Reverse Dependencies of Adafruit-GPIO
The following projects have a declared dependency on Adafruit-GPIO:
- Adafruit-ADS1x15 — Python code to use the ADS1015 and ADS1115 analog to digital converters with a Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone black.
- Adafruit-ADXL345 — Python code to use the ADXL345 triple-axis accelerometer over I2C with a Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone Black.
- Adafruit-BME280 — Python code to use the BME280 temperature/humidity/pressure sensor with a Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone black.
- Adafruit-BNO055 — Library for accessing the Bosch BNO055 absolute orientation sensor on a Raspberry Pi or Beaglebone Black.
- Adafruit-CharLCD — Library to drive character LCD display and plate.
- Adafruit-ILI9341 — Library to control an ILI9341 TFT LCD display.
- Adafruit-LED-Backpack — Library to control LED backpack displays such as 8x8 single and bi-color matrices, bargraphs, 7 segment, and 14 segment displays.
- Adafruit-LSM303 — Python code to use the LSM303 accelerometer & magnetometer with Raspberry Pi & BeagleBone Black.
- Adafruit-MAX31855 — Library for accessing the MAX31855 thermocouple temperature sensor on a Raspberry Pi or Beaglebone Black.
- Adafruit-MCP3008 — Python code to use the MCP3008 analog to digital converter with a Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone black.
- Adafruit-MotorHAT — Library for Adafruit Motor HAT
- Adafruit-MPR121 — Library for MPR121 capacitive touch sensor.
- Adafruit-PCA9685 — Python code to use the PCA9685 PWM servo/LED controller with a Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone Black.
- Adafruit-PN532 — Python library for accessing a PN532 NFC breakout over a SPI connection from a Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone Black, etc.
- Adafruit-WS2801 — Python code to control WS2801 and similar SPI interface addressable RGB LED strips on a Raspberry Pi & BeagleBone Black.
- agro-kit — An API to facilitate interaction with an agriculture tech sensor kit.
- aw9523b — a library for raspberry pi gpio extend using aw9523b
- cryptowatch — Track prices and account balances for multiple cryptocurrencies
- daiego43-rasptank — This is a clearer implementation of a library to interact with the Adeept rasptank robot. Pins are hardcoded
- Hector9000 — Fancy barbot with lots of needless features and ...of course... WiFi and a bunch of blinky LEDs
- indusmes — MES Application from IndusWorks
- JupyterPiDAQ — Live Data Acquisition in Jupyter notebooks
- openhub — An open source iOT controller.
- pi-ina219 — This Python library for Raspberry Pi makes it easy to leverage the complex functionality of the Texas Instruments INA219 sensor to measure voltage, current and power.
- rfdevices — Control household RF devices with low-cost GPIO modules
- sixfab-cellulariot — sixfab linux libraries
- sixfab-nbiot — sixfab nbiot library for rpi
- tsl2561 — Driver for the TSL2561 digital luminosity (light) sensors
- wifi-tools — Wifi python scripts for raspberry pi wardriving. Supports wifi, bluetooth, nrf24