Reverse Dependencies of aio.core
The following projects have a declared dependency on aio.core:
- aio.api.bazel — Async wrapper around bazel
- aio.api.github — Wrapper around gidgethub
- aio.api.nist — Async fetcher/parser for NIST CVE data
- — "Async runner definitions"
- dependatool — "Pip dependabot checker used in Envoy proxy's CI"
- envoy.base.utils — "A collection of utils used in Envoy proxy's CI"
- — "Release publishing tool used in Envoy proxy's CI"
- envoy.code.check — "Code checker used in Envoy proxy's CI"
- envoy.code-format.python-check — "Python code format linter/checker used in Envoy proxy's CI"
- envoy.dependency.check — "Dependency checker used in Envoy proxy's CI"
- envoy.dependency.cve-scan — "CVE scanner used in Envoy proxy's CI"
- envoy.distribution.release — "Release publishing tool used in Envoy proxy's CI"
- envoy.distribution.repo — "Release publishing tool used in Envoy proxy's CI"
- envoy.github.abstract — "Abstract interfaces for the Github release tool used in Envoy proxy's CI"
- envoy.github.release — "Github release tool used in Envoy proxy's CI"
- envoy.gpg.identity — "GPG identity util used in Envoy proxy's CI"