Reverse Dependencies of aiocache
The following projects have a declared dependency on aiocache:
- acb — Default template for PDM package
- agentic-search — code for an agentic search tool using Langchain
- aibo-server — aibo: AI partner
- aiocogeo — Asynchronous cogeotiff reader
- aiofilecache — File backend for aiocache
- aiohttp-aiocache — Caching middleware for aiohttp server with aiocache under the hood
- aiohttp-boilerplate — no summary
- aioja — Async version of Jinja2 environment
- aiomonobank — Asynchronous Python library for monobank API
- aioscrape — Async scraping library
- aiowwlln — A simple Python API for the WWLLN
- algora-sdk — Algora Labs Python SDK
- anjani — Telegram group management bot
- anta — Arista Network Test Automation (ANTA) Framework
- architecture — Architecture is a lightweight, comprehensive framework that empowers developers to create robust, maintainable applications. By adhering to clean architecture principles and domain-driven design (DDD) patterns, weavearc provides the foundational building blocks needed for scalable, flexible, and easily testable backends. Simplify the complex and build with confidence across any architecture.
- arkitema-config — Configurations for Arkitema FastAPI apps
- async-translate — Multi-provider async translate API
- auditize — Empower your functional logs
- beacons — Beacons EndPoints
- better-fastapi-discord — Discord OAuth FastAPI extension for APIs
- bigplanner — A Task Planner for big projects
- bitfuncs — Some async funcs for trading.
- cnstr — A simple, easy-to-use API wrapper for
- compress-gpt — Self-extracting GPT prompts for ~70% token savings.
- conventional — No frills command-line tool for processing structured commits.
- data-watch-sdk — Data Watch Python SDK
- deep-dashboard — This project is the dashboard to interact with the DEEP services.
- delphai-scraper-utils — no summary
- discobase — Database library using nothing but Discord. PyDis Codejam 2024.
- discord-hero — discord-hero is an asynchronous, fully modular Discord bot framework that comes with batteries included, allowing you to write powerful Discord applications easily and quickly.
- embdata — Data, types, pipes, manipulation for embodied learning.
- embykeeper — Daily checkin automator for emby bots in telegram.
- epivizFileParser — Parse and Query Genomic File Formats.
- epivizFileServer — A python library to interact, explore and compute data directly from genomic files.
- ezcord — An easy-to-use extension for and Pycord
- — An easy-to-use extension for and Pycord
- fastapi-discord — Discord OAuth FastAPI extension for APIs
- fastapi-misskey — Misskey authentication to FastAPI
- FastGenAPI — A FastAPI-based application for dynamic API generation, Db schema visualization, UML ERD class Diagrams generation and more.
- findly-unified-reporting-sdk — no summary
- goosebit — no summary
- gpdt — General Purpose Digital Twin
- hard-pil — A Python library built on top of PIL to easily edit/modify images
- Hydro-Quebec-API-Wrapper — A wrapper library to access hydro quebec API and more
- hypha — A serverless application framework for large-scale data management and AI model serving.
- jam_sdk — Bebop Jam SDK
- krakenit — Multi Purpose Crawler
- lazyops — A collection of submodules/patterns that are commonly used within Internal Development
- lcacollect-config — This package contains shared config and utils to be used across LCAcollect backends.
- lcaplatform-config — Configurations for LCA platform FastAPI apps
- lion-service — lion api service system
- lionagi — An Intelligence Operating System.
- lumeo — Helper library for Lumeo video analytics platform
- lvmopstools — LVM tools and utilities for operations
- mdapisp — simple api for Make Data API Server Project
- monumenten — Checkt op basis van BAG verblijfsobject-ids of het verblijfsobject een monument en/of rijksbeschermd stadsgezicht is.
- mpd-now-playable — Expose your MPD server as a 'now playable' app on MacOS
- mypermobil — A Python wrapper for the MyPermobil API
- nb-cli-plugin-zhenxun — Nonebot Cli plugin for zhenxun
- nonebot-adapter-antelegram — Another unofficial Telegram adapter for nonebot2
- nonebot-plugin-bfvsearch — 基于 Nonebot2 的战地 5 QQ 群查询插件。
- nonebot-plugin-tarot — Tarot divination!
- nonebot-plugin-tetris-stats — 一款基于 NoneBot2 的用于查询 Tetris 相关游戏数据的插件
- nonebot-sanic — An asynchronous QQ bot framework based on CoolQ.
- nonetrip — A compatibility layer plug-in on NoneBot2 which can provide compatibility with NoneBot1
- origamist — no summary
- ormy — Python ORM wrappers
- overturo — Overturo is a lightweight, comprehensive framework that empowers developers to create robust, maintainable applications. By adhering to clean architecture principles and domain-driven design (DDD) patterns, weavearc provides the foundational building blocks needed for scalable, flexible, and easily testable backends. Simplify the complex and build with confidence across any architecture.
- parsehub — 支持AI总结的社交媒体聚合解析器
- plascode — Planning As Code
- postreal — PostgreSQL to Surreal relay server
- pyden — A Python API for info from the City and County of Denver, CO
- pyflunearyou — A clean, well-tested Python3 API for Flu Near You
- pyjwt-key-fetcher — Async library to fetch JWKs for JWT tokens
- QKDSimkit — Quantum Key Distribution simulator
- qqmusic-api-python — QQ音乐API封装库
- radium — Supercharge the Python logging module.
- RetroGeo — RetroGeo: A simple offline Reverse Geocoder Library
- secretscraper — SecretScraper is a web scraper tool that can scrape the content through target websites and extract secret information via regular expression.
- shared-memory-dict — A very simple shared memory dict implementation
- simputils — no summary
- smart-on-fhir-client — Smart on fhir python client
- smartmodels — SmartModels
- spectacles — A command-line, continuous integration tool for Looker and LookML.
- spotlight-sdk — Spotlight Python SDK
- SQLMatches — SQLMatches, match & demos recorder.
- starlette-caches — Server-side HTTP caching for ASGI applications, inspired by Django's cache framework
- swarm-deploy — Swarm-Deploy - TGSC
- swarmtube — Swarm Workflow based on Tubes
- swh.auth — Software Heritage authentication utilities
- swh.graphql — Software Heritage GraphQL APIs
- syncmodels — Synchronizable Models
- tetris-study-league-tools — 一个供研究联赛使用的小工具
- tg-odesli-bot — Telegram Bot to share music with Odesli (former Songlink) service.
- tma-authenticator — Verifying telegram user token.
- tracarbon — Tracarbon is a Python library that tracks your device's energy consumption and calculates your carbon emissions.
- twat-cache — Simple caching decorators with seamless fallback
- twitch_fapi_backend — no summary
- VirtuGhan — Virtual Computation Cube
- vjemmieapi — no summary