Reverse Dependencies of adal
The following projects have a declared dependency on adal:
- adlmagics — Azure Data Lake management magics for Jupyter Notebook
- ai-python — Microsoft AI Python Package
- aicsapi-tool-python — Toolkit for Python backend template
- apache-airflow-providers-microsoft-azure — Provider package apache-airflow-providers-microsoft-azure for Apache Airflow
- autobricks — Databricks Deployment Utils
- automl-client-core-nativeclient — AutoML native client implementation
- az-partner-center-cli —
- azure-cli-ml — Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools AzureML Command Module
- azure-cli-sf — Microsoft Azure Service Fabric Client Command-Line Tools
- azureml-core — Azure Machine Learning core packages, modules, and classes
- azureml-model-management-sdk — Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Python SDK for authoring web services
- azureml-webservice-schema — azureml webservice schema
- c7n_azure — Cloud Custodian - Azure Support
- c7n_mailer — Cloud Custodian - Reference Mailer
- cartography — Explore assets and their relationships across your technical infrastructure.
- cdm-connector-1.1 — Common Data Model Object Model library for Python. Customized for SkyPoint use cases.
- cfa_taz — High level API for azure
- cloudauthz — Implements means of authorization delegation on cloud-based resource providers.
- cloudmarker — Cloudmarker - Cloud security monitoring framework.
- cloudscript — Implementation of the cloudscript specification in python.
- corgibrowser — Corgi Browser
- crd — Your private secret storage, with a familiar dict API
- data-ecosystem-dependencies — Data Ecosystem Dependencies - Python (PADE)
- data-ecosystem-python — Program Agnostic Data Ecosystem (PADE) - Python Services
- data-ecosystem-services — Program Agnostic Data Ecosystem (PADE) - Python Services
- davt-dependencies-python — Data, Analytics and Visualization Templates (DAVT) - Python Dependencies
- davt-services-python — Data, Analytics and Visualization Templates (DAVT) - Python Services
- dicom-client-python — A small dicom client in python
- django-adal — Very simple authentication module for python2 / django / Azur AD - Office365 using MS ADAL Lib. Forked from Lucterios2/django_auth_adal.
- dynamics — A pandas helper to interact with MS Dynamics
- flowtask — Framework for running Tasks and from CLI and API for orchestation. Component-based Task builder/Runner for non-programmers.
- grdp-cli-kubernetes — Kubernetes python client
- h5pyd — h5py compatible client lib for HDF REST API
- hpc-acm-cli — HPC ACM Client
- kfserving — KFServing Python SDK
- knot-keystore — A tool for safely archiving knot dnssec key material to azure.
- kserve-mathking — KServe Python SDK
- kuberesources — Simple utility for getting an overview of set requests and limits in a kubernetes cluster
- kubernetes — Kubernetes python client
- kubernetes-redjohn — Kubernetes python client
- m4-utils — Biblioteca com funções de uso comum em projetos de aprendizado de máquina e ciencia de dados.
- microsoft-dynamics-auth — Microsoft Power Platform authentication plugin for HTTPie.
- ms-graph-exporter — A distributed Celery application to export time-domain data periodically from Microsoft Graph API into a buffer key-value store.
- msgraph-cli-core — Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Core Module
- msrestazure — AutoRest swagger generator Python client runtime. Azure-specific module.
- omnia-timeseries-sdk — Python software developer kit for the Omnia Timeseries API.
- ops-cli — Ops - wrapper for Terraform, Ansible, and SSH for cloud automation
- paconn — Microsoft Power Platform Connectors CLI
- pade-python — Program Agnostic Data Ecosystem (PADE) - Python Services
- pade-python-dependencies — Program Agnostic Data Ecosystem (PADE) - Python Dependencies
- pano-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- power-bi-api-admin — Power BI API Admin to extract data of use metricts!
- py365 — Python Library for App Development over MS Graph365
- pypowerbi — A python library for Microsoft's PowerBI
- pypowerbi-latest — A python library for Microsoft's PowerBI
- python-msgraph — Python wrapper to the Microsoft Graph API
- rcctl — Azure Service Fabric Reliable Collections command line
- requests-ms-auth — Python requests session for microsoft with support for oauth2, adal and msal
- roadlib — ROADtools common components library
- scdna-replication-tools — Code for analyzing single-cell replication dynamics
- sczpy — Azure Percept Model Management Python SDK
- sfctl — Azure Service Fabric command line
- tycho-1 — Tycho is an API, compiler, and executor for cloud native distributed systems.
- tycho-one — Tycho is an API, compiler, and executor for cloud native distributed systems.
- tycho-test — Tycho is an API, compiler, and executor for cloud native distributed systems.
- vFXT — The Avere virtual FXT (vFXT) Python library and command line utility
- wpaudit — WP Audit, a multi-cloud security auditing tool