — ARCOR2 ARServer
- arcor2-execution — ARCOR2 Execution service
- argilla-server — Open-source tool for exploring, labeling, and monitoring data for NLP projects.
- art-dl — Artworks downloader
- arxiv-mcp-server — A flexible arXiv search and analysis service with MCP protocol support
- arya-api-framework — A simple API framework used in many other API clients I create.
- asgikit — Toolkit for building ASGI applications and libraries
- ASGIMiddlewareStaticFile — ASGI Middleware for serving Static File.
- ASGIWebDAV — An asynchronous WebDAV server implementation, support multi-provider.
- AshenDB — Another stupid library for using json as Database
- asimplevectors — Python client library for interacting with asimplevectors API.
- AssembleAI — Assemble AI
- AsthoUpdater — A lib for update files written in Python.
- astronomer-providers — Apache Airflow Providers containing Deferrable Operators & Sensors from Astronomer
- asyffmpeg — A library for asynchronous operation with FFmpeg, providing the ability to track events such as start, end, and encoding progress.
- async_bakalari_api — Async API for Bakalari endpoint v3
- async-pixiv — Async Pixiv API for Python
- async-pjsekai — Asynchronous reverse engineered client for the game Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE! feat. Hatsune Miku
- async-pushover-client — a set of methods for working with PushOver
- async-simple-salesforce — Async fork of simple-salesforce
- async-VKsher — asyncVK is asynchronous library for creating a bot in VK
- asyncdb — Library for Asynchronous data source connections Collection of asyncio drivers.
- asyncfakeyou — An asynchronous library for interacting with the FakeYou Text-to-Speech API.
- AsynchronousPS4Controller — A package to suit your non-blocking PS4 interface
- AsyncJ — Python module for fast asynchronous work with JSON files
- asyncpause — a Python library to schedule and persist async function calls, ensuring they run exactly when you need them, even after restarts.
- asyncpraw — Asynchronous Python Reddit API Wrapper.
- asyncsql — Yet another async SQL lib.
- asynctempfile — Async version of tempfile
- asyncua — Pure Python OPC-UA client and server library
- asyncua-fork-for-eta-utility — Pure Python OPC-UA client and server library - Forked for ETA Utility
- asynczipstream — Asynchronous Zipfile generator that takes input files as well as streams
- atlantiscore — atlantiscore
- atptools — Dataset manipulation tool.
- audible-cli — Command line interface (cli) for the audible package.
- auditorium — A Python-powered slideshow maker with steroids.
- auralis — This is a faster implementation for TTS models, to be used in highly async environment
- aurelio-sdk — Aurelio Platform SDK
- authx_core — Utilities to help reduce boilerplate and reuse common functionality, Based to Support Building of Authx & Authx-lite
- authx_lite — Pluggable authentication and authorization Library built on top of authx-core & FastAPI.
- auto-ams — no summary
- auto-coder-web — auto-coder.web: A Python Project
- auto-learn-gpt — autoML for training and inference Deep Learning model
- autobiasdetector — tools for detecting bias patterns of LLMs
- autoboot-web — Web starter build with autoboot and FastAPI
- autopack-tools — Package Manager for AI Agent tools
- auxeticmop — A package for finding meta-material structure using ABAQUS and MOP evolutionary algorithm approaches.
- avaris — Task execution engine for data management and monitoring
- avilla-core — no summary
- avogadr-py — Simple batch downloader python script.
- axdocsystem — a simple document managment system, was created for the purpose of submitting a work for uni
- aylak — Aylak PyPi
- babaika-webql — Tiny Fish WebQL Python Client
- backblaze — Wrapper for Backblaze
- — Backend.AI commons library