Reverse Dependencies of aacgmv2
The following projects have a declared dependency on aacgmv2:
- asilib — An open source package providing data access and analysis tools for the world's all-sky imager (ASI) data.
- aurora-asi-lib — An open source package providing data access and analysis tools for the world's all-sky imager (ASI) data.
- conjugate-map — Library for computing geomagnetic conjugate points.
- dmsp-to-aacgm — A CLI tool to convert geomagnetic coordinates in DMSP data files to AACGM coordinates.
- geospacelab — Collect, manage, and visualize geospace data.
- groundmag — A small package designed for reading ground magnetometer data.
- pyaurorax — Python library for interacting with the AuroraX platform
- pydarn — Data visualization library for SuperDARN data
- pyiono — Ionosphere-related processing based on the input from space-geodetic data
- pysatdata — Python Space Physics Satellite Data Analysis Toolkit
- pysatMissionPlanning — Mission Planning toolkit for pysat
- pysatMissions — Mission Planning toolkit for pysat
- pyucrio — Python library supporting data access and analysis for riometer instrument data