- readabilipy — Python wrapper for Mozilla's Readability.js
- readability-cn — 计算中文文本可读性指标
- readability-improver — Remove all your magic numbers and make your code 1000% more readable!
- readability-lxml — fast html to text parser (article readability tool) with python 3 support
- readability-metrics — Calculates multiple readability metrics for large documents.
- readability-scores — no summary
- readability-transformers — Package for integrating transformer modules for readability-related NLP tasks.
- ReadabilityLola — readability score of local languages
- readable-log-formatter — A human readable log formatter for Python
- readable-number — A Python library to print numbers in human readable format
- readable-passcode — Generate human-readable passcodes with memory optimization
- readable-password — a password generator that creates easy-to-remember / readable / pronounceable passwords
- readabledelta — Human readable modification of timedelta
- readabledelta2 — no summary
- readableID — Transform integer ids into readable, nonconsecutive ids
- readableidgen — Human-readable phrase id generator
- readablePTH — This project can write json file from pth and can write the pth again from the json.
- readabs — Get ABS timeseries data in pandas DataFrames
- ReadActor — A lookup tool for ReadChina project
- readalongs — no summary
- readarr-py — Readarr
- readchar — Library to easily read single chars and key strokes
- readchequeutility — Proteus readchequeutility File
- readcomb — Fast detection of recombinant reads in BAMs
- readconfig — Read redis DB config for other modules
- readcqt — Converts specification from .xlsx files into a dataframe.
- readcraft — A command-line tool to generate files using the Groq API.
- readcsvturbo — Improved method for reading the first/last/specific line from csv into a DataFrame
- readdat — no summary
- readdatabrickstables — Databricks connectors to read tables
- readDataFile — uno test data file read
- readdbc — Ler arquivos .dbc do datasus
- readDiag — Read and plot GSI diagnostics files
- ReadDocx — ReadDocx ——直接提取Word文档(不包含样式信息)
- readee — Library for export webpage to reader mode html.
- readelf — An ELF file reading library made in Python
- ReadEm — Python HTTP Server for markdown files.
- readembedability — Extract structured data from unstructured web pages.
- READemption — A RNA-Seq Analysis Pipeline
- reader — A Python feed reader library.
- reader-rbv — SDK / Client python untuk Ruang Baca Virtual Universitas Terbuka.
- reader-test-rachit-2 — no summary
- reader-toolbox — A command-line interface for creating and interacting with Distant Reader data sets (a.k.a. study carrels)
- reader-writer-locks — Reader Writer Lock
- reader-yaojh — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- readerlet — A command-line utility for extracting and packaging web content for offline reading.
- readerwriterlock — A python implementation of the three Reader-Writer problems.
- readet — LLM based tools and agents to fascilitate scientific research
- readExcelFile — A Python package for reading Excel files.
- readfcs — Parse fcs files into AnnData.
- readfish — ONT adaptive sampling
- readfish-summarise — A blazingly fast Python/Rust library for summarising readfish FASTQ output
- readfish-tools — A blazingly fast Python library for reading and summarising readfish output
- readflag — A package to solve the piphack challenge
- readgroup_platform_insertion — Insert a PL:<value> in @RGs in a BAM header
- readgssi — Python tool to read and plot Geophysical Survey Systems Incorporated (GSSI) radar data in DZT format
- readgv — no summary
- readii — A package to extract radiomic features!
- readily — Reading list generator
- ReadIM — Read and write native DaVis images and vectors filetypes VC7 and IM7
- readimc — Python package for reading imaging mass cytometry (IMC) files
- readin-ucinet — Read in UCINET file as pandas DF
- reading-gist — Reading list generator
- reading-helper — no summary
- reading-image — Reading Image is a text analysis tool for images files (png, jpg, jpeg) and pdf. The system will preform OCR on the document and return details of the text within. Examples of analysis include text strings, page location and entity analysis. Advanced OCR will also read and understand table formats, and translation is available to English from French.
- reading-impact-model — no summary
- reading-machine — A machine that reads texts analytically and syntopically.
- reading-parquet-file — To read the parquet file from azure blob storage
- reading163 — make it easy to use reading163
- reading4listeners — A deep-learning powered application which turns pdfs into audio files. Featuring ocr improvement and tts with inflection!
- readingbricks — Flask app for reading and searching notes from a personal knowledge base
- ReadingFilledForm — This is the main calling python script that will invoke the class to initiate the reading capability & display text from a formatted forms.
- readingpy — A small text file editing package
- readit — Readit - Command Line Bookmark Manager Tool
- readkeys — Python library to read from stdin a single char, keypress (with escape sequences) or line.
- readlargefile — Large text file reader.
- readlif — Fast Leica LIF file reader written in python
- readligo — Tools for reading LIGO data files
- readlike — GNU Readline-like line editing module
- readline0 — Pure Python, relatively-efficient reading of null-terminated lines
- readma — Readma? What's Readma?
- readmat — Helpful functions for loading .mat MATLAB files into Python. Most data types are supported.
- readmdict — readmdict (simple repacking of readmdict in mdict-analysis)
- readme — readme is a library for rendering "readme" descriptions for Warehouse
- readme-ation — A generation tool
- readme-builder — Create contextual files
- readme-check — Used to check readme
- readme-coverage-badger — automatically generates your project's coverage badge using the service, and then updates your README
- readme-docstring — generate README from python docstrings
- readme_executor — Module to execute tagged Python code blocks in Markdown files
- readme-gen — A simple package to generate README files for projects automatically.
- readme-generator — Very simple readme generator
- readme-helper — Helpers for generating README files
- readme-md — generator
- readme-md-docstrings — Update from Docstrings
- readme-metrics — ReadMe API Metrics SDK
- readme-page — A script to create a readme GitHub Page for your project.
- readme-patcher — Generate README files from templates. Allow input from functions calls and cli output.
- readme-preview — jupyter extension for previewing files
- readme-py — Python library to generate perfect READMEs