Reverse Dependencies of affine
The following projects have a declared dependency on affine:
- raster-tools — Tools for processing geospatial data
- rasteret — Fast and efficient access to Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFFs (COGs)
- rasterra — A sleek, object-oriented interface designed for intuitive raster data manipulation in Python.
- rasters — raster processing toolkit
- rasterstats — Summarize geospatial raster datasets based on vector geometries
- rch — A package containing the personal python utilities of Riley Hales
- robustraster — Running user-defined functions on large datasets via out-of-core computation simplfied.
- satflow — Satellite Optical Flow
- satsense — Library for multispectral remote imaging.
- scikit-map — scikit-learn applied to mapping and spatial prediction
- segysak — SEG-Y Seismic Data Inspection and Manipulation Tools using Xarray
- sentinel-downloader — A Python package for downloading and processing Sentinel satellite images.
- sentinel-tiles — generates raster geometries for the Sentinel version of 100km Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) tiles
- sldc — SLDC, a generic framework for object detection and classification in large images.
- solaris — CosmiQ Works Geospatial Machine Learning Analysis Toolkit
- spotlite — Package to simplify working with Satellogic APIs
- ssb-sgis — GIS functions used at Statistics Norway.
- stac_vrt — Quickly build a GDAL VRT from a STAC Item Collection.
- stems — Spatio-temporal Tools for Earth Monitoring Science
- stitch-n-split — Library for stitching and spliting
- stmtools — space-time matrix for PS-InSAR application
- supermercado — Supercharged mercantile
- svglab — A manipulation and optimization library for Scalable Vector Graphics
- telluric — Interactive geospatial data manipulation in Python
- three-d-city-model-generator — 3d-city-model-generator is an easy and one-stop tool to output 3d city models for microclimate simulation by integrating multiple geospatial open-data
- tilematrix — helps handling tile pyramids
- trefoil — Useful tools for spatial analysis using numpy and NetCDF
- uncover-ml — Machine learning tools for the Geoscience Australia uncover project
- voxcity — voxcity is an easy and one-stop tool to output 3d city models for microclimate simulation by integrating multiple geospatial open-data
- voxelcity — voxelcity is an easy and one-stop tool to output 3d city models for microclimate simulation by integrating multiple geospatial open-data
- xarray-leaflet — An xarray extension for map plotting
- xarray-safe-s1 — no summary
- xdem — Analysis of digital elevation models (DEMs)
- xee — A Google Earth Engine extension for Xarray.
- xradarSat2 — xarray/dask distributed L1 sar file reader for radarSat2
- xsar — xarray/dask distributed L1 sar file reader
- xtrude — An xarray extension for 3D terrain visualization