Reverse Dependencies of adjustText
The following projects have a declared dependency on adjustText:
- ACTIONet — ACTIONet single-cell analysis framework
- ampel-hu-astro — Astronomy units for the Ampel system from HU-Berlin
- anprx — Create, visualise and leverage networks of ANPR cameras on the road network.
- autil — Some Python snippets for a researcher's daily use
- bio-curve-fit — Curve fitting algorithms for bio-assays with scikit-learn api
- Bioplots — A data visualization package for bioinformatians and computational biologist
- cazomevolve — A bioinforamtic package for investigating the evolution of CAZomes
- celldisect — Cell DISentangled Experts for Covariate counTerfactuals (CellDISECT). Causal generative model designed to disentangle known covariate variations from unknown ones at test time while simultaneously learning to make counterfactual predictions.
- cellex — Compute single-cell cell-type expression specificity
- cellmap — CellMap - RNA landscape inference method
- celltraj — Toolset for single-cell trajectory modeling.
- celltraj-copperma — Toolset for single-cell trajectory modeling.
- censusdis — US Census utilities for a variety of data loading, analysis, and mapping purposes.
- cerebral — Tool for creating multi-output deep ensemble neural-networks
- chemcomp — planet formation model including pebbles and gas accretion
- COMETSC — no summary
- cpa-tools — Compositional Perturbation Autoencoder (CPA)
- crispr-chronos — Time series modeling of CRISPR perturbation readcounts in biological data
- CrossTalke — no summary
- cwas — Category-wide association study (CWAS). This is a data analytic tool to perform stringent association tests to find non-coding loci associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
- DAStk — Differential ATAC-seq toolkit
- decneo — Comberons from single cell transcriptomics in endothelial cells
- deepvelo — Deep Velocity
- dictys — Context specific and dynamic gene regulatory network reconstruction and analysis
- digichem-core — Open-source library for Digichem core components
- dinf — discriminator-based inference for population genetics
- dvu — Functions for data visualization in matplotlib.
- earthkit-maps — Geospatial visualisation tools and templates
- earthkit-plots — Visualisation tools for earth science data
- effmass — An effective mass package
- ElementEmbeddings — Element Embeddings
- FAMS — Fidelity Assessment for Model Selection
- flowmetricscsv — A package to generate flow metrics charts from CSV files.
- garfield — Garfield: Graph-based Contrastive Learning enable Fast Single-Cell Embedding
- GenRisk — Comprehensive genetic risk assessment
- gershgorin — Visualize the Gershgorin discs that bound the spectrum of a square matrix.
- giskard-toolbox — A random collection of tools I find useful for data science.
- gpplot — Plotting functions for the Genetic Perturbation Platform's R&D group at the Broad institute.
- helloworld-jmg — A test
- hundred-hammers — Quickly try out several ML models on a given dataset
- InterOptimus — High througput simulation making crystalline interfaces
- jaxqualin — A package for extracting quasinormal modes from time domain data
- kgpy — Generic Python utilities for use with Kankelborg Group repositories.
- latdraw — Draw Accelerator lattices in Python.
- LEAFeatures — Local Enviroment-induced Atomic Features (LEAF)
- lendres — A collection of general Python utilities from Lance A. Endres.
- many — Statistical methods for computing many correlations
- mediaviz — Visualize Networks With Force Atlas 2 Layout
- metatime — Beta MetaTiME: annotate TME scRNA cell states
- MetaXTools — MetaXTools is a novel tool for linking peptide sequences with taxonomic and functional information in Metaproteomics.
- methylize — EWAS Analysis software for Illumina methylation arrays
- mgt2001 — A small package for MGT 2001 and MGT 2002 use only
- minimod-opt — A mixed-integer program optimization solver for finding optimal nutritional interventions across space and time.
- MiScan — MiScan: mutation-inferred screening model of cancer
- mplsignal — Matplotlib extension for signal processing-related plots
- mspypeline — Package to analyze Mass Spec Data
- multi_med_image_ml — Deep learning library to encode multiple brain images and other electronic health record data in disease detection.
- mutagenesis-visualization — A package for processing, analysis and visualization of site-saturation mutagenesis data
- neuralsens — The neuralsens package facilitates sensitivity analysis on neural network models, quantifying input importance. It provides functions for calculating and plotting input significance, and obtaining neuron layer activation functions and derivatives. Compatible with models created in R and Python, it's a robust toolkit for understanding input contributions in neural networks.
- newsworthycharts — Matplotlib wrapper to create charts and publish them on Amazon S3
- ocrd-keraslm — character-level language modelling in Keras
- omicscope — OmicScope: from quantitative proteomics to systems biology.
- omicsone-volcano — OmicsOneVolcano: volcano plot for omics data analysis
- omicverse — OmicVerse: A single pipeline for exploring the entire transcriptome universe
- omniplot — To draw scientific plots easily
- onstreet-parking-study — An LPR data analysis package!
- osmscigrid — Extracting gas transport pipelines OSM pbf-files and exporting to SciGRID_gas structure
- outset — add zoom indicators, insets, and magnified panels to matplotlib/seaborn visualizations with ease!
- pastastore — Tools for managing Pastas time series models.
- pca — pca: A Python Package for Principal Component Analysis.
- pca-pwa — simplified manner for insights and decision-making, by visualizing complex relationships with PCA web application
- pegasuspy — Pegasus is a Python package for analyzing sc/snRNA-seq data of millions of cells
- pertpy — Perturbation Analysis in the scverse ecosystem.
- pewanalytics — Utilities for text processing and statistical analysis from Pew Research Center
- PheTK — The Phenotype Toolkit
- pilotpy — PILOT: Detection of PatIent-Level distances from single cell genomics and pathomics data with Optimal Transport (PILOT)
- plotnine — A Grammar of Graphics for Python
- prodimopy — Python tools for ProDiMo.
- proteomics-downstream-analysis — A package for downstream data analysis of proteomics data
- psynlig — A package for creating plots with matplotlib.
- pybbda — Baseball data and analysis in Python
- pyCoDaMath — Compositional data (CoDa) analysis tools for Python
- pydefect — Integrated environment for first-principles point-defect calculations
- pygmtsar — PyGMTSAR (Python GMTSAR): Powerful and Accessible Satellite Interferometry
- pymatviz — A toolkit for visualizations in materials informatics
- pymodulon — Python package for analyzing and visualizing iModulons.
- pypef — A command-line interface (CLI) tool for performing data-driven protein engineering by building machine learning (ML)-trained regression models from sequence variant fitness data (in CSV format) based on different techniques for protein sequence encoding. Next to building pure ML models, "hybrid modeling" is also possible using a blended model optimized for predictive contributions of a statistical and an ML-based prediction.
- pyRankMCDA — A Rank Aggegation Library for MCDA problems
- pyrobosim — ROS 2 enabled 2D mobile robot simulator for behavior prototyping.
- pyrovelocity — A multivariate RNA Velocity model to estimate future cell states with uncertainty using probabilistic modeling with pyro.
- pyshs — PySHS - Faciliter le traitement de donnĂ©es de questionnaires en SHS
- pytabkit — ML models + benchmark for tabular data classification and regression
- python-katlas — tools for predicting kinome specificities
- pytimetk — The time series toolkit for Python.
- pytrate — Bayesian sequence-titer regression.
- pyturbseq — A Python package for perturbational single-cell data
- qplot — Visualization of SciGRID_gas networks structures
- rbfopt-go — Find better configuration of your Go service with derivative-free optimization algorithms
- rxnpath — rxnpath: a simple python package for generating reaction diagrams.
- salamander-learn — Salamander is a non-negative matrix factorization framework for signature analysis