Reverse Dependencies of aiocache
The following projects have a declared dependency on aiocache:
- acb — Default template for PDM package
- agentic-search — code for an agentic search tool using Langchain
- aibo-server — aibo: AI partner
- aiocogeo — Asynchronous cogeotiff reader
- aiofilecache — File backend for aiocache
- aiohttp-aiocache — Caching middleware for aiohttp server with aiocache under the hood
- aiohttp-boilerplate — no summary
- aioja — Async version of Jinja2 environment
- aiomonobank — Asynchronous Python library for monobank API
- aioscrape — Async scraping library
- aiowwlln — A simple Python API for the WWLLN
- algora-sdk — Algora Labs Python SDK
- anjani — Telegram group management bot
- anta — Arista Network Test Automation (ANTA) Framework
- architecture — Architecture is a lightweight, comprehensive framework that empowers developers to create robust, maintainable applications. By adhering to clean architecture principles and domain-driven design (DDD) patterns, weavearc provides the foundational building blocks needed for scalable, flexible, and easily testable backends. Simplify the complex and build with confidence across any architecture.
- arkitema-config — Configurations for Arkitema FastAPI apps
- async-translate — Multi-provider async translate API
- auditize — Empower your functional logs
- beacons — Beacons EndPoints
- better-fastapi-discord — Discord OAuth FastAPI extension for APIs
- bigplanner — A Task Planner for big projects
- bitfuncs — Some async funcs for trading.
- cnstr — A simple, easy-to-use API wrapper for
- compress-gpt — Self-extracting GPT prompts for ~70% token savings.
- conventional — No frills command-line tool for processing structured commits.
- data-watch-sdk — Data Watch Python SDK
- deep-dashboard — This project is the dashboard to interact with the DEEP services.
- delphai-scraper-utils — no summary
- discobase — Database library using nothing but Discord. PyDis Codejam 2024.
- discord-hero — discord-hero is an asynchronous, fully modular Discord bot framework that comes with batteries included, allowing you to write powerful Discord applications easily and quickly.
- embdata — Data, types, pipes, manipulation for embodied learning.
- embykeeper — Daily checkin automator for emby bots in telegram.
- epivizFileParser — Parse and Query Genomic File Formats.
- epivizFileServer — A python library to interact, explore and compute data directly from genomic files.
- ezcord — An easy-to-use extension for and Pycord
- — An easy-to-use extension for and Pycord
- fastapi-discord — Discord OAuth FastAPI extension for APIs
- fastapi-misskey — Misskey authentication to FastAPI
- FastGenAPI — A FastAPI-based application for dynamic API generation, Db schema visualization, UML ERD class Diagrams generation and more.
- findly-unified-reporting-sdk — no summary
- goosebit — no summary
- gpdt — General Purpose Digital Twin
- hard-pil — A Python library built on top of PIL to easily edit/modify images
- Hydro-Quebec-API-Wrapper — A wrapper library to access hydro quebec API and more
- hypha — A serverless application framework for large-scale data management and AI model serving.
- intellibricks — IntelliBricks provides a streamlined set of tools for developing AI-powered applications. It simplifies complex tasks such as interacting with LLMs, training machine learning models, and implementing Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). Focus on building your application logic, not wrestling with boilerplate. IntelliBricks empowers you to build intelligent applications faster and more efficiently.
- jam_sdk — Bebop Jam SDK
- krakenit — Multi Purpose Crawler
- lazyops — A collection of submodules/patterns that are commonly used within Internal Development
- lcacollect-config — This package contains shared config and utils to be used across LCAcollect backends.
- lcaplatform-config — Configurations for LCA platform FastAPI apps
- lion-service — lion api service system
- lumeo — Helper library for Lumeo video analytics platform
- lvmapi — REST API for LVM operations
- mdapisp — simple api for Make Data API Server Project
- mpd-now-playable — Expose your MPD server as a 'now playable' app on MacOS
- mtmai — no summary
- mypermobil — A Python wrapper for the MyPermobil API
- nonebot-adapter-antelegram — Another unofficial Telegram adapter for nonebot2
- nonebot-plugin-bfvsearch — 基于 Nonebot2 的战地 5 QQ 群查询插件。
- nonebot-plugin-tarot — Tarot divination!
- nonebot-plugin-tetris-stats — 一款基于 NoneBot2 的用于查询 Tetris 相关游戏数据的插件
- nonebot-sanic — An asynchronous QQ bot framework based on CoolQ.
- nonetrip — A compatibility layer plug-in on NoneBot2 which can provide compatibility with NoneBot1
- origamist — no summary
- overturo — Overturo is a lightweight, comprehensive framework that empowers developers to create robust, maintainable applications. By adhering to clean architecture principles and domain-driven design (DDD) patterns, weavearc provides the foundational building blocks needed for scalable, flexible, and easily testable backends. Simplify the complex and build with confidence across any architecture.
- parsehub — 支持AI总结的社交媒体聚合解析器
- plascode — Planning As Code
- postreal — PostgreSQL to Surreal relay server
- pyden — A Python API for info from the City and County of Denver, CO
- pyflunearyou — A clean, well-tested Python3 API for Flu Near You
- pyjwt-key-fetcher — Async library to fetch JWKs for JWT tokens
- QKDSimkit — Quantum Key Distribution simulator
- radium — Supercharge the Python logging module.
- RetroGeo — RetroGeo: A simple offline Reverse Geocoder Library
- secretscraper — SecretScraper is a web scraper tool that can scrape the content through target websites and extract secret information via regular expression.
- shared-memory-dict — A very simple shared memory dict implementation
- simputils — no summary
- smart-on-fhir-client — Smart on fhir python client
- smartmodels — SmartModels
- spectacles — A command-line, continuous integration tool for Looker and LookML.
- spotlight-sdk — Spotlight Python SDK
- SQLMatches — SQLMatches, match & demos recorder.
- swarm-deploy — Swarm-Deploy - TGSC
- swarmtube — Swarm Workflow based on Tubes
- swh.auth — Software Heritage authentication utilities
- swh.graphql — Software Heritage GraphQL APIs
- syncmodels — Synchronizable Models
- tetris-study-league-tools — 一个供研究联赛使用的小工具
- tg-odesli-bot — Telegram Bot to share music with Odesli (former Songlink) service.
- tma-authenticator — Verifying telegram user token.
- tracarbon — Tracarbon is a Python library that tracks your device's energy consumption and calculates your carbon emissions.
- twitch_fapi_backend — no summary
- vjemmieapi — no summary
- wapiti3 — A web application vulnerability scanner
- weavearc — weavearc is a lightweight, comprehensive framework that empowers developers to create robust, maintainable applications. By adhering to clean architecture principles and domain-driven design (DDD) patterns, weavearc provides the foundational building blocks needed for scalable, flexible, and easily testable backends. Simplify the complex and build with confidence across any architecture.
- Xdcheckin — Chaoxing Checkin Tool for XDU.
- zillionare-omega — 高速分布式行情服务器