- tesaurus — Sebuah modul Python untuk mengambil informasi Tesaurus dari Tesaurus Tematis Kemdikbud
- tesbml — LibSBML Python API
- tescal — TES detector calibration Python Tools
- tesci — A toolkit to aid in scientific mapping
- tesco — no summary
- tesdaq — DAQ Control using Redis as a message broker.
- tesedml — LibSEDML Python API
- teselagen — Teselagen Biotechnology API client
- teserak-regorus — Regorus copy - for easy install
- teserak-soap-server — The ASGI SOAP Server.
- tesh — TEstable SHell sessions in Markdown
- TesHelloT — Dummy Package
- teshu — teshu rest framework
- tesingforfree — A very basic calculator
- tesla-admin — no summary
- tesla-api — API client for Tesla
- tesla-api-py — Tesla api
- tesla-ce — TeSLA CE
- tesla-ce-client — TeSLA CE Client for Python
- tesla-ce-provider — TeSLA Python SDK for providers
- tesla-ce-provider-fr-tfr — TeSLA CE Face Recognition Provider
- tesla-ce-provider-ks-tks — TeSLA CE Keystroke Provider
- tesla-ce-provider-pt-tpt — TeSLA CE Plagiarism Provider
- tesla-ce-provider-pt-tpt-lib — TeSLA Plagiarism Tool (TPT)
- tesla-ce-provider-pt-urkund — TeSLA CE Urkund Plagiarism Provider
- tesla-client — Tesla API Client
- tesla-dashcam — Python program to merge video files created by Tesla dashcam
- tesla_fleet_api — Tesla Fleet API library for Python
- tesla-powerwall — API for Tesla Powerwall
- tesla-powerwall-controller — Python controller for reading tesla powerwall status
- tesla-powerwall-json-py — Python module to access local Tesla Powerwall JSON API
- tesla-revChatGPT — ChatGPT is a reverse engineering of OpenAI's ChatGPT API
- tesla-wall-connector — API Library for communicating with a Tesla Wall Connector
- tesla-web — A flexiable web framework
- tesla-web2 — A flexiable web framework
- tesla-web3 — Use this package to train your keyhole and predict it rapidly and right
- teslacam — Consolidate and format Tesla vehicle camera video data
- teslacam-py — TeslaCam uploader
- TeslaClient — Python Tesla API wrapper
- TESLAforST — TESLA: Deciphering tumor ecosystems at super-resolution from spatial transcriptomics
- TeslaGenerator-OK — Generator infomation package. Faker infomation
- teslajson — Simple Python class to access the Tesla JSON API
- teslajsonpy — A library to work with Tesla API.
- teslajsonpy2 — A library to work with Tesla API.
- TeslaPy — A Python module to use the Tesla Motors Owner API
- teslasdk — TeslaSdk
- teslemetry-stream — Teslemetry Streaming API library for Python
- tesliper — a package for batch processing of spectra-related Gaussian output files
- tesm — Pseudo-assembly programming-like language
- tesos — no summary
- tesouro-direto-br — Gerenciamento da Carteira de Titulos Publicos Federais com dados do Tesouro Direto
- tesp_support — Python support for the Transactive Energy Simulation Platform
- tesppypi — A package working with financial data
- TESPy — Thermal Engineering Systems in Python (TESPy)
- TesRSA — no summary
- tess — A module for calculating and analyzing Voronoi tessellations
- tess-asteroids — Create TPFs and LCs for solar system asteroids observed by NASA's TESS mission.
- tess-atl — A package for calculating detection probabilities in TESS
- tess-atlas — All the TESS exoplanets!
- tess-backdrop — no summary
- tess-bite — Take a bite out of TESS Full Frame Images using HTTP range requests.
- tess-cli — CLI tool for testing algorithms.
- tess-cloud — Analyze NASA TESS data in the cloud.
- tess-coadds — Cutouts from coadded TESS images
- tess-ephem — Where are Solar System objects located in TESS FFI data?
- tess-ida-tools — Collection of utilities to download and analize TESS Photometer Network data from IDA files
- tess-infos — Extremely fast Pythonic access to the full TICv8, GAIA DR2 and Banyan Sigma parameters for all TESS short-cadence targets
- TESS-Localize — Package for localizing variable stars in TESS Photometry
- tess-locator — Fast offline queries of TESS FFI positions and filenames.
- tess-point — Determine pixel coordinates for TESS targets
- TESS-PRF — Tools to display the TESS pixel response function (PRF) at any location on the detector
- tess-py-api — no summary
- tess-sip — Demo tool for creating a Systematics-insensitive Periodogram (SIP) to detect long period rotation in NASA's TESS mission data.
- tessa — Find financial assets and get their price history without worrying about different APIs or rate limiting.
- tessa-pretty-help — An embed version of the built in help command for and probably other forks of Inspired by the DefaultHelpCommand that uses, but revised for embeds and additional sorting on individual pages that can be scrolled through with reactions.. An improved version of discord-pretty-help
- tessagon — Tessellate your favorite 2D manifolds with triangles, hexagons, and other interesting patterns.
- tessarinified — n-complex numbers (Tessarines) in Python
- tessbkgd — Spatially varying background for large TESS target pixel files.
- tesscentroidvetting — TESS Centroid Vetting
- tessco-commons-postgres — Tessco exclusive package for postgres connectivity
- tesscube — no summary
- tessdata — contains tessdata osd and tessdata api
- tessdata.deu — no summary
- tessdata.eng — no summary
- — packaged deu.traineddata from tessdata_fast
- — packaged eng.traineddata from tessdata_fast
- — packaged jpn.traineddata from tessdata_fast
- tessdata.jpn — no summary
- tessdb-server — A package to collect measurements published by TESS instruments into a SQlite database
- tesselite-pubsub — general sugarcoat for all pubsub flavors.
- tessellate — A package for quantifying cyclic molecule conformations.
- tessellation — A service for procedurally generating tessellations.
- tesseract-client — Client for Tesseract API
- tesseract-ocr-data — tesseract-ocr data for projects using it without having to install it.
- tesseract-ocr-utils — Python tools for interacting with Tesseract
- tesseract-olap — A simple OLAP library.
- tesseract-pankaj — Tesseract Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- tesseract-pk — Tesseract Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- tesseract-positional — Tool to save positional OCR data to a text file
- tesseract-python — no summary