Reverse Dependencies of adbutils
The following projects have a declared dependency on adbutils:
- ADB-Helper — ADBHelper is a Python class that helps manage Android devices through ADB (Android Debug Bridge). It provides methods for retrieving device information, installing applications, entering text, tapping on the screen, and many other functions.
- adb-install-cert — Install certificates to android system store
- adbblitz — ADB - The fastest screenshots - scrcpy stream directly to NumPy (without scrcpy.exe) - no root required!
- adbutils-wrapper — adbutils wrapper
- appinspector — client for
- atlas-uiautomator2 — SIDIA ATLAS customization for Python Wrapper for Google Android UiAutomator2 test tool
- auto-android — no summary
- cc12703-uiautomator2 — Python Wrapper for Google Android UiAutomator2 test tool
- evadevice — Automated Testing Tools for Android and iOS.
- HA4T — 跨平台的UI自动化框架,适用于混合型app
- humdroid — Programmatically control Android like a Human
- matter-cli — frame work for testing apps、website、products with one interface
- matter-test — frame work for testing apps、website、products with one interface
- msc-adb — 截图工具-adb
- msc-droidcast — 截图工具-droidcast
- msc-minicap — 截图工具-minicap
- msc-mumu — 截图工具-mumu
- mtc-adb — 触控-adb
- muti-scrcpy-client — A muticlient of scrcpy
- my-uiautomator2 — Python Wrapper for Google Android UiAutomator2 test tool
- nimses-adimate — This is a simple script that automatically clicks ads in the Nimses Android app.
- nlevoshell — Shell module for evo.C
- pyscrcpy — adb and scrcpy, Android screen monitor and control. Compatible with latest python
- pytestbot — 一款支持手机、电视、手表等智能硬件产品的自动化测试框架,提供开发测试工具、开发测试脚本、扩展基础原子接口、扩展业务封装接口、扩展测试插件等使用支持。最新版本基于分支: main和提交ID: ea96791f所编译生成
- qai-hub-models — Models optimized for export to run on device.
- rctuiautomator2 — Python Wrapper for Google Android UiAutomator2 test tool
- rtsf-app — only for android ui test, base on rtsf
- scrcpy — A python client for scrcpy, i.e. see & control your android device over adb.
- scrcpy-client — A client of scrcpy
- TitanDevice — A Python library used for managing device
- uiautodev — Mobile UI Automation, include UI hierarchy inspector, script recorder
- uiautomator2 — uiautomator for android device
- wetest-gautomator3 — no summary
- wetest-osplatform — no summary
- xiaobaisaf — simple_automation_framework(简称:SAF)使用最简单的模式就可以实现需要功能和测试效果,也是xiaobaiauto2的简化版SAF继承了selenium、requests/httpx、appium、loguru、xiaobaiauto2、飞书机器人、钉钉机器人、企业微信机器人(暂时不支持)、禅道提单API
- xjm-device-tasks — Android device management and automation tasks